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Gamow-Teller Unit Cross Sections for (t,3He) and (3He,t) Reactions

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 نشر من قبل Remco Zegers
 تاريخ النشر 2011
  مجال البحث
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The proportionality between differential cross sections at vanishing linear momentum transfer and Gamow-Teller transition strength, expressed in terms of the textit{unit cross section} ($hat{sigma}_{GT}$) was studied as a function of target mass number for ($t$,$^{3}$He) and ($^{3}$He,$t$) reactions at 115 $A$MeV and 140 $A$MeV, respectively. Existing ($^{3}$He,$t$) and ($t$,$^{3}$He) data on targets with mass number $12leq Aleq 120$ were complemented with new and reevaluated ($t$,$^{3}$He) data on proton, deuteron, $^{6}$Li and $^{12}$C targets. It was found that in spite of the small difference in beam energies between the two probes, the unit cross sections have a nearly identical and simple dependence on target mass number $A$, for $Ageq 12$: $hat{sigma}_{GT}=109/A^{0.65}$. The factorization of the unit cross sections in terms of a kinematical factor, a distortion factor and the strength of the effective spin-isospin transfer nucleus-nucleus interaction was investigated. Simple phenomenological functions depending on mass number $A$ were extracted for the latter two. By comparison with plane and distorted-wave Born approximation calculations, it was found that the use of a short-range approximation for knock-on exchange contributions to the transition amplitude results in overestimated cross sections for reactions involving the composite ($^{3}$He,$t$) and ($t$,$^{3}$He) probes.

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اقرأ أيضاً

Charge-exchange reactions are an important tool for determining weak-interaction rates. They provide stringent tests for nuclear structure models necessary for modeling astrophysical environments such as neutron stars and core-collapse supernovae. In anticipation of (t,3He) experiments at 115 MeV/nucleon on nuclei of relevance (A~40-120) in the late evolution of stars, it is shown via a study of the 26Mg(t,3He) reaction that this probe is an accurate tool for extracting Gamow-Teller transition strengths. To do so, the data are complemented by results from the 26Mg(3He,t) reaction at 140 MeV/nucleon which allows for a comparison of T=2 analog states excited via the mirror reactions. Extracted Gamow-Teller strengths from 26Mg(t,3He) and 26Mg(3He,t) are compared with those from 26Mg(d,2He) and 26Mg(p,n) studies, respectively. A good correspondence is found, indicating probe-independence of the strength extraction. Furthermore, we test shell-model calculations using the new USD-05B interaction in the sd-model space and show that it reproduces the experimental Gamow-Teller strength distributions well. A second goal of this work is to improve the understanding of the (t,3He) and (3He,t) reaction mechanisms at intermediate energies since detailed studies are scarce. The Distorted-Wave Born Approximation is employed, taking into account the composite structures of the 3He and triton particles. The reaction model provides the means to explain systematic uncertainties at the 10-20% level in the extraction of Gamow-Teller strengths as being due to interference between Gamow-Teller dL=0, dS=1 and dL=2, dS=1 amplitudes that both contribute to transitions from 0+ to 1+ states.
Gamow-Teller transitions from 24Mg to 24Na were studied via the (t,3He) reaction at 115 AMeV using a secondary triton beam produced via fast fragmentation of 150 AMeV 16O ions. Compared to previous (t,3He) experiments at this energy that employed a p rimary alpha beam, the secondary beam intensity is improved by about a factor of five. Despite the large emittance of the secondary beam, an excitation-energy resolution of ~200 keV is achieved. A good correspondence is found between the extracted Gamow-Teller strength distribution and those available from other charge-exchange probes. Theoretical calculations using the newly developed USDA and USDB sd-shell model interactions reproduce the data well.
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Electron capture and beta decay play important roles in the evolution of pre-supernovae stars and their eventual core collapse. These rates are normally predicted through shell-model calculations. Experimentally determined strength distributions from charge-exchange reactions are needed to test modern shell-model calculations. We report on the measurement of the Gamow-Teller strength distribution in 58Co from the 58Ni(t,3He) reaction with a secondary triton beam of an intensity of ~10^6 pps at 115 MeV/nucleon and a resolution of ~250 keV. Previous measurements with the 58Ni(n,p) and the 58Ni(d,2He) reactions were inconsistent with each other. Our results support the latter. We also compare the results to predictions of large-scale shell model calculations using the KB3G and GXPF1 interactions and investigate the impact of differences between the various experiments and theories in terms of the weak rates in the stellar environment. Finally, the systematic uncertainties in the normalization of the strength distribution extracted from 58Ni(3He,t) are described and turn out to be non-negligible due to large interferences between the dL=0, dS=1 Gamow-Teller amplitude and the dL=2, dS=1 amplitude.
We present a measurement of the spin-dependent cross sections for the vec{^3He}(vec{e},e)X} reaction in the quasielastic and resonance regions at four-momentum transfer 0.1 < Q^2< 0.9 GeV^2. The spin-structure functions have been extracted and used t o evaluate the nuclear Burkhardt--Cottingham and extended GDH sum rules for the first time. Impulse approximation and exact three-body Faddeev calculations are also compared to the data in the quasielastic region.
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