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The broad away side of azimuthal correlations: 3 vs 2 final state particles in high energy nuclear collisions

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 نشر من قبل Maria Elena Tejeda-Yeomans
 تاريخ النشر 2011
  مجال البحث
والبحث باللغة English
 تأليف Alejandro Ayala

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In high energy heavy ion collisions at RHIC there are important aspects of the medium induced dynamics, that are still not well understood. In particular, there is a broadening and even a double hump structure of the away-side peak appearing in azimuthal correlation studies in Au+Au collisions which is absent in p+p collisions at the same energies. These features are already present but suppressed in p+p collisions: 2 to 3 parton processes produce such structures but are suppressed with respect to 2 to 2 processes. We argue that in A+A collisions the different geometry for the trajectories of 3 as opposed to 2 particles in the final state, together with the medium induced energy loss effects on the different cross sections, create a scenario that enhances processes with 3 particles in the final state, which gives on average this double hump structure.

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We study the influence and interplay of initial state and final state effects in the dynamics of small systems, focusing on azimuthal correlations at different multiplicities. To this end we introduce a new model, matching the classical Yang-Mills dy namics of pre-equilibrium gluon fields (IP-GLASMA) to a perturbative QCD based parton cascade for the final state evolution (BAMPS) on an event-by-event basis. Depending on multiplicity of the event, we see transverse momentum dependent signatures of the initial, but also the final state in azimuthal correlation observables, such as $v_2leftlbrace 2PCrightrbrace(p_T)$. In low-multiplicity events, initial state correlations dominate for transverse momenta $p_T>2~mathrm{GeV}$, whereas in high-multiplicity events and at low momenta final state interactions dominate and initial state correlations strongly affect $v_2leftlbrace 2PCrightrbrace(p_T)$ for $p_T>2~mathrm{GeV}$ as well as the $p_T$ integrated $v_2leftlbrace 2PCrightrbrace$. Nearly half of the final pT integrated $v_2leftlbrace 2PCrightrbrace$ is contributed by the initial state in low-multiplicity events, whereas in high-multiplicity the share is much less. Based on Ref. [1], we are now able to carry out a systematic multiplicity scan, probing the dynamics on the border of initial state dominated to final state dominated - but not yet hydrodynamic regime.
We consider the SU(2) Glasma with gaussian fluctuations and study its evolution by means of classical Yang-Mills equations solved numerically on a lattice. Neglecting in this first study the longitudinal expansion we follow the evolution of the press ures of the system and compute the effect of the fluctuations in the early stage up to $tapprox 2$ fm/c, that is the time range in which the Glasma is relevant for high energy collisions. We measure the ratio of the longitudinal over the transverse pressure, $P_L/P_T$, and we find that unless the fluctuations carry a substantial amount of the energy density at the initial time, they do not change significantly the evolution of $P_L/P_T$ in the early stage, and that the system remains quite anisotropic. We also measure the longitudinal fields correlators both in the transverse plane and along the longitudinal direction: while at initial time fields appear to be anticorrelated in the transverse plane, this anticorrelation disappears in the very early stage and the correlation length in the transverse plane increases; on the other hand, we find that the longitudinal correlator decreases for a small longitudinal separation while being approximately constant for larger separation, which we interpret as a partial loss of longitudinal correlation induced by the dynamics.
103 - Yogiro Hama , Takeshi Kodama , 2020
In this paper, we give an account of the peripheral-tube model, which has been developed to give an intuitive and dynamical description of the so-called ridge effect in two-particle correlations in high-energy nuclear collisions. Starting from a real istic event-by-event fluctuating hydrodynamical model calculation, we first show the emergence of ridge + shoulders in the so-called two-particle long-range correlations, reproducing the data. In contrast to the commonly used geometric picture of the origin of the anisotropic flow, we can explain such a structure dynamically in terms of the presence of high energy-density peripheral tubes in the initial conditions. These tubes violently explode and deflect the near radial flow coming from the interior of the hot matter, which in turn produces a two-ridge structure in single-particle distribution, with approximately two units opening in azimuth. When computing the two-particle correlation, this will result in characteristic three-ridge structure, with a high near-side ridge and two symmetric lower away-side ridges or shoulders. Several anisotropic flows, necessary to producing ridge + shoulder structure, appear naturally in this dynamical description. Using this simple idea, we can understand several related phenomena, such as centrality dependence and trigger-angle dependence.
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It is argued that the cross sections of ultraperipheral interactions of heavy nuclei can become comparable in value to those of their ordinary hadronic interactions at high energies. Simple estimates of corresponding preasymptotic energy thresholds a re provided.The~method of equivalent photons is compared with the perturbative approach. The~situation at NICA/FAIR energies is discussed.
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