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Spatially resolved stellar, dust and gas properties of the post-interacting Whirlpool Galaxy system

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 نشر من قبل Erin Mentuch
 تاريخ النشر 2012
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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Using infrared imaging from the Herschel Space Observatory, observed as part of the VNGS, we investigate the spatially resolved dust properties of the interacting Whirlpool galaxy system (NGC 5194 and NGC 5195), on physical scales of 1 kpc. Spectral energy distribution modelling of the new infrared images in combination with archival optical, near- through mid-infrared images confirms that both galaxies underwent a burst of star formation ~370-480 Myr ago and provides spatially resolved maps of the stellar and dust mass surface densities. The resulting average dust-to-stellar mass ratios are comparable to other spiral and spheroidal galaxies studied with Herschel, with NGC 5194 at log M(dust)/M(star)= -2.5+/-0.2 and NGC 5195 at log M(dust)/M(star)= -3.5+/-0.3. The dust-to-stellar mass ratio is constant across NGC 5194 suggesting the stellar and dust components are coupled. In contrast, the mass ratio increases with radius in NGC 5195 with decreasing stellar mass density. Archival mass surface density maps of the neutral and molecular hydrogen gas are also folded into our analysis. The gas-to-dust mass ratio, 94+/-17, is relatively constant across NGC 5194. Somewhat surprisingly, we find the dust in NGC 5195 is heated by a strong interstellar radiation field, over 20 times that of the ISRF in the Milky Way, resulting in relatively high characteristic dust temperatures (~30 K). This post-starburst galaxy contains a substantial amount of low-density molecular gas and displays a gas-to-dust ratio (73+/-35) similar to spiral galaxies. It is unclear why the dust in NGC 5195 is heated to such high temperatures as there is no star formation in the galaxy and its active galactic nucleus is 5-10 times less luminous than the one in NGC 5194, which exhibits only a modest enhancement in the amplitude of its ISRF.

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اقرأ أيضاً

We present Integral Field Spectroscopy (IFS) of NGC 595, one of the most luminous HII regions in M33. This type of observations allows studying the variation of the principal emission-line ratios across the surface of the nebula. At each position of the field of view, we fit the main emission-line features of the spectrum within the spectral range 3650-6990A, and create maps of the principal emission-line ratios for the total surface of the region. The extinction map derived from the Balmer decrement and the absorbed H-alpha luminosity show good spatial correlation with the 24 micron emission from Spitzer. We also show here the capability of the IFS to study the existence of Wolf-Rayet (WR) stars, identifying the previously catalogued WR stars and detecting a new candidate towards the north of the region. The ionization structure of the region nicely follows the H-alpha shell morphology and is clearly related to the location of the central ionizing stars. The electron density distribution does not show strong variations within the HII region nor any trend with the H-alpha emission distribution. We study the behaviour within the HII region of several classical emission-line ratios proposed as metallicity calibrators: while [NII]/Ha and [NII]/[OIII] show important variations, the R23 index is substantially constant across the surface of the nebula, despite the strong variation of the ionization parameter as a function of the radial distance from the ionizing stars. These results show the reliability in using the R23 index to characterize the metallicity of HII regions even when only a fraction of the total area is covered by the observations.
231 - Tomotsugu Goto 2008
We have performed a spatially-resolved medium resolution long-slit spectroscopy of a nearby E+A (post-starburst) galaxy system, SDSSJ161330.18+510335.5. This E+A galaxy has an obvious companion galaxy 14kpc in front with the velocity difference of 61 .8 km/s. Both galaxies have obviously disturbed morphology We have found that H$delta$ equivalent width (EW) of the E+A galaxy is greater than 7AA galaxy wide (8.5 kpc). The E+A galaxy have a weak [OIII] emission (EW$sim$1AA) by $sim$2.6 kpc offset from the peak of the Balmer absorption lines. We detected a rotational velocity in the companion galaxy of $>$175km/s. The progenitor of the companion may have been a rotationally-supported, but yet passive S0 galaxy. The age of the E+A galaxy after quenching the star formation is estimated to be 100-500 Myr, with its centre having slightly younger stellar population. These findings are inconsistent with a simple picture where the dynamical interaction creates infall of the gas reservoir that causes the central starburst/post-starburst. Instead, our results present an important example where the galaxy-galaxy interaction can trigger a galaxy-wide post-starburst phenomena.
We reveal cosmic star-formation history obscured by dust using deep infrared observation with the AKARI. A continuous filter coverage in the mid-IR wavelength (2.4, 3.2, 4.1, 7, 9, 11, 15, 18, and 24um) by the AKARI satellite allows us to estimate re stframe 8um and 12um luminosities without using a large extrapolation based on a SED fit, which was the largest uncertainty in previous work. We found that restframe 8um (0.38<z<2.2), 12um (0.15<z<1.16), and total infrared (TIR) luminosity functions (LFs) (0.2<z<1.6) constructed from the AKARI NEP deep data, show a continuous and strong evolution toward higher redshift. In terms of cosmic infrared luminosity density (Omega_IR), which was obtained by integrating analytic fits to the LFs, we found a good agreement with previous work at z<1.2, with Omega_IR propto (1+z)^4.4+-1.0. When we separate contributions to Omega_IR by LIRGs and ULIRGs, we found more IR luminous sources are increasingly more important at higher redshift. We found that the ULIRG (LIRG) contribution increases by a factor of 10 (1.8) from z=0.35 to z=1.4.
110 - D. Calzetti 2017
We investigate the relation between gas and star formation in sub-galactic regions, ~360 pc to ~1.5 kpc in size, within the nearby starburst dwarf NGC4449, in order to separate the underlying relation from the effects of sampling at varying spatial s cales. Dust and gas mass surface densities are derived by combining new observations at 1.1 mm, obtained with the AzTEC instrument on the Large Millimeter Telescope, with archival infrared images in the range 8-500 micron from the Spitzer Space Telescope and the Herschel Space Observatory. We extend the dynamic range of our mm (and dust) maps at the faint end, using a correlation between the far-infrared/millimeter colors F(70)/F(1100) [and F(160)/F(1100)] and the mid-infrared color F(8)/F(24) that we establish for the first time for this and other galaxies. Supplementing our data with maps of the extinction-corrected star formation rate (SFR) surface density, we measure both the SFR-molecular gas and the SFR-total gas relations in NGC4449. We find that the SFR-molecular gas relation is described by a power law with exponent that decreases from ~1.5 to ~1.2 for increasing region size, while the exponent of the SFR-total gas relation remains constant with value ~1.5 independent of region size. We attribute the molecular law behavior to the increasingly better sampling of the molecular cloud mass function at larger region sizes; conversely, the total gas law behavior likely results from the balance between the atomic and molecular gas phases achieved in regions of active star formation. Our results indicate a non-linear relation between SFR and gas surface density in NGC4449, similar to what is observed for galaxy samples.
We present the results of CO(1-0) observations of the host galaxy of a Type I superluminous supernova (SLSN-I), SN2017egm, one of the closest SLSNe-I at z = 0.03063, by using the Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array. The molecular gas mass of the host galaxy is $M_{rm gas} = (4.8 pm 0.3) times 10^9$ $M_{odot}$, placing it on the sequence of normal star-forming galaxies in an $M_{rm gas}$-star-formation rate (SFR) plane. The molecular hydrogen column density at the location of SN2017egm is higher than that of the Type II SN PTF10bgl, which is also located in the same host galaxy, and those of other Type II and Ia SNe located in different galaxies, suggesting that SLSNe-I have a preference for a dense molecular gas environment. On the other hand, the column density at the location of SN2017egm is comparable to those of Type Ibc SNe. The surface densities of molecular gas and the SFR at the location of SN2017egm are consistent with those of spatially resolved local star-forming galaxies and follow the Schmidt-Kennicutt relation. These facts suggest that SLSNe-I can occur in environments with the same star-formation mechanism as in normal star-forming galaxies.
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