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Asymptotic shape of small cells

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 نشر من قبل Christoph Thaele
 تاريخ النشر 2012
  مجال البحث
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A stationary Poisson line tessellation is considered whose directional distribution is concentrated on two different atoms with some positive weights. The shape of the typical cell of such a tessellation is studied when its area or its perimeter tends to zero. In contrast to known results where the area or the perimeter tends to infinity, it is shown that the asymptotic shape of cells having small area is degenerate. Again in contrast to the case of large cells, the asymptotic shape of cells with small perimeter is not uniquely determined. The results are accompanied by a large scale simulation study.

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In this work, we study a new recursive stochastic algorithm for the joint estimation of quantile and superquantile of an unknown distribution. The novelty of this algorithm is to use the Cesaro averaging of the quantile estimation inside the recursiv e approximation of the superquantile. We provide some sharp non-asymptotic bounds on the quadratic risk of the superquantile estimator for different step size sequences. We also prove new non-asymptotic $L^p$-controls on the Robbins Monro algorithm for quantile estimation and its averaged version. Finally, we derive a central limit theorem of our joint procedure using the diffusion approximation point of view hidden behind our stochastic algorithm.
266 - Shui Feng , Fuqing Gao 2009
The two-parameter Poisson-Dirichlet distribution is the law of a sequence of decreasing nonnegative random variables with total sum one. It can be constructed from stable and Gamma subordinators with the two-parameters, $alpha$ and $theta$, correspon ding to the stable component and Gamma component respectively. The moderate deviation principles are established for the two-parameter Poisson-Dirichlet distribution and the corresponding homozygosity when $theta$ approaches infinity, and the large deviation principle is established for the two-parameter Poisson-Dirichlet distribution when both $alpha$ and $theta$ approach zero.
105 - Zhijian He , Lingjiong Zhu 2017
Recently, He and Owen (2016) proposed the use of Hilberts space filling curve (HSFC) in numerical integration as a way of reducing the dimension from $d>1$ to $d=1$. This paper studies the asymptotic normality of the HSFC-based estimate when using sc rambled van der Corput sequence as input. We show that the estimate has an asymptotic normal distribution for functions in $C^1([0,1]^d)$, excluding the trivial case of constant functions. The asymptotic normality also holds for discontinuous functions under mild conditions. It was previously known only that scrambled $(0,m,d)$-net quadratures enjoy the asymptotic normality for smooth enough functions, whose mixed partial gradients satisfy a Holder condition. As a by-product, we find lower bounds for the variance of the HSFC-based estimate. Particularly, for nontrivial functions in $C^1([0,1]^d)$, the low bound is of order $n^{-1-2/d}$, which matches the rate of the upper bound established in He and Owen (2016).
A general asymptotic theory is given for the panel data AR(1) model with time series independent in different cross sections. The theory covers the cases of stationary process, nearly non-stationary process, unit root process, mildly integrated, mild ly explosive and explosive processes. It is assumed that the cross-sectional dimension and time-series dimension are respectively $N$ and $T$. The results in this paper illustrate that whichever the process is, with an appropriate regularization, the least squares estimator of the autoregressive coefficient converges to a normal distribution with rate at least $O(N^{-1/3})$. Since the variance is the key to characterize the normal distribution, it is important to discuss the variance of the least squares estimator. We will show that when the autoregressive coefficient $rho$ satisfies $|rho|<1$, the variance declines at the rate $O((NT)^{-1/2})$, while the rate changes to $O(N^{-1/2}T^{-1})$ when $rho=1$ and $O(N^{-1/2}rho^{-T+2})$ when $|rho|>1$. $rho=1$ is the critical point where the convergence rate changes radically. The transition process is studied by assuming $rho$ depending on $T$ and going to $1$. An interesting phenomenon discovered in this paper is that, in the explosive case, the least squares estimator of the autoregressive coefficient has a standard normal limiting distribution in panel data case while it may not has a limiting distribution in univariate time series case.
183 - Joel L. Horowitz 2018
This paper presents a simple method for carrying out inference in a wide variety of possibly nonlinear IV models under weak assumptions. The method is non-asymptotic in the sense that it provides a finite sample bound on the difference between the tr ue and nominal probabilities of rejecting a correct null hypothesis. The method is a non-Studentized version of the Anderson-Rubin test but is motivated and analyzed differently. In contrast to the conventional Anderson-Rubin test, the method proposed here does not require restrictive distributional assumptions, linearity of the estimated model, or simultaneous equations. Nor does it require knowledge of whether the instruments are strong or weak. It does not require testing or estimating the strength of the instruments. The method can be applied to quantile IV models that may be nonlinear and can be used to test a parametric IV model against a nonparametric alternative. The results presented here hold in finite samples, regardless of the strength of the instruments.
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