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Intrinsic Defects and Dopability of Zinc Phosphide

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 نشر من قبل Steven Demers
 تاريخ النشر 2012
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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Zinc Phosphide ($Zn_3P_2$) could be the basis for cheap and highly efficient solar cells. Its use in this regard is limited by the difficulty in n-type doping the material. In an effort to understand the mechanism behind this, the energetics and electronic structure of intrinsic point defects in zinc phosphide are studied using generalized Kohn-Sham theory and utilizing the Heyd, Scuseria, and Ernzerhof (HSE) hybrid functional for exchange and correlation. Novel perturbation extrapolation is utilized to extend the use of the computationally expensive HSE functional to this large-scale defect system. According to calculations, the formation energy of charged phosphorus interstitial defects are very low in n-type $Zn_3P_2$ and act as electron sinks, nullifying the desired doping and lowering the fermi-level back towards the p-type regime. This is consistent with experimental observations of both the tendency of conductivity to rise with phosphorus partial pressure, and with current partial successes in n-type doping in very zinc-rich growth conditions.

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The effect of a variety of intrinsic defects and defect clusters in bulk and thin films of SrTiO$_3$ on ferroelectric polarization and switching mechanism is investigated by means of density-functional-theory (DFT) based calculations and the Berry ph ase approach. Our results show that both the titanium Ti$_mathrm{Sr}^{bullet bullet}$ and strontium Sr$_mathrm{Ti}^{}$ antisite defects induce ferroelectric polarization in SrTiO$_3$, with the Ti$_mathrm{Sr}^{bullet bullet}$ defect causing a more pronounced spontaneous polarization and higher activation barriers of polarization reversal than Sr$_mathrm{Ti}^{}$. The presence of oxygen vacancies bound to the antisite defects can either enhance or diminish polarization depending on the configuration of the defect pair, but it always leads to larger activation barriers of polarization switching as compared to the antisite defects with no oxygen vacancies. We also show that the magnitude of spontaneous polarization in SrTiO$_3$ can be tuned by controlling the degree of Sr/Ti nonstroichiometry. Other intrinsic point defects such as Frenkel defect pairs and electron small polarons also contribute to the emergence of ferroelectric polarization in SrTiO$_{3}$.
The wide bandgap semiconductor ZnO is interesting for spintronic applications because of its small spin-orbit coupling implying a large spin coherence length. Utilizing vertical spin valve devices with ferromagnetic electrodes (TiN/Co/ZnO/Ni/Au), we study the spin-polarized transport across ZnO in all-electrical experiments. The measured magnetoresistance agrees well with the prediction of a two spin channel model with spin-dependent interface resistance. Fitting the data yields spin diffusion lengths of 10.8nm (2K), 10.7nm (10K), and 6.2nm (200K) in ZnO, corresponding to spin lifetimes of 2.6ns (2K), 2.0ns (10K), and 31ps (200K).
Achieving efficient and stable ultraviolet emission is a challenging goal in optoelectronic devices. Herein, we investigate the UV luminescence of zinc germanate Zn2GeO4 microwires by means of photoluminescence measurements as a function of temperatu re and excitation conditions. The emitted UV light is composed of two bands (a broad one and a narrow one) associated with the native defects structure. In addition, with the aid of density functional theory (DFT) calculations, the energy positions of the electronic levels related to native defects in Zn2GeO4 have been calculated. In particular, our results support that zinc interstitials are the responsible for the narrow UV band, which is, in turn, split into two components with different temperature dependence behaviour. The origin of the two components is explained on the basis of the particular location of Zn_i in the lattice and agrees with DFT calculations. Furthermore, a kinetic luminescence model is proposed to ascertain the temperature evolution of this UV emission. These results pave the way to exploit defect engineering in achieving functional optoelectronic devices to operate in the UV region.
During the past years there has been renewed interest in the wide-bandgap II-VI semiconductor ZnO, triggered by promising prospects for spintronic applications. First, ferromagnetism was predicted for dilute magnetic doping. In comprehensive investig ation of ZnO:Co thin films based on the combined measurement of macroscopic and microscopic properties, we find no evidence for carrier-mediated itinerant ferromagnetism. Phase-pure, crystallographically excellent ZnO:Co is uniformly paramagnetic. Superparamagnetism arises when phase separation or defect formation occurs, due to nanometer-sized metallic precipitates. Other compounds like ZnO:(Li,Ni) and ZnO:Cu do not exhibit indication of ferromagnetism. Second, its small spin-orbit coupling and correspondingly large spin coherence length makes ZnO suitable for transporting or manipulating spins in spintronic devices. From optical pump/optical probe experiments, we find a spin dephasing time of the order of 15 ns at low temperatures which we attribute to electrons bound to Al donors. In all-electrical magnetotransport measurements, we successfully create and detect a spin-polarized ensemble of electrons and transport this spin information across several nanometers. We derive a spin lifetime of 2.6 ns for these itinerant spins at low temperatures, corresponding well to results from an electrical pump/optical probe experiment.
To be practical, semiconductors need to be doped. Sometimes, to nearly degenerate levels, e.g. in applications such as thermoelectric, transparent electronics or power electronics. However, many materials with finite band gaps are not dopable at all, while many others exhibit strong preference toward allowing either p- or n-type doping, but not both. In this work, we develop a model description of semiconductor dopability and formulate design principles in terms of governing materials properties. Our approach, which builds upon the semiconductor defect theory applied to a suitably devised (tight-binding) model system, reveals analytic relationships between intrinsic materials properties and the semiconductor dopability, and elucidates the role and the insufficiency of previously suggested descriptors such as the absolute band edge positions. We validate our model against a number of classic binary semiconductors and discuss its extension to more complex chemistries and the utility in large-scale material searches.
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