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Magnetism in superconducting EuFe$_2$As$_{1.4}$P$_{0.6}$ single crystals studied by local probes

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 نشر من قبل Graeme Luke
 تاريخ النشر 2011
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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We have studied the magnetism in superconducting single crystals of EuFe2 As1.4 P0.6 by using the local probe techniques of zero-field muon spin rotation/relaxation and 151 Eu/57 Fe Mossbauer spec- troscopy. All of these measurements reveal magnetic hyperfine fields below the magnetic ordering temperature TM = 18 K of the Eu2+ moments. The analysis of the data shows that there is a coexistence of ferromagnetism, resulting from Eu2+ moments ordered along the crystallographic c-axis, and superconductivity below TSC approx 15 K. We find indications for a change in the dynamics of the small Fe magnetic moments (sim 0.07 mu B) at the onset of superconductivity: below TSC the Fe magnetic moments seem to be frozen within the ab-plane.

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We report the measurements of anisotropic magnetization and magnetoresistance on single crystals of EuFe$_2$As$_2$, a parent compound of ferro-arsenide high-temperature superconductor. Apart from the antiferromagnetic (AFM) spin-density-wave transiti on at 186 K associated with Fe moments, the compound undergoes another magnetic phase transition at 19 K due to AFM ordering of Eu$^{2+}$ spins ($J=S=7/2$). The latter AFM state exhibits metamagnetic transition under magnetic fields. Upon applying magnetic field with $Hparallel c$ at 2 K, the magnetization increases linearly to 7.0 $mu_{B}$/f.u. at $mu_{0}H$=1.7 T, then keeps at this value of saturated Eu$^{2+}$ moments under higher fields. In the case of $Hparallel ab$, the magnetization increases step-like to 6.6 $mu_{B}$/f.u. with small magnetic hysteresis. A metamagnetic phase was identified with the saturated moments of 4.4 $mu_{B}$/f.u. The metamagnetic transition accompanies with negative in-plane magnetoresistance, reflecting the influence of Eu$^{2+}$ moments ordering on the electrical conduction of FeAs layers. The results were explained in terms of spin-reorientation and spin-reversal based on an $A$-type AFM structure for Eu$^{2+}$ spins. The magnetic phase diagram has been established.
155 - Y. Tokiwa , S.-H. Hubner , O. Beck 2012
The interplay between superconductivity and Eu$ ^{2+}$ magnetic moments in EuFe$_2$(As$_{1-x}$P$_x$)$_2$ is studied by electrical resistivity measurements under hydrostatic pressure on $x=0.13$ and $x=0.18$ single crystals. We can map hydrostatic pre ssure to chemical pressure $x$ and show, that superconductivity is confined to a very narrow range $0.18leq x leq 0.23$ in the phase diagram, beyond which ferromagnetic (FM) Eu ordering suppresses superconductivity. The change from antiferro- to FM Eu ordering at the latter concentration coincides with a Lifshitz transition and the complete depression of iron magnetic order.
Magnetic flux structure on the surface of EuFe$_2$(As$rm_{1-x}$P$rm_x$)$_2$ single crystals with nearly optimal phosphorus doping levels $x=0.20$, and $x=0.21$ is studied by low-temperature magnetic force microscopy and decoration with ferromagnetic nanoparticles. The studies are performed in a broad temperature range. It is shown that the single crystal with $x=0.21$ in the temperature range between the critical temperatures $T_{rm SC}=22$ K and $T_{rm C}=17.7$ K of the superconducting and ferromagnetic phase transitions, respectively, has the vortex structure of a frozen magnetic flux, typical for type-II superconductors. The magnetic domain structure is observed in the superconducting state below $T_{rm C}$. The nature of this structure is discussed.
We report a $^{75}$As nuclear magnetic resonance study in LaFeAsO single crystals, which undergoes nematic and antiferromagnetic transitions at $T_text{nem}sim 156$ K and $T_N sim 138$ K, respectively. Below $T_text{nem}$, the $^{75}$As spectrum spli ts sharply into two for an external magnetic field parallel to the orthorhombic $a$ or $b$ axis in the FeAs planes. Our analysis of the data demonstrates that the NMR line splitting arises from an electronically driven rotational symmetry breaking. The $^{75}$As spin-lattice relaxation rate as a function of temperature shows that spin fluctuations are strongly enhanced just below $T_text{nem}$. These NMR findings indicate that nematic order promotes spin fluctuations in magnetically ordered LaFeAsO, as observed in non-magnetic and superconducting FeSe. We conclude that the origin of nematicity is identical in both FeSe and LaFeAsO regardless of whether or not a long range magnetic order develops in the nematic state.
We report the synthesis and basic physical properties of single crystals of CaFe2As2, an isostructural compound to BaFe2As2 which has been recently doped to produce superconductivity. CaFe2As2 crystalizes in the ThCr2Si2 structure with lattice parame ters a = 3.907(4) A and c = 11.69(2) A. Magnetic susceptibility, resistivity, and heat capacity all show a first order phase transition at T_0 171 K. The magnetic susceptibility is nearly isotropic from 2 K to 350 K. The heat capacity data gives a Sommerfeld coefficient of 8.2 +- 0.3 mJ/molK2, and does not reveal any evidence for the presence of high frequency (> 300 K) optical phonon modes. The Hall coefficient is negative below the transition indicating dominant n-type carriers.
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