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Total Hadronic Cross Section and the Elastic Slope: An Almost Model-Independent Connection

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 نشر من قبل Daniel Almeida Fagundes
 تاريخ النشر 2011
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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An almost model-independent parametrization for the ratio of the total cross section to the elastic slope, as function of the center of mass energy, is introduced. The analytical result is based on the approximate relation of this quantity with the ratio $R$ of the elastic to total cross section and empirical fits to the $R$ data from proton-proton scattering above 10 GeV, under the conditions of asymptotic unitarity and the black-disk limit. This parametrization may be useful in studies of extensive air showers and the determination of the proton-proton total cross section from proton-air production cross section in cosmic-ray experiments.

قيم البحث

اقرأ أيضاً

An almost model-independent parametrization for the ratio of the total hadronic cross section to elastic slope is discussed. Its applicability in studies of asymptotia and analyses of extensive air shower in cosmic-ray physics is also outlined.
267 - Fernando Cornet 2014
A model for the total photoproduction cross section based on the ansatz that resummation of infrared gluons limits the rise induced by QCD minijets in all the total cross-sections, is used to simulate extended air showers initiated by cosmic rays wit h the AIRES simulation program. The impact on common shower observables, especially those related with muon production, is analysed and compared with the corresponding results obtained with previous photoproduction models.
Inspired by the recent TOTEM data for the elastic proton -- proton ($pp$) scattering at $sqrt{s} =$ 8 and 13 TeV, we update previous studies of the differential cross sections using the Phillips -- Barger (PB) model, which parametrizes the amplitude in terms of a small number of free parameters. We demonstrate that this model is able to describe the recent $pp$ data on a statistically acceptable way. Additionally, we perform separate fits of the $pp$ data for each center - of - mass energy and propose a parametrization for the energy dependence of the parameters present in the PB model. As a consequence, we are able to present the PB predictions for the elastic proton - proton cross section at $sqrt{s} = 546$ GeV and $1.8$ TeV, which are compared with the existing antiproton -- proton ($bar{p}p$) data. We show that the PB predictions, constrained by the $pp$ data, are not able to describe the $bar{p}p$ data. In particular, the PB model predicts a dip in the differential cross section that is not present in the $bar{p}p$ data. Such result suggests the contribution of the Odderon exchange at high energies.
The data on p$mathrm{bar p}$ elastic scattering at 1.8 and 1.96 TeV are analysed in terms of real and imaginary amplitudes, in a treatment with high accuracy, covering the whole t-range and satisfying the expectation of dispersion relation for amplit udes and for slopes. A method is introduced for determination of the total cross section and the other forward scattering parameters and to check compatibility of E-710, CDF and the recent D0 data. Slopes $B_R$ and $ B_I$ of the real and imaginary amplitudes, treated as independent quantities, influence the amplitudes in the whole t-range and are important for the determination of the total cross section. The amplitudes are fully constructed, and a prediction is made of a marked dip in $ dsigma/dt$ in the $|t|$ range 3 - 5 GeV$^2$ due to the universal contribution of the process of three gluon exchange.
Improving previous calculations, we compute the $D + bar{D} to J/psi + pi $ cross section using the most complete effective lagrangians available. The new crucial ingredients are the form factors on the charm meson vertices, which are determined from QCD sum rules calculations. Some of them became available only very recently and the last one, needed for our present purpose, is calculated in this work.
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