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A new HST/Herschel deep field at the North Ecliptic Pole: preparing the way for JWST, SPICA and Euclid

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 نشر من قبل Stephen Serjeant
 تاريخ النشر 2012
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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We propose a co-ordinated multi-observatory survey at the North Ecliptic Pole. This field is the natural extragalactic deep field location for most space observatories (e.g. containing the deepest Planck, WISE and eROSITA data), is in the continuous viewing zones for e.g. Herschel, HST, JWST, and is a natural high-visibility field for the L2 halo orbit of SPICA with deep and wide-field legacy surveys already planned. The field is also a likely deep survey location for the forthcoming Euclid mission. It is already a multi-wavelength legacy field in its own right (e.g. AKARI, LOFAR, SCUBA-2): the outstanding and unparalleled continuous mid-IR photometric coverage in this field and nowhere else enables a wide range of galaxy evolution diagnostics unachievable in any other survey field, by spanning the wavelengths of redshifted PAH and silicate features and the peak energy output of AGN hot dust. We argue from the science needs of Euclid and JWST, and from the comparative multiwavelength depths, that the logical approach is (1) a deep (H-UDF) UV/optical tile in the NEP over ~10 square arcminutes, and (2) an overlapping wide-field UV/optical HST survey tier covering >100 square arcminutes, with co-ordinated submm SPIRE mapping up to or beyond the submm point source confusion limit over a wider area and PACS data over the shallower HST tier.

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A detailed analysis of Herschel-PACS observations at the North Ecliptic Pole is presented. High quality maps, covering an area of 0.44 square degrees, are produced and then used to derive potential candidate source lists. A rigorous quality control p ipeline has been used to create final legacy catalogues in the PACS Green 100 micron and Red 160 micron bands, containing 1384 and 630 sources respectively. These catalogues reach to more than twice the depth of the current archival Herschel/PACS Point Source Catalogue, detecting 400 and 270 more sources in the short and long wavelength bands respectively. Galaxy source counts are constructed that extend down to flux densities of 6mJy and 19mJy (50% completeness) in the Green 100 micron and Red 160 micron bands respectively. These source counts are consistent with previously published PACS number counts in other fields across the sky. The source counts are then compared with a galaxy evolution model identifying a population of luminous infrared galaxies as responsible for the bulk of the galaxy evolution over the flux range (5-100mJy) spanned by the observed counts, contributing approximate fractions of 50% and 60% to the cosmic infrared background (CIRB) at 100 microns and 160 microns respectively.
We have used the ROSAT All-Sky Survey to detect a known supercluster at z=0.087 in the North Ecliptic Pole region. The X-ray data greatly improve our understanding of this superclusters characteristics, approximately doubling our knowledge of the str uctures spatial extent and tripling the cluster/group membership compared to the optical discovery data. The supercluster is a rich structure consisting of at least 21 galaxy clusters and groups, 12 AGN, 61 IRAS galaxies, and various other objects. A majority of these components were discovered with the X-ray data, but the supercluster is also robustly detected in optical, IR, and UV wavebands. Extending 129 x 102 x 67 (1/h50 Mpc)^3, the North Ecliptic Pole Supercluster has a flattened shape oriented nearly edge-on to our line-of-sight. Owing to the softness of the ROSAT X-ray passband and the deep exposure over a large solid angle, we have detected for the first time a significant population of X-ray emitting galaxy groups in a supercluster. These results demonstrate the effectiveness of X-ray observations with contiguous coverage for studying structure in the Universe.
We describe the selection of the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) North Ecliptic Pole (NEP) Time-Domain Field (TDF), a ~14 diameter field located within JWSTs northern Continuous Viewing Zone (CVZ) and centered at (RA, Dec)_J2000 = (17:22:47.896, +6 5:49:21.54). We demonstrate that this is the only region in the sky where JWST can observe a clean (i.e., free of bright foreground stars and with low Galactic foreground extinction) extragalactic deep survey field of this size at arbitrary cadence or at arbitrary orientation, and without a penalty in terms of a raised Zodiacal background. This will crucially enable a wide range of new and exciting time-domain science, including high redshift transient searches and monitoring (e.g., SNe), variability studies from Active Galactic Nuclei (AGN) to brown dwarf atmospheres, as well as proper motions of possibly extreme scattered Kuiper Belt and Inner Oort Cloud Objects, and of nearby Galactic brown dwarfs, low-mass stars, and ultracool white dwarfs. A JWST/NIRCam+NIRISS GTO program will provide an initial 0.8--5.0micron spectrophotometric characterization to m_AB ~ 28.8+/-0.3 mag of four orthogonal spokes within this field. The multi-wavelength (radio through X-ray) context of the field is in hand (ground-based near-UV--visible--near-IR), in progress (VLA 3GHz, VLBA 5GHz, HST UV--visible, Chandra X-ray, IRAM30m 1.3 and 2mm), or scheduled (JCMT 850micron). We welcome and encourage ground- and space-based follow-up of the initial GTO observations and ancillary data, to realize its potential as an ideal JWST time-domain community field.
127 - H. Nayyeri , N. Ghotbi , A. Cooray 2017
We present a photometric catalog for Spitzer Space Telescope warm mission observations of the North Ecliptic Pole (NEP; centered at $rm R.A.=18^h00^m00^s$, $rm Decl.=66^d33^m38^s.552$). The observations are conducted with IRAC in 3.6 $mu$m and 4.5 $m u$m bands over an area of 7.04 deg$^2$ reaching 1$sigma$ depths of 1.29 $mu$Jy and 0.79 $mu$Jy in the 3.6 $mu$m and 4.5 $mu$m bands respectively. The photometric catalog contains 380,858 sources with 3.6 $mu$m and 4.5 $mu$m band photometry over the full-depth NEP mosaic. Point source completeness simulations show that the catalog is 80% complete down to 19.7 AB. The accompanying catalog can be utilized in constraining the physical properties of extra-galactic objects, studying the AGN population, measuring the infrared colors of stellar objects, and studying the extra-galactic infrared background light.
253 - V. Buat , N. Oi , S. Heinis 2015
(Abridged) We aim to study the evolution of dust attenuation in galaxies selected in the IR in the redshift range in which they are known to dominate the star formation activity in the universe. The comparison with other measurements of dust attenuat ion in samples selected using different criteria will give us a global picture of the attenuation at work in star-forming galaxies and its evolution with redshift. Using multiple filters of IRC instrument, we selected more than 4000 galaxies from their rest-frame emission at 8 microns, from z~0.2 to 2$. We built SEDs from the rest-frame UV to the far-IR by adding data in the optical-NIR and from GALEX and Herschel surveys. We fit SEDs with the physically-motivated code CIGALE. We test different templates for AGNs and recipes for dust attenuation and estimate stellar masses, SFRs, amount of dust attenuation, and AGN contribution to the total IR luminosity. The AGN contribution to the total IR luminosity is found to be on average approximately 10% with a slight increase with redshift. Dust attenuation in galaxies dominating the IR luminosity function is found to increase from z=0 to z=1 and to remain almost constant from z=1 to z=1.5. Conversely, when galaxies are selected at a fixed IR luminosity, their dust attenuation slightly decreases as redshift increases but with a large dispersion. The attenuation in our mid-IR selected sample is found ~ 2 mag higher than that found globally in the universe or in UV and Halpha line selections in the same redshift range. This difference is well explained by an increase of dust attenuation with the stellar mass, in global agreement with other recent studies. Starbursting galaxies do not systematically exhibit a high attenuation
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