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The Need for New Search Strategies for Fourth Generation Quarks at the LHC

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 نشر من قبل Michael Geller
 تاريخ النشر 2012
  مجال البحث
والبحث باللغة English

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Most limits on the fourth generation heavy top quark (the t) are based on the assumed dominance of t -> Wb, which is expected to be case in the minimal fourth generation framework with a single Higgs (the so called SM4). Here we show, within a variant of a Two Higgs Doublet Model with four generations of fermions, that, in general, a different t detection strategy is required if the physics that underlies the new heavy fermionic degrees of freedom goes beyond the naive SM4. We find that the recent CMS lower bounds: m_{t}< 450 GeV in the semi-leptonic channel pp -> tt -> l u qqbb and m_{t}< 557 GeV in the dilepton channel pp -> tt ->ll u u bb, that were obtained using the customary (SM4-driven) detection strategies, do not apply. In particular, we demonstrate that if the decay t -> ht dominates, then applying the standard CMS search tools leads to a considerably relaxed lower bound: m_{t} >~350 GeV. We, therefore, suggest an alternative search strategy that is more sensitive to beyond SM4 dynamics of the fourth generation fermions.

قيم البحث

اقرأ أيضاً

We study the single production of the fourth family quarks through the process pp--> QjX at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC). We have calculated the decay widths and branching ratios of the fourth family quarks (b and t) in the mass range 300-800 GeV. The cross sections of signal and background processes have been calculated in a Monte Carlo framework. It is shown that the LHC can discover single t and b quarks if the CKM matrix elements |V_{tq}|,|V_{qb}|>=0.01.
We show that simultaneous precision measurement of the CP-violating phase in time-dependent Bs --> J/psi phi study and the Bs --> mu+ mu- rate, together with measuring m_t by direct search at the LHC, would determine V_{ts}^*V_{tb} and therefore the b --> s quadrangle in the four-generation standard model. The forward-backward asymmetry in B --> K* l+ l- provides further discrimination.
We consider an extension of the Standard Model involving a singlet Higgs and down type vector-like quarks in the light of the current LHC Higgs data. For a good range of the parameters of the Higgs potential, and a mass range for the heavy vector-lik e quark, we find that the singlet heavy Higgs arising from the production and decay of the vector-like quarks give rise to (2b~4t) signal. The subsequent decay of the top quarks to $b W^{+}$ give rise to a final state with six b quarks, two same-sign charged leptons and missing transverse momenta with observable cross-sections at the 14 TeV run of the Large Hadron Collider. The Standard Model background for such a final state is practically negligible.
168 - Sezen Sekmen 2013
Natural SUSY suggests the existence of light stop quarks, accessible at the LHC, which are the focus of a dedicated CMS search program. I present two inclusive CMS searches that look for TeV scale colored sparticles in final states with jets, b-tagge d jets and missing transverse energy performed using up to 19.4fb-1 of 8TeV LHC proton-proton data. No deviation from the Standard Model was observed in these searches, and the implications for this was shown for several simplified model scenarios and phenomenological MSSM.
181 - K. Hidaka 2010
We study the effect of squark-generation mixing on gluino decays in the Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model (MSSM). We show that due to the effect the quark-flavor violating (QFV) gluino decay branching ratio B(gluino -> c bar{t} (t bar{c}) + neutr alino_1) can be very large (up to ~50%) in a significant part of the MSSM parameter space despite the very strong experimental constraints on QFV from B meson observables. This could have an important impact on the search for gluinos and the determination of the MSSM parameters at LHC.
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