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Bounds on the critical line via transfer matrix methods for an Ising model coupled to causal dynamical triangulations

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 نشر من قبل Stefan Zohren
 تاريخ النشر 2013
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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We introduce a transfer matrix formalism for the (annealed) Ising model coupled to two-dimensional causal dynamical triangulations. Using the Krein-Rutman theory of positivity preserving operators we study several properties of the emerging transfer matrix. In particular, we determine regions in the quadrant of parameters beta, mu >0 where the infinite-volume free energy converges, yielding results on the convergence and asymptotic properties of the partition function and the Gibbs measure.

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اقرأ أيضاً

193 - Akira Sakai 2020
The lace expansion for the Ising two-point function was successfully derived in Sakai (Commun. Math. Phys., 272 (2007): 283--344). It is an identity that involves an alternating series of the lace-expansion coefficients. In the same paper, we claimed that the expansion coefficients obey certain diagrammatic bounds which imply faster $x$-space decay (as the two-point function cubed) above the critical dimension $d_c$ ($=4$ for finite-variance models), if the spin-spin coupling is ferromagnetic, translation-invariant, summable and symmetric with respect to the underlying lattice symmetries. However, we recently found a flaw in the proof of Lemma 4.2 in Sakai (2007), a key lemma to the aforementioned diagrammatic bounds. In this paper, we no longer use the problematic Lemma 4.2 of Sakai (2007), and prove new diagrammatic bounds on the expansion coefficients that are slightly more complicated than those in Proposition 4.1 of Sakai (2007) but nonetheless obey the same fast decay above the critical dimension $d_c$. Consequently, the lace-expansion results for the Ising and $varphi^4$ models so far are all saved. The proof is based on the random-current representation and its source-switching technique of Griffiths, Hurst and Sherman, combined with a double expansion: a lace expansion for the lace-expansion coefficients.
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262 - Martin Lohmann 2018
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