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Transformation laws of the components of classical and quantum fields and Heisenberg relations

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 نشر من قبل Bozhidar Zakhariev Iliev
 تاريخ النشر 2012
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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The paper recalls and point to the origin of the transformation laws of the components of classical and quantum fields. They are considered from the standard and fibre bundle point of view. The results are applied to the derivation of the Heisenberg relations in quite general setting, in particular, in the fibre bundle approach. All conclusions are illustrated in a case of transformations induced by the Poincare group.

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Higgs fields are attributes of classical gauge theory on a principal bundle $Pto X$ whose structure Lie group $G$ if is reducible to a closed subgroup $H$. They are represented by sections of the quotient bundle $P/Hto X$. A problem lies in descripti on of matter fields with an exact symmetry group $H$. They are represented by sections of a composite bundle which is associated to an $H$-principal bundle $Pto P/H$. It is essential that they admit an action of a gauge group $G$.
86 - G. Sardanashvily 2016
We consider classical gauge theory on a principal bundle P->X in a case of spontaneous symmetry breaking characterized by the reduction of a structure group G of P->X to its closed subgroup H. This reduction is ensured by the existence of global sect ions of the quotient bundle P/H->X treated as classical Higgs fields. Matter fields with an exact symmetry group H in such gauge theory are considered in the pairs with Higgs fields, and they are represented by sections of a composite bundle Y->P/H->X, where Y->P/H is a fiber bundle associated to a principal bundle P->P/H with a structure group H. A key point is that a composite bundle Y->X is proved to be associated to a principal G-bundle P->X. Therefore, though matter fields possess an exact symmetry group H, their gauge G-invariant theory in the presence of Higgs fields can be developed. Its gauge invariant Lagrangian factorizes through the vertical covariant differential determined by a connection on a principal H-bundle P->P/H. In a case of the Cartan decomposition of a Lie algebra of G, this connection can be expressed in terms of a connection on a principal bundle P->X, i.e., gauge potentials for a group of broken symmetries G.
We consider classical gauge theory with spontaneous symmetry breaking on a principal bundle $Pto X$ whose structure group $G$ is reducible to a closed subgroup $H$, and sections of the quotient bundle $P/Hto X$ are treated as classical Higgs fields. In this theory, matter fields with an exact symmetry group $H$ are described by sections of a composite bundle $Yto P/Hto X$. We show that their gauge $G$-invariant Lagrangian necessarily factorizes through a vertical covariant differential on $Y$ defined by a principal connection on an $H$-principal bundle $Pto P/H$.
In complete analogy with the classical situation (which is briefly reviewed) it is possible to define bi-Hamiltonian descriptions for Quantum systems. We also analyze compatible Hermitian structures in full analogy with compatible Poisson structures.
Based on the assumption that time evolves only in one direction and mechanical systems can be described by Lagrangeans, a dynamical C*-algebra is presented for non-relativistic particles at atomic scales. Without presupposing any quantization scheme, this algebra is inherently non-commutative and comprises a large set of dynamics. In contrast to other approaches, the generating elements of the algebra are not interpreted as observables, but as operations on the underlying system; they describe the impact of temporary perturbations caused by the surroundings. In accordance with the doctrine of Nils Bohr, the operations carry individual names of classical significance. Without stipulating from the outset their `quantization, their concrete implementation in the quantum world emerges from the inherent structure of the algebra. In particular, the Heisenberg commutation relations for position and velocity measurements are derived from it. Interacting systems can be described within the algebraic setting by a rigorous version of the interaction picture. It is shown that Hilbert space representations of the algebra lead to the conventional formalism of quantum mechanics, where operations on states are described by time-ordered exponentials of interaction potentials. It is also discussed how the familiar statistical interpretation of quantum mechanics can be recovered from operations.
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