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Space-Time MIMO Multicasting

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 نشر من قبل Anatoly Khina
 تاريخ النشر 2012
  مجال البحث الهندسة المعلوماتية
والبحث باللغة English

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Multicasting is the general method of conveying the same information to multiple users over a broadcast channel. In this work, the Gaussian MIMO broadcast channel is considered, with multiple users and any number of antennas at each node. A closed loop scenario is assumed, for which a practical capacity-achieving multicast scheme is constructed. In the proposed scheme, linear modulation is carried over time and space together, which allows to transform the problem into that of transmission over parallel scalar sub-channels, the gains of which are equal, except for a fraction of sub-channels that vanishes with the number of time slots used. Over these sub-channels, off-the-shelf fixed-rate AWGN codes can be used to approach capacity.

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Full-rate space-time block codes (STBCs) achieve high spectral-efficiency by transmitting linear combinations of information symbols through every transmit antenna. However, the coefficients used for the linear combinations, if not chosen carefully, results in ({em i}) large number of processor bits for the encoder and ({em ii}) high peak-to-average power ratio (PAPR) values. In this work, we propose a new class of full-rate STBCs called Integer STBCs (ICs) for multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) fading channels. A unique property of ICs is the presence of integer coefficients in the code structure which enables reduced numbers of processor bits for the encoder and lower PAPR values. We show that the reduction in the number of processor bits is significant for small MIMO channels, while the reduction in the PAPR is significant for large MIMO channels. We also highlight the advantages of the proposed codes in comparison with the well known full-rate algebraic STBCs.
129 - Yong Zeng , Xiaoli Xu , 2017
This paper studies an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV)-enabled multicasting system, where a UAV is dispatched to disseminate a common file to a number of geographically distributed ground terminals (GTs). Our objective is to design the UAV trajectory to minimize its mission completion time, while ensuring that each GT is able to successfully recover the file with a high probability required. We consider the use of practical random linear network coding (RLNC) for UAV multicasting, so that each GT is able to recover the file as long as it receives a sufficiently large number of coded packets. However, the formulated UAV trajectory optimization problem is non-convex and difficult to be directly solved. To tackle this issue, we first derive an analytical lower bound for the success probability of each GTs file recovery. Based on this result, we then reformulate the problem into a more tractable form, where the UAV trajectory only needs to be designed to meet a set of constraints each on the minimum connection time with a GT, during which their distance is below a designed threshold. We show that the optimal UAV trajectory only needs to constitute connected line segments, thus it can be obtained by determining first the optimal set of waypoints and then UAV speed along the lines connecting the waypoints. We propose practical schemes for the waypoints design based on a novel concept of virtual base station (VBS) placement and by applying convex optimization techniques. Furthermore, for given set of waypoints, we obtain the optimal UAV speed over the resulting path efficiently by solving a linear programming (LP) problem. Numerical results show that the proposed UAV-enabled multicasting with optimized trajectory design achieves significant performance gains as compared to benchmark schemes.
In this work, we study a noiseless broadcast link serving $K$ users whose requests arise from a library of $N$ files. Every user is equipped with a cache of size $M$ files each. It has been shown that by splitting all the files into packets and placi ng individual packets in a random independent manner across all the caches, it requires at most $N/M$ file transmissions for any set of demands from the library. The achievable delivery scheme involves linearly combining packets of different files following a greedy clique cover solution to the underlying index coding problem. This remarkable multiplicative gain of random placement and coded delivery has been established in the asymptotic regime when the number of packets per file $F$ scales to infinity. In this work, we initiate the finite-length analysis of random caching schemes when the number of packets $F$ is a function of the system parameters $M,N,K$. Specifically, we show that existing random placement and clique cover delivery schemes that achieve optimality in the asymptotic regime can have at most a multiplicative gain of $2$ if the number of packets is sub-exponential. Further, for any clique cover based coded delivery and a large class of random caching schemes, that includes the existing ones, we show that the number of packets required to get a multiplicative gain of $frac{4}{3}g$ is at least $O((N/M)^g)$. We exhibit a random placement and an efficient clique cover based coded delivery scheme that approximately achieves this lower bound. We also provide tight concentration results that show that the average (over the random caching involved) number of transmissions concentrates very well requiring only polynomial number of packets in the rest of the parameters.
Blind Null Space Learning (BNSL) has recently been proposed for fast and accurate learning of the null-space associated with the channel matrix between a secondary transmitter and a primary receiver. In this paper we propose a channel tracking enhanc ement of the algorithm, namely the Blind Null Space Tracking (BNST) algorithm that allows transmission of information to the Secondary Receiver (SR) while simultaneously learning the null-space of the time-varying target channel. Specifically, the enhanced algorithm initially performs a BNSL sweep in order to acquire the null space. Then, it performs modified Jacobi rotations such that the induced interference to the primary receiver is kept lower than a given threshold $P_{Th}$ with probability $p$ while information is transmitted to the SR simultaneously. We present simulation results indicating that the proposed approach has strictly better performance over the BNSL algorithm for channels with independent Rayleigh fading with a small Doppler frequency.
The problem of multicasting two nested messages is studied over a class of networks known as combination networks. A source multicasts two messages, a common and a private message, to several receivers. A subset of the receivers (called the public re ceivers) only demand the common message and the rest of the receivers (called the private receivers) demand both the common and the private message. Three encoding schemes are discussed that employ linear superposition coding and their optimality is proved in special cases. The standard linear superposition scheme is shown to be optimal for networks with two public receivers and any number of private receivers. When the number of public receivers increases, this scheme stops being optimal. Two improvements are discussed: one using pre-encoding at the source, and one using a block Markov encoding scheme. The rate-regions that are achieved by the two schemes are characterized in terms of feasibility problems. Both inner-bounds are shown to be the capacity region for networks with three (or fewer) public and any number of private receivers. Although the inner bounds are not comparable in general, it is shown through an example that the region achieved by the block Markov encoding scheme may strictly include the region achieved by the pre-encoding/linear superposition scheme. Optimality results are founded on the general framework of Balister and Bollobas (2012) for sub-modularity of the entropy function. An equivalent graphical representation is introduced and a lemma is proved that might be of independent interest. Motivated by the connections between combination networks and broadcast channels, a new block Markov encoding scheme is proposed for broadcast channels with two nested messages. The rate-region that is obtained includes the previously known rate-regions. It remains open whether this inclusion is strict.
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