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Proposal for a coherent quantum memory for propagating microwave photons

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 نشر من قبل Nicolas Sangouard
 تاريخ النشر 2013
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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We describe a multi-mode quantum memory for propagating microwave photons that combines a solid-state spin ensemble resonantly coupled to a frequency tunable single-mode microwave cavity. We first show that high efficiency mapping of the quantum state transported by a free photon to the spin ensemble is possible both for strong and weak coupling between the cavity mode and the spin ensemble. We also show that even in the weak coupling limit unit efficiency and faithful retrieval can be obtained through time reversal inhomogeneous dephasing based on spin echo techniques. This is possible provided that the cavity containing the spin ensemble and the transmission line are impedance matched. We finally discuss the prospects for an experimental implementation using a rare-earth doped crystal coupled to a superconducting resonator.

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اقرأ أيضاً

We propose a simple circuit quantum electrodynamics (QED) experiment to test the generation of entanglement between two superconducting qubits. Instead of the usual cavity QED picture, we study qubits which are coupled to an open transmission line an d get entangled by the exchange of propagating photons. We compute their dynamics using a full quantum field theory beyond the rotating-wave approximation and explore a variety of regimes which go from a weak coupling to the recently introduced ultrastrong coupling regime. Due to the existence of single photons traveling along the line with finite speed, our theory shows a light cone dividing the spacetime in two different regions. In one region, entanglement may only arise due to correlated vacuum fluctuations, while in the other the contribution from exchanged photons shows up.
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Deterministic photon-photon gates enable the controlled generation of entanglement between mobile carriers of quantum information. Such gates have thus far been exclusively realized in the optical domain and by relying on post-selection. Here, we pre sent a non-post-selected, deterministic, photon-photon gate in the microwave frequency range realized using superconducting circuits. We emit photonic qubits from a source chip and route those qubits to a gate chip with which we realize a universal gate set by combining controlled absorption and re-emission with single-qubit gates and qubit-photon controlled-phase gates. We measure quantum process fidelities of $75,%$ for single- and of $57,%$ for two-qubit gates, limited mainly by radiation loss and decoherence. This universal gate set has a wide range of potential applications in superconducting quantum networks.
211 - L. Veissier 2012
We report on an experiment in which orbital angular momentum of light is mapped at the single-photon level into and out of a cold atomic ensemble. Based on the dynamic electromagnetically-induced transparency protocol, the demonstrated optical memory enables the reversible mapping of Laguerre-gaussian modes with preserved handedness of the helical phase structure. The demonstrated capability opens the possibility to the storage of qubits encoded as superpositions of orbital angular momentum states and to multi-dimensional light-matter interfacing.
Quantum memories matched to single photon sources will form an important cornerstone of future quantum network technology. We demonstrate such a memory in warm Rb vapor with on-demand storage and retrieval, based on electromagnetically induced transp arency. With an acceptance bandwidth of $delta f$ = 0.66~GHz the memory is suitable for single photons emitted by semiconductor quantum dots. In this regime, vapor cell memories offer an excellent compromise between storage efficiency, storage time, noise level, and experimental complexity, and atomic collisions have negligible influence on the optical coherences. Operation of the memory is demonstrated using attenuated laser pulses on the single photon level. For 50 ns storage time we measure $eta_{textrm{e2e}}^{textrm{50ns}} = 3.4(3)%$ emph{end-to-end efficiency} of the fiber-coupled memory, with an emph{total intrinsic efficiency} $eta_{textrm{int}} = 17(3)%$. Straightforward technological improvements can boost the end-to-end-efficiency to $eta_{textrm{e2e}} approx 35%$; beyond that increasing the optical depth and exploiting the Zeeman substructure of the atoms will allow such a memory to approach near unity efficiency. In the present memory, the unconditional readout noise level of $9cdot 10^{-3}$ photons is dominated by atomic fluorescence, and for input pulses containing on average $mu_{1}=0.27(4)$ photons the signal to noise level would be unity.
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