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Dual Fermion Method for Disordered Electronic Systems

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 نشر من قبل Hanna Terletska
 تاريخ النشر 2012
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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While the coherent potential approximation (CPA) is the prevalent method for the study of disordered electronic systems, it fails to capture non-local correlations and Anderson localization. To incorporate such effects, we extend the dual fermion approach to disordered non-interacting systems using the replica method. Results for single- and two- particle quantities show good agreement with cluster extensions of the CPA; moreover, weak localization is captured. As a natural extension of the CPA, our method presents an alternative to the existing cluster theories. It can be used in various applications, including the study of disordered interacting systems, or for the description of non-local effects in electronic structure calculations.

قيم البحث

اقرأ أيضاً

We generalize the recently introduced dual fermion (DF) formalism for disordered fermion systems by including the effect of interactions. For an interacting disordered system the contributions to the full vertex function have to be separated into ela stic and inelastic scattering processes, and addressed differently when constructing the DF diagrams. By applying our approach to the Anderson-Falicov-Kimball model and systematically restoring the nonlocal correlations in the DF lattice calculation, we show a significant improvement over the Dynamical Mean-Field Theory and the Coherent Potential Approximation for both one-particle and two-particle quantities.
To reduce the rapidly growing computational cost of the dual fermion lattice calculation with increasing system size, we introduce two embedding schemes. One is the real fermion embedding, and the other is the dual fermion embedding. Our numerical te sts show that the real fermion and dual fermion embedding approaches converge to essentially the same result. The application on the Anderson disorder and Hubbard models shows that these embedding algorithms converge more quickly with system size as compared to the conventional dual fermion method, for the calculation of both single-particle and two-particle quantities.
We investigate the effects of weak to moderate disorder on the T=0 Mott metal-insulator transition in two dimensions. Our model calculations demonstrate that the electronic states close to the Fermi energy become more spatially homogeneous in the cri tical region. Remarkably, the higher energy states show the opposite behavior: they display enhanced spatial inhomogeneity precisely in the close vicinity to the Mott transition. We suggest that such energy-resolved disorder screening is a generic property of disordered Mott systems.
We numerically investigate the momentum-space entanglement entropy and entanglement spectrum of the random-dimer model and its generalizations, which circumvent Anderson localization, after a quench in the Hamiltonian parameters. The type of dynamics that occurs depends on whether or not the Fermi level of the initial state is near the energy of the delocalized states present in these models. If the Fermi level of the initial state is near the energy of the delocalized states, we observe an interesting slow logarithmic-like growth of the momentum-space entanglement entropy followed by an eventual saturation. Otherwise, the momentum-space entanglement entropy is found to rapidly saturate. We also find that the momentum-space entanglement spectrum reveals the presence of delocalized states in these models for long times after the quench and the many-body entanglement gap decays logarithmically in time when the Fermi level is near the energy of the delocalized states.
We study a quantum particle coupled to hard-core bosons and propagating on disordered ladders with $R$ legs. The particle dynamics is studied with the help of rate equations for the boson-assisted transitions between the Anderson states. We demonstra te that for finite $R < infty$ and sufficiently strong disorder the dynamics is subdiffusive, while the two-dimensional planar systems with $Rto infty$ appear to be diffusive for arbitrarily strong disorder. The transition from diffusive to subdiffusive regimes may be identified via statistical fluctuations of resistivity. The corresponding distribution function in the diffusive regime has fat tails which decrease with the system size $L$ much slower than $1/sqrt{L}$. Finally, we present evidence that similar non--Gaussian fluctuations arise also in standard models of many-body localization, i.e., in strongly disordered quantum spin chains.
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