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Wilson Lines from Representations of NQ-Manifolds

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 نشر من قبل Maxim Zabzine
 تاريخ النشر 2011
  مجال البحث
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An NQ-manifold is a non-negatively graded supermanifold with a degree 1 homological vector field. The focus of this paper is to define the Wilson loops/lines in the context of NQ-manifolds and to study their properties. The Wilson loops/lines, which give the holonomy or parallel transport, are familiar objects in usual differential geometry, we analyze the subtleties in the generalization to the NQ-setting and we also sketch some possible applications of our construction.

قيم البحث

اقرأ أيضاً

We study the cusped Wilson line operators and Bremsstrahlung functions associated to particles transforming in the rank-$k$ symmetric representation of the gauge group $U(N)$ for ${cal N} = 4$ super Yang-Mills. We find the holographic D3-brane descri ption for Wilson loops with internal cusps in two different limits: small cusp angle and $ksqrt{lambda}gg N$. This allows for a non-trivial check of a conjectured relation between the Bremsstrahlung function and the expectation value of the 1/2 BPS circular loop in the case of a representation other than the fundamental. Moreover, we observe that in the limit of $kgg N$, the cusped Wilson line expectation value is simply given by the exponential of the 1-loop diagram. Using group theory arguments, this eikonal exponentiation is conjectured to take place for all Wilson loop operators in symmetric representations with large $k$, independently of the contour on which they are supported.
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The Abelian dominance for the string tension was shown for the fundamental sources in MA gauge in the lattice simulations. For higher representations, however, it is also known that the naive Abelian Wilson loop, which is defined by using the diagona l part of the gauge field, does not reproduce the correct behavior. To solve this problem, for an arbitrary representation of an arbitrary compact gauge group, we propose to redefine the Abelian Wilson loop. By using this redefined operator, we demonstrate the Abelian dominance for sources in the adjoint representation and the sextet representation of $SU(3)$ gauge group in lattice simulations.
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