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Splinter Session Solar and Stellar Flares

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 نشر من قبل Lyndsay Fletcher
 تاريخ النشر 2012
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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This summary reports on papers presented at the Cool Stars-16 meeting in the splinter session Solar and Stellar flares. Although many topics were discussed, the main themes were the commonality of interests, and of physics, between the solar and stellar flare communities, and the opportunities for important new observations in the near future.

قيم البحث

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Accurate stellar ages remain one of the most poorly constrained, but most desired, astronomical quantities. Here we briefly summarize some recent efforts to improve the stellar age scale from a subset of talks from the ``Stellar Ages splinter session at the 14th Cambridge Workshop on Cool Stars, Stellar Systems and the Sun. The topics discussed include both the apparent successes and alarming discrepancies in using Li depletion to age-date clusters, sources of uncertainty in ages due to input physics in evolutionary models, and recent results from asteroseismology and gyrochronology.
199 - Adam J. Burgasser 2012
Kinematic investigations are being increasingly deployed in studies of the lowest mass stars and brown dwarfs to investigate their origins, characterize their atmospheres, and examine the evolution of their physical parameters. This article summarize s the contributions made at the Kinematics of Very Low Mass Dwarfs Splinter Session. Results discussed include analysis of kinematic distributions of M, L and T dwarfs; theoretical tools for interpreting these distributions; identifications of very low mass halo dwarfs and wide companions to nearby stars; radial velocity variability among young and very cool brown dwarfs; and the search and identification of M dwarfs in young moving groups. A summary of discussion points at the conclusion of the Splinter is also presented.
The broadening of the hydrogen lines during flares is thought to result from increased charge (electron, proton) density in the flare chromosphere. However, disagreements between theory and modeling prescriptions have precluded an accurate diagnostic of the degree of ionization and compression resulting from flare heating in the chromosphere. To resolve this issue, we have incorporated the unified theory of electric pressure broadening of the hydrogen lines into the non-LTE radiative transfer code RH. This broadening prescription produces a much more realistic spectrum of the quiescent, A0 star Vega compared to the analytic approximations used as a damping parameter in the Voigt profiles. We test recent radiative-hydrodynamic (RHD) simulations of the atmospheric response to high nonthermal electron beam fluxes with the new broadening prescription and find that the Balmer lines are over-broadened at the densest times in the simulations. Adding many simultaneously heated and cooling model loops as a multithread model improves the agreement with the observations. We revisit the three-component phenomenological flare model of the YZ CMi Megaflare using recent and new RHD models. The evolution of the broadening, line flux ratios, and continuum flux ratios are well-reproduced by a multithread model with high-flux nonthermal electron beam heating, an extended decay phase model, and a hot spot atmosphere heated by an ultrarelativistic electron beam with reasonable filling factors: 0.1%, 1%, and 0.1% of the visible stellar hemisphere, respectively. The new modeling motivates future work to understand the origin of the extended gradual phase emission.
A white paper prepared for the Space Studies Board, National Academy of Sciences (USA), for its Decadal Survey of Solar and Space Physics (Heliophysics), reviewing and encouraging studies of flare physics in the chromosphere.
156 - Lyndsay Fletcher 2010
The emphasis of observational and theoretical flare studies in the last decade or two has been on the flare corona, and attention has shifted substantially away from the flares chromospheric aspects. However, although the pre-flare energy is stored i n the corona, the radiative flare is primarily a chromospheric phenomenon, and its chromospheric emission presents a wealth of diagnostics for the thermal and non-thermal components of the flare. I will here review the chromospheric signatures of flare energy release and the problems thrown up by the application of these diagnostics in the context of the standard flare model. I will present some ideas about the transport of energy to the chromosphere by other means, and calculations of the electron acceleration that one might expect in one such model.
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