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Influence of a transverse static magnetic field on the magnetic hyperthermia properties and high-frequency hysteresis loops of ferromagnetic FeCo nanoparticles

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 نشر من قبل Julian Carrey
 تاريخ النشر 2012
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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The influence of a transverse static magnetic field on the magnetic hyperthermia properties is studied on a system of large-losses ferromagnetic FeCo nanoparticles. The simultaneous measurement of the high-frequency hysteresis loops and of the temperature rise provides an interesting insight into the losses and heating mechanisms. A static magnetic field of only 40 mT is enough to cancel the heating properties of the nanoparticles, a result reproduced using numerical simulations of hysteresis loops. These results cast doubt on the possibility to perform someday magnetic hyperthermia inside a magnetic resonance imaging setup.

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اقرأ أيضاً

We describe a low-cost and simple setup for hyperthermia measurements on colloidal solutions of magnetic nanoparticles (ferrofluids) with a frequency-adjustable magnetic field in the range 5-500 kHz produced by an electromagnet. By optimizing the gen eral conception and each component (nature of the wires, design of the electromagnet), a highly efficient setup is obtained. For instance, in a useful gap of 1.1 cm, a magnetic field of 4.8 mT is generated at 100 kHz and 500 kHz with an output power of 3.4 W and 75 W, respectively. A maximum magnetic field of 30 mT is obtained at 100 kHz. The temperature of the colloidal solution is measured using optical fiber sensors. To remove contributions due to heating of the electromagnet, a differential measurement is used. In this configuration the sensitivity is better than 1.5 mW at 100 kHz and 19.3 mT. This setup allows one to measure weak heating powers on highly diluted colloidal solutions. The hyperthermia characteristics of a solution of Fe nanoparticles are described, where both the magnetic field and the frequency dependence of heating power have been measured.
A low-cost and simple setup for measuring the high-frequency hysteresis loops of magnetic samples is described. An AMF in the range 6-100 kHz with amplitude up to 80 mT is produced by a Litz wire coil. The latter is air-cooled using a forced-air appr oach so no water flow is required to run the setup. High-frequency hysteresis loops are measured using a system of pick-up coils and numerical integration of signals. Reproducible measurements are obtained in the frequency range of 6-56 kHz. Measurement examples on ferrite cylinders and on iron oxide nanoparticle ferrofluids are shown. Comparison with other measurement methods of the hysteresis loop area (complex susceptibility, quasi-static hysteresis loops and calorific measurements) is provided and shows the coherency of the results obtained with this setup. This setup is well adapted to the magnetic characterization of colloidal solutions of MNPs for magnetic hyperthermia applications.
133 - Gerardo F. Goya , Enio Lima , Jr. 2013
We have studied the magnetic and power absorption properties of a series of magnetic nanoparticles (MNPs) of Fe3O4 with average sizes <d> ranging from 3 to 26 nm. Heating experiments as a function of particle size revealed a strong increase in the sp ecific power absorption (SPA) values for particles with <d> = 25-30 nm. On the other side saturation magnetization MS values of these MNPs remain essentially constant for particles with <d> above 10 nm, suggesting that the absorption mechanism is not determined by MS. The largest SPA value obtained was 130 W/g, corresponding to a bimodal particle distribution with average size values of 17 and 26 nm.
We report on the magnetic and hyperthermia properties of iron nanoparticles synthesized by organometallic chemistry. They are 5.5 nm in diameter and display a saturation magnetization close to the bulk one. Magnetic properties are dominated by the co ntribution of aggregates of nanoparticles with respect to individual isolated nanoparticles. Alternative susceptibility measurements are been performed on a low interacting system obtained after eliminating the aggregates by centrifugation. A quantitative analysis using the Gittleman s model allow a determination of the effective anisotropy Keff = 1.3 * 10^5 J.m^{-3}, more than two times the magnetocristalline value of bulk iron. Hyperthermia measurements are performed on agglomerates of nanoparticles at a magnetic field up to 66 mT and at frequencies in the range 5-300 kHz. Maximum measured SAR is 280 W/g at 300 kHz and 66 mT. Specific absorption rate (SAR) displays a square dependence with the magnetic field below 30 mT but deviates from this power law at higher value. SAR is linear with the applied frequency for mu_0H=19 mT. The deviations from the linear response theory are discussed. A refined estimation of the optimal size of iron nanoparticles for hyperthermia applications is provided using the determined effective anisotropy value.
We report on hyperthermia measurements on a colloidal solution of 15 nm monodisperse FeCo nanoparticles (NPs). Losses as a function of the magnetic field display a sharp increase followed by a plateau, which is what is expected for losses of ferromag netic single-domain NPs. The frequency dependence of the coercive field is deduced from hyperthermia measurement and is in quantitative agreement with a simple model of non-interacting NPs. The measured losses (1.5 mJ/g) compare to the highest of the literature, though the saturation magnetization of the NPs is well below the bulk one.
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