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Background due to stored electrons following nuclear decays in the KATRIN spectrometers and its impact on the neutrino mass sensitivity

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 نشر من قبل Susanne Mertens
 تاريخ النشر 2012
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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The KATRIN experiment is designed to measure the absolute neutrino mass scale with a sensitivity of 200 meV at 90% C.L. by high resolution tritium beta-spectroscopy. A low background level of 10 mHz at the beta-decay endpoint is required in order to achieve the design sensitivity. In this paper we discuss a novel background source arising from magnetically trapped keV electrons in electrostatic retarding spectrometers. The main sources of these electrons are alpha-decays of the radon isotopes (219,220)Rn as well as beta-decays of tritium in the volume of the spectrometers. We characterize the expected background signal by extensive MC simulations and investigate the impact on the KATRIN neutrino mass sensitivity. From these results we refine design parameters for the spectrometer vacuum system and propose active background reduction methods to meet the stringent design limits for the overall background rate.

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The goal of the KArlsruhe TRItrium Neutrino (KATRIN) experiment is the determination of the effective electron antineutrino mass with a sensitivity of 0.2 eV/c$^2$ at 90% C.L. This goal can only be achieved with a very low background level in the ord er of 0.01 counts per second. A possible background source is $alpha$-decays on the inner surface of the KATRIN Main Spectrometer. Two $alpha$-sources, $^{223}$Ra and $^{228}$Th, were installed at the KATRIN Main Spectrometer with the purpose of temporarily increasing the background in order to study $alpha$-decay induced background processes. In this paper, we present a possible background generation mechanism and measurements performed with these two radioactive sources. Our results show a clear correlation between $alpha$-activity on the inner spectrometer surface and background from the volume of the spectrometer. Two key characteristics of the Main Spectrometer background -the dependency on the inner electrode offset potential, and the radial distribution - could be reproduced with this artificially induced background. These findings indicate a high contribution of $alpha$-decay induced events to the residual KATRIN background.
The primary objective of the KATRIN experiment is to probe the absolute neutrino mass scale with a sensitivity of 200 meV (90% C.L.) by precision spectroscopy of tritium beta-decay. To achieve this, a low background of the order of 10^(-2) cps in the region of the tritium beta-decay endpoint is required. Measurements with an electrostatic retarding spectrometer have revealed that electrons, arising from nuclear decays in the volume of the spectrometer, are stored over long time periods and thereby act as a major source of background exceeding this limit. In this paper we present a novel active background reduction method based on stochastic heating of stored electrons by the well-known process of electron cyclotron resonance (ECR). A successful proof-of-principle of the ECR technique was demonstrated in test measurements at the KATRIN pre-spectrometer, yielding a large reduction of the background rate. In addition, we have carried out extensive Monte Carlo simulations to reveal the potential of the ECR technique to remove all trapped electrons within negligible loss of measurement time in the main spectrometer. This would allow the KATRIN experiment attaining its full physics potential.
The KATRIN experiment aims to determine the effective electron neutrino mass with a sensitivity of $0.2,{text{eV}/c^2}$ (90% C.L.) by precision measurement of the shape of the tritium textbeta-spectrum in the endpoint region. The energy analysis of t he decay electrons is achieved by a MAC-E filter spectrometer. A common background source in this setup is the decay of short-lived isotopes, such as $textsuperscript{219}$Rn and $textsuperscript{220}$Rn, in the spectrometer volume. Active and passive countermeasures have been implemented and tested at the KATRIN main spectrometer. One of these is the magnetic pulse method, which employs the existing air coil system to reduce the magnetic guiding field in the spectrometer on a short timescale in order to remove low- and high-energy stored electrons. Here we describe the working principle of this method and present results from commissioning measurements at the main spectrometer. Simulations with the particle-tracking software Kassiopeia were carried out to gain a detailed understanding of the electron storage conditions and removal processes.
The KArlsruhe TRItium Neutrino experiment (KATRIN) aims to determine the effective electron (anti)neutrino mass with a sensitivity of $0.2textrm{ eV/c}^2$ (90$%$ C.L.) by precisely measuring the endpoint region of the tritium $beta$-decay spectrum. I t uses a tandem of electrostatic spectrometers working as MAC-E (magnetic adiabatic collimation combined with an electrostatic) filters. In the space between the pre-spectrometer and the main spectrometer, an unavoidable Penning trap is created when the superconducting magnet between the two spectrometers, biased at their respective nominal potentials, is energized. The electrons accumulated in this trap can lead to discharges, which create additional background electrons and endanger the spectrometer and detector section downstream. To counteract this problem, electron catchers were installed in the beamline inside the magnet bore between the two spectrometers. These catchers can be moved across the magnetic-flux tube and intercept on a sub-ms time scale the stored electrons along their magnetron motion paths. In this paper, we report on the design and the successful commissioning of the electron catchers and present results on their efficiency in reducing the experimental background.
The KATRIN experiment will determine the effective electron anti-neutrino mass with a sensitivity of 200 meV/c$^2$ at 90% CL. The energy analysis of tritium $beta$-decay electrons will be performed by a tandem setup of electrostatic retarding spectro meters which have to be operated at very low background levels of $<10^{-2}$ counts per second. This benchmark rate can be exceeded by background processes resulting from the emanation of single $^{219,220}$Rn atoms from the inner spectrometer surface and an array of non-evaporable getter strips used as main vacuum pump. Here we report on a the impact of a cryogenic technique to reduce this radon-induced background in electrostatic spectrometers. It is based on installing a liquid nitrogen cooled copper baffle in the spectrometer pump port to block the direct line of sight between the getter pump, which is the main source of $^{219}$Rn, and the sensitive flux tube volume. This cold surface traps a large fraction of emanated radon atoms in a region outside of the active flux tube, preventing background there. We outline important baffle design criteria to maximize the efficiency for the adsorption of radon atoms, describe the baffle implemented at the KATIRN Pre-Spectrometer test set-up, and report on its initial performance in suppressing radon-induced background.
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