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An efficient method to evaluate energy variances for extrapolation methods

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 نشر من قبل Giovanni Puddu
 تاريخ النشر 2012
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 تأليف G. Puddu

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The energy variance extrapolation method consists in relating the approximate energies in many-body calculations to the corresponding energy variances and inferring eigenvalues by extrapolating to zero variance. The method needs a fast evaluation of the energy variances. For many-body methods that expand the nuclear wave functions in terms of deformed Slater determinants, the best available method for the evaluation of energy variances scales with the sixth power of the number of single-particle states. We propose a new method which depends on the number of single-particle orbits and the number of particles rather than the number of single-particle states. We discuss as an example the case of ${}^4He$ using the chiral N3LO interaction in a basis consisting up to 184 single-particle states.

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اقرأ أيضاً

81 - Sota Yoshida 2019
We propose a non-parametric extrapolation method based on constrained Gaussian processes for configuration interaction methods. Our method has many advantages: (i) applicability to small data sets such as results of {it ab initio} methods, (ii) flexi bility to incorporate constraints, which are guided by physics, into the extrapolation model, (iii) providing predictions with quantified extrapolation uncertainty, etc. In the present study, we show an application to the extrapolation needed in full configuration interaction method as an example.
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137 - Z. P. Li , T. Niksic , P. Ring 2012
Starting from the adiabatic time-dependent Hartree-Fock approximation (ATDHF), we propose an efficient method to calculate the Thouless-Valatin moments of inertia for the nuclear system. The method is based on the rapid convergence of the expansion o f the inertia matrix. The accuracy of the proposed method is verified in the rotational case by comparing the results with the exact Thouless-Valatin moments of inertia calculated using the self-consistent cranking model. The proposed method is computationally much more efficient than the full ATDHF calculation, yet it retains a high accuracy of the order of 1%.
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The problem of analytic continuation of the scattering data to the negative-energy region to obtain information on asymptotic normalization coefficients (ANCs) of bound states is discussed. It is shown that a recently suggested $Delta$ method [O.L.Ra m{i}rez Suarez and J.-M. Sparenberg, Phys. Rev. C {bf 96}, 034601 (2017)] is not strictly correct in the mathematical sense since it is not an analytic continuation of a partial-wave scattering amplitude to the region of negative energies. However, it can be used for practical purposes for sufficiently large charges and masses of colliding particles. Both the $Delta$ method and the standard method of continuing of the effective range function are applied to the $p-^{16}$O system which is of interest for nuclear astrophysics. The ANCs for the ground $5/2^+$ and excited $1/2^+$ states of $^{17}$F are determined.
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