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Some inequalities in the fidelity approach to phase transitions

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 نشر من قبل Jordan Brankov
 تاريخ النشر 2012
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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We present some aspects of the fidelity approach to phase transitions based on lower and upper bounds on the fidelity susceptibility that are expressed in terms of thermodynamic quantities. Both commutative and non commutative cases are considered. In the commutative case, in addition, a relation between the fidelity and the nonequilibrium work done on the system in a process from an equilibrium initial state to an equilibrium final state has been obtained by using the Jarzynski equality.

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اقرأ أيضاً

We analyze the scaling behavior of the fidelity, and the corresponding susceptibility, emerging in finite-size many-body systems whenever a given control parameter $lambda$ is varied across a quantum phase transition. For this purpose we consider a f inite-size scaling (FSS) framework. Our working hypothesis is based on a scaling assumption of the fidelity in terms of the FSS variables associated to $lambda$ and to its variation $delta lambda$. This framework entails the FSS predictions for continuous transitions, and meanwhile enables to extend them to first-order transitions, where the FSS becomes qualitatively different. The latter is supported by analytical and numerical analyses of the quantum Ising chain along its first-order quantum transition line, driven by an external longitudinal field.
121 - Michael Kastner 2010
Nonanalyticities of thermodynamic functions are studied by adopting an approach based on stationary points of the potential energy. For finite systems, each stationary point is found to cause a nonanalyticity in the microcanonical entropy, and the fu nctional form of this nonanalytic term is derived explicitly. With increasing system size, the order of the nonanalytic term grows, leading to an increasing differentiability of the entropy. It is found that only asymptotically flat stationary points may cause a nonanalyticity that survives in the thermodynamic limit, and this property is used to derive an analytic criterion establishing the existence or absence of phase transitions. We sketch how this result can be employed to analytically compute transition energies of classical spin models.
We use the fidelity approach to quantum critical points to study the zero temperature phase diagram of the one-dimensional Hubbard model. Using a variety of analytical and numerical techniques, we analyze the fidelity metric in various regions of the phase diagram, with particular care to the critical points. Specifically we show that close to the Mott transition, taking place at on-site repulsion U=0 and electron density n=1, the fidelity metric satisfies an hyper-scaling form which we calculate. This implies that in general, as one approaches the critical point U=0, n=1, the fidelity metric tends to a limit which depends on the path of approach. At half filling, the fidelity metric is expected to diverge as U^{-4} when U is sent to zero.
Fidelity approach has been widely used to detect various types of quantum phase transitions, including some that are beyond the Landau symmetry breaking theory, in condensed matter models. However, challenges remain in locating the transition points with precision in several models with unconventional phases such as the quantum spin liquid phase in spin-1 Kitaev-Heisenberg model. In this work, we propose a novel approach, which we named the fidelity map, to detect quantum phase transitions with higher accuracy and sensitivity as compared to the conventional fidelity measures. Our scheme extends the fidelity concept from a single dimension quantity to a multi-dimensional quantity, and use a meta-heuristic algorithm to search for the critical points that globally maximized the fidelity within each phase. We test the scheme in three interacting condensed matter models, namely the spin-1 Kitaev Heisenberg model which consists of the quantum spin liquid phase and the topological Haldane phase, the spin-1/2 XXZ model which possesses a Berezinskii-Kosterlitz-Thouless transition, and the Su-Schrieffer-Heeger model that exhibits a topological quantum phase transition. The result shows that the fidelity map can capture a wide range of phase transitions accurately, thus providing a new tool to study phase transitions in unseen models without prior knowledge of the systems symmetry.
We study the nonequilibrium dynamics of the extended toric code model (both ordered and disordered) to probe the existence of the dynamical quantum phase transitions (DQPTs). We show that in the case of the ordered toric code model, the zeros of Losc hmidt overlap (generalized partition function) occur at critical times when DQPTs occur, which is confirmed by the nonanalyticities in the dynamical counter-part of the free-energy density. Moreover, we show that DQPTs occur for any non-zero field strength if the initial state is the excited state of the toric code model. In the disordered case, we show that it is imperative to study the behavior of the first time derivative of the dynamical free-energy density averaged over all the possible configurations, to characterize the occurrence of a DQPTs in the disordered toric code model since the disorder parameter itself acts as a new artificial dimension. We also show that for the case where anyonic excitations are present in the initial state, the conditions for a DQPTs to occur are the same as what happens in the absence of any excitation.
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