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Measuring the Fourth Generation b --> s Quadrangle at the LHC

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 نشر من قبل Masaya Kohda
 تاريخ النشر 2011
  مجال البحث
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We show that simultaneous precision measurement of the CP-violating phase in time-dependent Bs --> J/psi phi study and the Bs --> mu+ mu- rate, together with measuring m_t by direct search at the LHC, would determine V_{ts}^*V_{tb} and therefore the b --> s quadrangle in the four-generation standard model. The forward-backward asymmetry in B --> K* l+ l- provides further discrimination.

قيم البحث

اقرأ أيضاً

Most limits on the fourth generation heavy top quark (the t) are based on the assumed dominance of t -> Wb, which is expected to be case in the minimal fourth generation framework with a single Higgs (the so called SM4). Here we show, within a varian t of a Two Higgs Doublet Model with four generations of fermions, that, in general, a different t detection strategy is required if the physics that underlies the new heavy fermionic degrees of freedom goes beyond the naive SM4. We find that the recent CMS lower bounds: m_{t}< 450 GeV in the semi-leptonic channel pp -> tt -> l u qqbb and m_{t}< 557 GeV in the dilepton channel pp -> tt ->ll u u bb, that were obtained using the customary (SM4-driven) detection strategies, do not apply. In particular, we demonstrate that if the decay t -> ht dominates, then applying the standard CMS search tools leads to a considerably relaxed lower bound: m_{t} >~350 GeV. We, therefore, suggest an alternative search strategy that is more sensitive to beyond SM4 dynamics of the fourth generation fermions.
With their 2010-2011 data set, the LHC experiments have started their quest to observe the rare decays B0_{s/d} -> mu+ mu-. This study will provide very sensitive probes of New Physics (NP) effects. NP discovery potential lies as well in the study of the decay B0_d -> K*0 mu+ mu-. Results and perspectives are presented for studies at the LHC of rare B decays involving flavor changing neutral currents.
We study the single production of the fourth family quarks through the process pp--> QjX at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC). We have calculated the decay widths and branching ratios of the fourth family quarks (b and t) in the mass range 300-800 GeV. The cross sections of signal and background processes have been calculated in a Monte Carlo framework. It is shown that the LHC can discover single t and b quarks if the CKM matrix elements |V_{tq}|,|V_{qb}|>=0.01.
One of the fundamental predictions of the Standard Model is Lepton Flavour Universality. Any deviation from this prediction would indicate the existence of physics beyond the Standard Model. Recent LHCb measurements present a pattern of deviations fr om this prediction in rare B-meson decays. While not yet statistically significant (currently $2.2-2.6 sigma$), these measurements show an imbalance in the ratio of B-meson decays to a pair of muons in association with a Kaon and decays to a pair of electrons in association with a Kaon. If the measured deviations are indeed present in nature, new physics may mediate interactions involving a pair of same flavour leptons, a $b$- and an $s$-quark. We present the prospect for a search of new physics in this type of interactions at the LHC, in a process that involves an $s$-quark, and a final state with two leptons and a $b$-jet. The proposed search can improve the sensitivity to new physics in these processes by a factor of four compared to current searches with in the total dataset expected at the LHC.
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