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On Cosmic No-hair in Bimetric Gravity and the Higuchi Bound

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 نشر من قبل Yuki Sakakihara
 تاريخ النشر 2012
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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We study the cosmic no-hair in the presence of spin-2 matter, i.e. in bimetric gravity. We obtain stable de Sitter solutions with the cosmological constant in the physical sector and find an evidence that the cosmic no-hair is correct. In the presence of the other cosmological constant, there are two branches of de Sitter solutions. Under anisotropic perturbations, one of them is always stable and there is no violation of the cosmic no-hair at the linear level. The stability of the other branch depends on parameters and the cosmic no-hair can be violated in general. Remarkably, the bifurcation point of two branches exactly coincides with the Higuchi bound. It turns out that there exists a de Sitter solution for which the cosmic no-hair holds at the linear level and the effective mass for the anisotropic perturbations is above the Higuchi bound.

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108 - Dieter Lust , Eran Palti 2019
In this brief note we consider the interaction between high spin excitations in string theory along the Regge trajectory and the Higuchi bound in de Sitter space. There is always a point along the Regge trajectory where the Higuchi bound is violated. However, this point precisely coincides with a string whose length is of order the de Sitter Hubble scale. String theory therefore manifests no immediate inconsistency as long as the string scale $M_s$ is above the Hubble scale $H$. However, an implication is that the Regge trajectory must be significantly modified at some ultraviolet scale. Insisting that this modification should occur no earlier than the Planck scale would lead to a bound on the string scale of $M_s > sqrt{H M_p}$.
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