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Cooper minima in the transitions from low-excited and Rydberg states of alkali-metal atoms

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 نشر من قبل Ilya Beterov
 تاريخ النشر 2012
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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The structure of the Cooper minima in the transition probabilities and photoionization cross-sections for low-excited and Rydberg nS, nP, nD and nF states of alkali-metal atoms has been studied using a Coulomb approximation and a quasiclassical model. The range of applicability of the quasiclassical model has been defined from comparison with available experimental and theoretical data on dipole moments, oscillator strengths, and photoionization cross-sections. A new Cooper minimum for transitions between rubidium Rydberg states has been found.

قيم البحث

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We study the van der Waals interaction between Rydberg alkali-metal atoms with fine structure ($n^2L_j$; $Lleq 2$) and heteronuclear alkali-metal dimers in the ground rovibrational state ($X^1Sigma^+$; $v=0$, $J=0$). We compute the associated $C_6$ d ispersion coefficients of atom-molecule pairs involving $^{133}$Cs and $^{85}$Rb atoms interacting with KRb, LiCs, LiRb, and RbCs molecules. The obtained dispersion coefficients can be accurately fitted to a state-dependent polynomial $O(n^7)$ over the range of principal quantum numbers $40leq nleq 150$. For all atom-molecule pairs considered, Rydberg states $n^2S_j$ and $n^2P_j$ result in attractive $1/R^6$ potentials. In contrast, $n^2D_j$ states can give rise to repulsive potentials for specific atom-molecule pairs. The interaction energy at the LeRoy distance approximately scales as $n^{-5}$ for $n>40$. For intermediate values of $nlesssim40$, both repulsive and attractive interaction energies in the order of $ 10-100 ,mu$K can be achieved with specific atomic and molecular species. The accuracy of the reported $C_6$ coefficients is limited by the quality of the atomic quantum defects, with relative errors $Delta C_6/C_6$ estimated to be no greater than 1% on average.
We report the observation of dipole-forbidden, but quadrupole-allowed, one-photon transitions to high Rydberg states in Rb. Using pulsed UV excitation of ultracold atoms in a magneto-optical trap, we excite $5s to nd$ transitions over a range of prin cipal quantum numbers $n=27-59$. Compared to dipole-allowed (E1) transitions from $5s to np$, these E2 transitions are weaker by a factor of approximately 2000. We also report measurements of the anomalous $np_{3/2} : np_{1/2}$ fine-structure transition strength ratio for $n=28-75$. Both results are in agreement with theoretical predictions.
We present a joint experimental and theoretical study of spin coherence properties of 39K, 85Rb, 87Rb, and 133Cs atoms trapped in a solid parahydrogen matrix. We use optical pumping to prepare the spin states of the implanted atoms and circular dichr oism to measure their spin states. Optical pumping signals show order-of-magnitude differences depending on both matrix growth conditions and atomic species. We measure the ensemble transverse relaxation times (T2*) of the spin states of the alkali-metal atoms. Different alkali species exhibit dramatically different T2* times, ranging from sub-microsecond coherence times for high mF states of 87Rb, to ~100 microseconds for 39K. These are the longest ensemble T2* times reported for an electron spin system at high densities (n > 10^16 cm^-3). To interpret these observations, we develop a theory of inhomogenous broadening of hyperfine transitions of ^2S atoms in weakly-interacting solid matrices. Our calculated ensemble transverse relaxation times agree well with experiment, and suggest ways to longer coherence times in future work.
We explore the properties of 3-atom complexes of alkali-metal diatomic molecules with alkali-metal atoms, which may be formed in ultracold collisions. We estimate the densities of vibrational states at the energy of atom-diatom collisions, and find v alues ranging from 2.2 to 350~K$^{-1}$. However, this density does not account for electronic near-degeneracy or electron and nuclear spins. We consider the fine and hyperfine structure expected for such complexes. The Fermi contact interaction between electron and nuclear spins can cause spin exchange between atomic and molecular spins. It can drive inelastic collisions, with resonances of three distinct types, each with a characteristic width and peak height in the inelastic rate coefficient. Some of these resonances are broad enough to overlap and produce a background loss rate that is approximately proportional to the number of outgoing inelastic channels. Spin exchange can increase the density of states from which laser-induced loss may occur.
Pulsed field ionization of high-$n$ (90 $leq n leq$ 150) manifold states in Rb Rydberg atoms has been investigated in high slew-rate regime. Two peaks in the field ionization spectra were systematically observed for the investigated $n$ region, where the field values at the lower peak do not almost depend on the excitation energy in the manifold, while those at the higher peak increase with increasing excitation energy. The fraction of the higher peak component to the total ionization signals increases with increasing $n$, exceeding 80% at $n$ = 147. Characteristic behavior of the peak component and the comparison with theoretical predictions indicate that the higher peak component is due to the tunneling process. The obtained results show for the first time that the tunneling process plays increasingly the dominant role at such highly excited nonhydrogenic Rydberg atoms.
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