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Interplay of Coulomb interaction and spin-orbit effects in multi-level quantum dots

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 نشر من قبل Stephan Grap
 تاريخ النشر 2012
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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We study electron transport through a multi-level quantum dot with Rashba spin-orbit interaction in the presence of local Coulomb repulsion. Motivated by recent experiments, we compute the level splitting induced by the spin-orbit interaction at finite Zeeman fields $B$, which provides a measure of the renormalized spin-orbit energy. This level splitting is responsible for the suppression of the Kondo ridges at finite $B$ characteristic for the multi-level structure. In addition, the dependence of renormalized $g$-factors on the relative orientation of the applied $B$ field and the spin-orbit direction following two different protocols used in experiments is investigated.

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اقرأ أيضاً

The topology of the Fermi surface of Sr2RuO4 is well described by local-density approximation calculations with spin-orbit interaction, but the relative size of its different sheets is not. By accounting for many-body effects via dynamical mean-field theory, we show that the standard isotropic Coulomb interaction alone worsens or does not correct this discrepancy. In order to reproduce experiments, it is essential to account for the Coulomb anisotropy. The latter is small but has strong effects; it competes with the Coulomb-enhanced spin-orbit coupling and the isotropic Coulomb term in determining the Fermi surface shape. Its effects are likely sizable in other correlated multi-orbital systems. In addition, we find that the low-energy self-energy matrix -- responsible for the reshaping of the Fermi surface -- sizably differ from the static Hartree-Fock limit. Finally, we find a strong spin-orbital {entanglement}; this supports the view that the conventional description of Cooper pairs via factorized spin and orbital part might not apply to Sr2RuO4.
The valley-orbit coupling in a few-electron Si quantum dot is expected to be a function of its occupation number N. We study the spectrum of multivalley Si quantum dots for 2 <= N <= 4, showing that, counterintuitively, electron-electron interaction effects on the valley-orbit coupling are negligible. For N=2 they are suppressed by valley interference, for N=3 they vanish due to spinor overlaps, and for N = 4 they cancel between different pairs of electrons. To corroborate our theoretical findings, we examine the experimental energy spectrum of a few-electron metal-oxide-semiconductor quantum dot. The measured spin-valley state filling sequence in a magnetic field reveals that the valley-orbit coupling is definitively unaffected by the occupation number.
Spin-orbit coupling (SOC) is pivotal for various fundamental spin-dependent phenomena in solids and their technological applications. In semiconductors, these phenomena have been so far studied in relatively weak electron-electron interaction regimes , where the single electron picture holds. However, SOC can profoundly compete against Coulomb interaction, which could lead to the emergence of unconventional electronic phases. Since SOC depends on the electric field in the crystal including contributions of itinerant electrons, electron-electron interactions can modify this coupling. Here we demonstrate the emergence of SOC effect in a high-mobility two-dimensional electron system in a simple band structure MgZnO/ZnO semiconductor. This electron system features also strong electron-electron interaction effects. By changing the carrier density with Mg-content, we tune the SOC strength and achieve its interplay with electron-electron interaction. These systems pave a way to emergent spintronic phenomena in strong electron correlation regime and to the formation of novel quasiparticles with the electron spin strongly coupled to the density.
139 - T. Ito , K. Nomura , N. Shibata 2010
We study the fractional quantum Hall effect at filling fractions 7/3 and 5/2 in the presence of the spin-orbit interaction, using the exact diagonalization method and the density matrix renormalization group (DMRG) method in a spherical geometry. Tri al wave functions at these fillings are the Laughlin state and the Moore-Reed-Pfaffian state. The ground state excitation energy gaps and pair-correlation functions at fractional filling factor 7/3 and 5/2 in the second Landau level are calculated. We find that the spin-orbit interaction stabilizes the fractional quantum Hall states.
By transforming from the pure-spin-orbital ($t_{rm 2g}$) basis to the spin-orbital entangled pseudo-spin-orbital basis, the pseudo-spin rotation symmetry of the different Coulomb interaction terms is investigated under SU(2) transformation in pseudo- spin space. While the Hubbard and density interaction terms are invariant, the Hunds coupling and pair-hopping interaction terms explicitly break pseudo-spin rotation symmetry systematically. The form of the symmetry-breaking terms obtained from the transformation of the Coulomb interaction terms accounts for the easy $x$-$y$ plane anisotropy and magnon gap for the out-of-plane mode, highlighting the importance of mixing with the nominally non-magnetic $J$=3/2 sector, and providing a physically transparent approach for investigating magnetic ordering and anisotropy effects in perovskite ($rm Sr_2 Ir O_4$) and other $d^5$ pseudo-spin compounds.
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