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Weyl group invariants

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 نشر من قبل Masaki Kameko
 تاريخ النشر 2012
  مجال البحث
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For any odd prime $p$, we prove that the induced homomorphism from the mod $p$ cohomology of the classifying space of a compact simply-connected simple connected Lie group to the Weyl group invariants of the mod $p$ cohomology of the classifying space of its maximal torus is an epimorphism except for the case $p=3$, $G=E_8$.

قيم البحث

اقرأ أيضاً

88 - J.D. Quigley 2019
The $2$-primary homotopy $beta$-family, defined as the collection of Mahowald invariants of Mahowald invariants of $2^i$, $i geq 1$, is an infinite collection of periodic elements in the stable homotopy groups of spheres. In this paper, we calculate $mathit{tmf}$-based approximations to this family. Our calculations combine an analysis of the Atiyah-Hirzebruch spectral sequence for the Tate construction of $mathit{tmf}$ with trivial $C_2$-action and Behrens filtered Mahowald invariant machinery.
234 - Kyle M. Ormsby 2010
We provide a complete analysis of the motivic Adams spectral sequences converging to the bigraded coefficients of the 2-complete algebraic Johnson-Wilson spectra BPGL<n> over p-adic fields. These spectra interpolate between integral motivic cohomolog y (n=0), a connective version of algebraic K-theory (n=1), and the algebraic Brown-Peterson spectrum. We deduce that, over p-adic fields, the 2-complete BPGL<n> split over 2-complete BPGL<0>, implying that the slice spectral sequence for BPGL collapses. This is the first in a series of two papers investigating motivic invariants of p-adic fields, and it lays the groundwork for an understanding of the motivic Adams-Novikov spectral sequence over such base fields.
Fix the base field Q of rational numbers and let BP<n> denote the family of motivic truncated Brown-Peterson spectra over Q. We employ a local-to-global philosophy in order to compute the motivic Adams spectral sequence converging to the bi-graded ho motopy groups of BP<n>. Along the way, we provide a new computation of the homotopy groups of BP<n> over the 2-adic rationals, prove a motivic Hasse principle for the spectra BP<n>, and deduce several classical and recent theorems about the K-theory of particular fields.
104 - J.D. Quigley 2019
We generalize the Mahowald invariant to the $mathbb{R}$-motivic and $C_2$-equivariant settings. For all $i>0$ with $i equiv 2,3 mod 4$, we show that the $mathbb{R}$-motivic Mahowald invariant of $(2+rho eta)^i in pi_{0,0}^{mathbb{R}}(S^{0,0})$ contai ns a lift of a certain element in Adams classical $v_1$-periodic families, and for all $i > 0$, we show that the $mathbb{R}$-motivic Mahowald invariant of $eta^i in pi_{i,i}^{mathbb{R}}(S^{0,0})$ contains a lift of a certain element in Andrews $mathbb{C}$-motivic $w_1$-periodic families. We prove analogous results about the $C_2$-equivariant Mahowald invariants of $(2+rho eta)^i in pi_{0,0}^{C_2}(S^{0,0})$ and $eta^i in pi_{i,i}^{C_2}(S^{0,0})$ by leveraging connections between the classical, motivic, and equivariant stable homotopy categories. The infinite families we construct are some of the first periodic families of their kind studied in the $mathbb{R}$-motivic and $C_2$-equivariant settings.
This paper explores the relation between the structure of fibre bundles akin to those associated to a closed almost nonnegatively sectionally curved manifold and rational homotopy theory.
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