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Hybrid Optimized Back propagation Learning Algorithm For Multi-layer Perceptron

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 نشر من قبل Mriganka Chakraborty
 تاريخ النشر 2012
  مجال البحث الهندسة المعلوماتية
والبحث باللغة English

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Standard neural network based on general back propagation learning using delta method or gradient descent method has some great faults like poor optimization of error-weight objective function, low learning rate, instability .This paper introduces a hybrid supervised back propagation learning algorithm which uses trust-region method of unconstrained optimization of the error objective function by using quasi-newton method .This optimization leads to more accurate weight update system for minimizing the learning error during learning phase of multi-layer perceptron.[13][14][15] In this paper augmented line search is used for finding points which satisfies Wolfe condition. In this paper, This hybrid back propagation algorithm has strong global convergence properties & is robust & efficient in practice.

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152 - Yukun Yang 2020
Spiking neural networks (SNN) are usually more energy-efficient as compared to Artificial neural networks (ANN), and the way they work has a great similarity with our brain. Back-propagation (BP) has shown its strong power in training ANN in recent y ears. However, since spike behavior is non-differentiable, BP cannot be applied to SNN directly. Although prior works demonstrated several ways to approximate the BP-gradient in both spatial and temporal directions either through surrogate gradient or randomness, they omitted the temporal dependency introduced by the reset mechanism between each step. In this article, we target on theoretical completion and investigate the effect of the missing term thoroughly. By adding the temporal dependency of the reset mechanism, the new algorithm is more robust to learning-rate adjustments on a toy dataset but does not show much improvement on larger learning tasks like CIFAR-10. Empirically speaking, the benefits of the missing term are not worth the additional computational overhead. In many cases, the missing term can be ignored.
Graph neural networks (GNNs) have recently achieved state-of-the-art performance in many graph-based applications. Despite the high expressive power, they typically need to perform an expensive recursive neighborhood expansion in multiple training ep ochs and face a scalability issue. Moreover, most of them are inflexible since they are restricted to fixed-hop neighborhoods and insensitive to actual receptive field demands for different nodes. We circumvent these limitations by introducing a scalable and flexible Graph Attention Multilayer Perceptron (GAMLP). With the separation of the non-linear transformation and feature propagation, GAMLP significantly improves the scalability and efficiency by performing the propagation procedure in a pre-compute manner. With three principled receptive field attention, each node in GAMLP is flexible and adaptive in leveraging the propagated features over the different sizes of reception field. We conduct extensive evaluations on the three large open graph benchmarks (e.g., ogbn-papers100M, ogbn-products and ogbn-mag), demonstrating that GAMLP not only achieves the state-of-art performance, but also additionally provide high scalability and efficiency.
Thin-film solar cells are predominately designed similar to a stacked structure. Optimizing the layer thicknesses in this stack structure is crucial to extract the best efficiency of the solar cell. The commonplace method used in optimization simulat ions, such as for optimizing the optical spacer layers thicknesses, is the parameter sweep. Our simulation study shows that the implementation of a meta-heuristic method like the genetic algorithm results in a significantly faster and accurate search method when compared to the brute-force parameter sweep method in both single and multi-layer optimization. While other sweep methods can also outperform the brute-force method, they do not consistently exhibit $100%$ accuracy in the optimized results like our genetic algorithm. We have used a well-studied P3HT-based structure to test our algorithm. Our best-case scenario was observed to use $60.84%$ fewer simulations than the brute-force method.
155 - Ke Li , Renzhi Chen , Guangtao Fu 2017
When solving constrained multi-objective optimization problems, an important issue is how to balance convergence, diversity and feasibility simultaneously. To address this issue, this paper proposes a parameter-free constraint handling technique, two -archive evolutionary algorithm, for constrained multi-objective optimization. It maintains two co-evolving populations simultaneously: one, denoted as convergence archive, is the driving force to push the population toward the Pareto front; the other one, denoted as diversity archive, mainly tends to maintain the population diversity. In particular, to complement the behavior of the convergence archive and provide as much diversified information as possible, the diversity archive aims at exploring areas under-exploited by the convergence archive including the infeasible regions. To leverage the complementary effects of both archives, we develop a restricted mating selection mechanism that adaptively chooses appropriate mating parents from them according to their evolution status. Comprehensive experiments on a series of benchmark problems and a real-world case study fully demonstrate the competitiveness of our proposed algorithm, comparing to five state-of-the-art constrained evolutionary multi-objective optimizers.
Approaches to machine intelligence based on brain models have stressed the use of neural networks for generalization. Here we propose the use of a hybrid neural network architecture that uses two kind of neural networks simultaneously: (i) a surface learning agent that quickly adapt to new modes of operation; and, (ii) a deep learning agent that is very accurate within a specific regime of operation. The two networks of the hybrid architecture perform complementary functions that improve the overall performance. The performance of the hybrid architecture has been compared with that of back-propagation perceptrons and the CC and FC networks for chaotic time-series prediction, the CATS benchmark test, and smooth function approximation. It has been shown that the hybrid architecture provides a superior performance based on the RMS error criterion.
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