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Nonlinear amplification of coherent waves in media with soliton-type refractive index pattern

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 نشر من قبل Robert Conte
 تاريخ النشر 2012
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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We derive the complex Ginzburg-Landau equation for the dynamical self-diffraction of optical waves in a nonlinear cavity. The case of the reflection geometry of wave interaction as well as a medium that possesses the cubic nonlinearity (including a local and a nonlocal nonlinear responses) and the relaxation is considered. A stable localized spatial structure in the form of a dark dissipative soliton is formed in the cavity in the steady state. The envelope of the intensity pattern, as well as of the dynamical grating amplitude, takes the shape of a $tanh$ function. The obtained complex Ginzburg-Landau equation describes the dynamics of this envelope, at the same time the evolution of this spatial structure changes the parameters of the output waves. New effects are predicted in this system due to the transformation of the dissipative soliton which takes place during the interaction of a pulse with a continuous wave, such as: retention of the pulse shape during the transmission of impulses in a long nonlinear cavity; giant amplification of a seed pulse, which takes energy due to redistribution of the pump continuous energy into the signal.

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اقرأ أيضاً

We consider the interplay between nonlocal nonlinearity and randomness for two different nonlinear Schrodinger models. We show that stability of bright solitons in presence of random perturbations increases dramatically with the nonlocality-induced f inite correlation length of the noise in the transverse plane, by means of both numerical simulations and analytical estimates. In fact, solitons are practically insensitive to noise when the correlation length of the noise becomes comparable to the extent of the wave packet. We characterize soliton stability using two different criteria based on the evolution of the Hamiltonian of the soliton and its power. The first criterion allows us to estimate a time (or distance) over which the soliton preserves its form. The second criterion gives the life-time of the solitary wave packet in terms of its radiative power losses. We derive a simplified mean field approach which allows us to calculate the power loss analytically in the physically relevant case of weakly correlated noise, which in turn serves as a lower estimate of the life-time for correlated noise in general case.
Soliton gases represent large random soliton ensembles in physical systems that display integrable dynamics at the leading order. Despite significant theoretical developments and observational evidence of ubiquity of soliton gases in fluids and optic al media their controlled experimental realization has been missing. We report the first controlled synthesis of a dense soliton gas in deep-water surface gravity waves using the tools of nonlinear spectral theory (inverse scattering transform (IST)) for the one-dional focusing nonlinear Schrodinger equation. The soliton gas is experimentally generated in a one-dimensional water tank where we demonstrate that we can control and measure the density of states, i. e. the probability density function parametrizing the soliton gas in the IST spectral phase space. Nonlinear spectral analysis of the generated hydrodynamic soliton gas reveals that the density of states slowly changes under the influence of perturbative higher-order effects that break the integrability of the wave dynamics.
The generation of high-intensity optical fields from harmonic-wave photons, interacting via a cross-phase modulation with dark solitons both propagating in a Kerr nonlinear medium, is examined. The focus is on a pump consisting of time-entangled dark -soliton patterns, forming a periodic waveguide along the path of the harmonic-wave probe. It is shown that an increase of the strength of cross-phase modulation respective to the self-phase modulation, favors soliton-mode proliferation in the bound-state spectrum of the trapped harmonic-wave probe. The induced soliton modes, which display the structures of periodic soliton lattices, are not just rich in numbers, they also form a great diversity of population of soliton crystals with a high degree of degeneracy.
We study numerically the integrable turbulence developing from strongly nonlinear partially coherent waves, in the framework of the focusing one-dimensional nonlinear Schrodinger equation. We find that shortly after the beginning of motion the turbul ence enters a state characterized by a very slow evolution of statistics (the quasi-stationary state - QSS), and we concentrate on the detailed examination of the basic statistical functions in this state depending on the shape and the width of the initial spectrum. In particular, we show that the probability density function (PDF) of wavefield intensity is nearly independent of the initial spectrum and is very well approximated by a certain Bessel function representing an integral of the product of two exponential distributions. The PDF corresponds to the value of the second-order moment of intensity equal to 4, indicating enhanced generation of rogue waves. All waves of large amplitude that we have studied are very well approximated - both in space and in time - by the rational breather solutions of either the first (the Peregrine breather), or the second orders.
The small dispersion limit of the focusing nonlinear Schrodinger equation with periodic initial conditions is studied analytically and numerically. First, through a comprehensive set of numerical simulations, it is demonstrated that solutions arising from a certain class of initial conditions, referred to as periodic single-lobe potentials, share the same qualitative features, which also coincide with those of solutions arising from localized initial conditions. The spectrum of the associated scattering problem in each of these cases is then numerically computed, and it is shown that such spectrum is confined to the real and imaginary axes of the spectral variable in the semiclassical limit. This implies that all nonlinear excitations emerging from the input have zero velocity, and form a coherent nonlinear condensate. Finally, by employing a formal Wentzel-Kramers-Brillouin expansion for the scattering eigenfunctions, asymptotic expressions for the number and location of the bands and gaps in the spectrum are obtained, as well as corresponding expressions for the relative band widths and the number of effective solitons. These results are shown to be in excellent agreement with those from direct numerical computation of the eigenfunctions. In particular, a scaling law is obtained showing that the number of effective solitons is inversely proportional to the small dispersion parameter.
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