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Control of the multiclass $G/G/1$ queue in the moderate deviation regime

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 نشر من قبل Rami Atar
 تاريخ النشر 2012
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A multi-class single-server system with general service time distributions is studied in a moderate deviation heavy traffic regime. In the scaling limit, an optimal control problem associated with the model is shown to be governed by a differential game that can be explicitly solved. While the characterization of the limit by a differential game is akin to results at the large deviation scale, the analysis of the problem is closely related to the much studied area of control in heavy traffic at the diffusion scale.

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اقرأ أيضاً

128 - Rami Atar , Asaf Cohen 2014
We study a differential game that governs the moderate-deviation heavy-traffic asymptotics of a multiclass single-server queueing control problem with a risk-sensitive cost. We consider a cost set on a finite but sufficiently large time horizon, and show that this formulation leads to stationary feedback policies for the game. Several aspects of the game are explored, including its characterization via a (one-dimensional) free boundary problem, the semi-explicit solution of an optimal strategy, and the specification of a saddle point. We emphasize the analogy to the well-known Harrison-Taksar free boundary problem which plays a similar role in the diffusion-scale heavy-traffic literature.
The main contribution of this article is an asymptotic expression for the rate associated with moderate deviations of subgraph counts in the ErdH{o}s-Renyi random graph $G(n,m)$. Our approach is based on applying Freedmans inequalities for the probab ility of deviations of martingales to a martingale representation of subgraph count deviations. In addition, we prove that subgraph count deviations of different subgraphs are all linked, via the deviations of two specific graphs, the path of length two and the triangle. We also deduce new bounds for the related $G(n,p)$ model.
We introduce an efficient MCMC sampling scheme to perform Bayesian inference in the M/G/1 queueing model given only observations of interdeparture times. Our MCMC scheme uses a combination of Gibbs sampling and simple Metropolis updates together with three novel shift and scale updates. We show that our novel updates improve the speed of sampling considerably, by factors of about 60 to about 180 on a variety of simulated data sets.
In many applications, significant correlations between arrivals of load-generating events make the numerical evaluation of the load of a system a challenging problem. Here, we construct very accurate approximations of the workload distribution of the MAP/G/1 queue that capture the tail behavior of the exact workload distribution and provide a small relative error. Motivated by statistical analysis, we assume that the service times are a mixture of a phase-type and a heavy-tailed distribution. With the aid of perturbation analysis, we derive our approximations as a sum of the workload distribution of the MAP/PH/1 queue and a heavy-tailed component that depends on the perturbation parameter. We refer to our approximations as corrected phase-type approximations, and we exhibit their performance with a numerical study.
We consider the issue of describing all self-adjoint idempotents (projections) in $L^1(G)$ when $G$ is a unimodular locally compact group. The approach is to take advantage of known facts concerning subspaces of the Fourier-Stieltjes and Fourier alge bras of $G$ and the topology of the dual space of $G$. We obtain an explicit description of any projection in $L^1(G)$ which happens to also lie in the coefficient space of a finite direct sum of irreducible representations. This leads to a complete description of all projections in $L^1(G)$ for $G$ belonging to a class of groups that includes $SL(2,R)$ and all almost connected nilpotent locally compact groups.
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