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Ferromagnetic properties of charged vector bosons condensate in the early universe

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 نشر من قبل Gabriella Piccinelli
 تاريخ النشر 2011
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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Bose-Einstein condensation in the early universe is considered. The magnetic properties of a condensate of charged vector bosons are studied, showing that a ferromagnetic state is formed. As a consequence, the primeval plasma may be spontaneously magnetized inside macroscopically large domains and primordial magnetic fields can be generated.

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اقرأ أيضاً

We perform calculations of dark photon production and decay in the early universe for ranges of dark photon masses and vacuum coupling with standard model photons. Simultaneously and self-consistently with dark photon production and decay, our calcul ations include a complete treatment of weak decoupling and big bang nucleosynthesis (BBN) physics. These calculations incorporate all relevant weak, electromagnetic, and strong nuclear reactions, including charge-changing (isospin-changing) lepton capture and decay processes. They reveal a rich interplay of dark photon production, decay, and associated out-of-equilibrium transport of entropy into the decoupling neutrino seas. Most importantly, the self-consistent nature of our simulations allows us to capture the magnitude and phasing of entropy injection and dilution. Entropy injection-induced alteration of the time-temperature-scale factor relation during weak decoupling and BBN leads to changes in the light element abundance yields and the total radiation content (as parametrized by $N_{rm eff}$). These changes suggest ways to extend previous dark photon BBN constraints. However, our calculations also identify ranges of dark photon mass and couplings not yet constrained, but perhaps accessible and probable, in future Stage-4 cosmic microwave background experiments and future high precision primordial deuterium abundance measurements.
137 - A.D.Dolgov 2013
A mechanism of creation of stellar-like objects in the very early universe, from the QCD phase transition till BBN and somewhat later, is studied. It is argued that in the considered process primordial black holes with masses above a few solar masses up to super-heavy ones could be created. This may explain an early quasar creation with evolved chemistry in surrounding medium and the low mass cutoff of the observed black holes. It is also shown that dense primordial stars can be created at the considered epoch. Such stars could later become very early supernovae and in particular high redshift gamma-bursters. In a version of the model some of the created objects can consist of antimatter.
319 - J. Chluba , R.A. Sunyaev 2011
The energy spectrum of the cosmic microwave background (CMB) allows constraining episodes of energy release in the early Universe. In this paper we revisit and refine the computations of the cosmological thermalization problem. For this purpose a new code, called CosmoTherm, was developed that allows solving the coupled photon-electron Boltzmann equation in the expanding, isotropic Universe for small spectral distortion in the CMB. We explicitly compute the shape of the spectral distortions caused by energy release due to (i) annihilating dark matter; (ii) decaying relict particles; (iii) dissipation of acoustic waves; and (iv) quasi-instantaneous heating. We also demonstrate that (v) the continuous interaction of CMB photons with adiabatically cooling non-relativistic electrons and baryons causes a negative mu-type CMB spectral distortion of DI_nu/I_nu ~ 10^{-8} in the GHz spectral band. We solve the thermalization problem including improved approximations for the double Compton and Bremsstrahlung emissivities, as well as the latest treatment of the cosmological recombination process. At redshifts z <~ 10^3 the matter starts to cool significantly below the temperature of the CMB so that at very low frequencies free-free absorption alters the shape of primordial distortions significantly. In addition, the cooling electrons down-scatter CMB photons introducing a small late negative y-type distortion at high frequencies. We also discuss our results in the light of the recently proposed CMB experiment Pixie, for which CosmoTherm should allow detailed forecasting. Our current computations show that for energy injection because of (ii) and (iv) Pixie should allow to improve existing limits, while the CMB distortions caused by the other processes seem to remain unobservable with the currently proposed sensitivities and spectral bands of Pixie.
67 - Anirban Das 2020
Flavor-universal neutrino self-interaction has been shown to ease the tension between the values of the Hubble constant measured from early and late Universe data. We introduce a self-interaction structure that is flavor-specific in the three active neutrino framework. This is motivated by the stringent constraints on new secret interactions among electron and muon neutrinos from several laboratory experiments. Our study indicates the presence of a strongly interaction mode which implies a late-decoupling of the neutrinos just prior to matter radiation equality. Using the degeneracy of the coupling strength with other cosmological parameters, we explain the origin of this new mode as a result of better fit to certain features in the CMB data. We find that if only one or two of the three active neutrino flavors are interacting, then the statistical significance of the strongly-interacting neutrino mode increases substantially relative to the flavor-universal scenario. However, the central value of the coupling strength for this interaction mode does not change by any appreciable amount in the flavor-specific cases. We also briefly analyze a scenario with more than three neutrino species of which only one is self-interacting. In none of the cases, we find a large enough Hubble constant that could resolve the so-called Hubble tension.
We study the formation of first molecules, negative Hydrogen ions and molecular ions in model of the Universe with cosmological constant and cold dark matter. The cosmological recombination is described in the framework of modified model of the effec tive 3-level atom, while the kinetics of chemical reactions in the framework of the minimal model for Hydrogen, Deuterium and Helium. It is found that the uncertainties of molecular abundances caused by the inaccuracies of computation of cosmological recombination are about 2-3%. The uncertainties of values of cosmological parameters affect the abundances of molecules, negative Hydrogen ions and molecular ions at the level of up to 2%. In the absence of cosmological reionization at redshift $z=10$ the ratios of abundances to the Hydrogen one are $3.08times10^{-13}$ for $H^-$, $2.37times10^{-6}$ for $H_2$, $1.26times10^{-13}$ for $H_2^+$, $1.12times10^{-9}$ for $HD$ and $8.54times10^{-14}$ for $HeH^+$.
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