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Estimation of multi-particle correlation from multiplicity distribution observed in relativisitic heavy ion collisions

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 نشر من قبل Naomichi Suzuki
 تاريخ النشر 2010
  مجال البحث
والبحث باللغة English

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Analytical formula for multiplicity distribution is derived in the QO approach, where chaotic and coherent fields are contained. Observed charged multiplicity distributions in Au+Au collisions at $sqrt{s}=200$ AGeV and in pp collisions at $sqrt{s}=900$ GeV are analyzed by the formula. Chaoticity parameters in the inclusive events estimated from the analysis of multiplicity distributions are compared with those estimated from the analysis of observed two-particle inclusive identical particle correlations.

قيم البحث

اقرأ أيضاً

We provide a simple derivation for particle production in heavy-ion collisions that is proportional to the rate of entropy production. We find that the particle production depends only on the power of the centre-of-mass collision energy $sqrt{s_{rm N N}}$ and the effective phase-space/volume (e.g. geometry of the collision approximated by the number of nucleons participating in the collision $N_{rm part}$). We show that at low-energies the pseudo-rapidity density of particles per participating nucleon pair scales linearly with $sqrt{s_{rm NN}}$ while at high-energies with $sqrt{s_{rm NN}}^{1/3}$. The $sqrt{s_{rm NN}}^{1/3}$ region is directly related to sub-nucleon degrees of freedom and creation of a quark-gluon plasma (QGP). This picture explains experimental observation that the shape of the distributions of pseudorapidity-density per nucleon pair of charged particles does not depend on $sqrt{s_{rm NN}}$ over a large span of collision energies. We provide an explanation of the scaling and connect it with the maximum rate per unit time of entropy production. We conclude with remarks on the hadron-parton phase transition. In particular, our considerations suggest that the pseudo-rapitidy density of the produced particles per $N_{rm part}/2$ larger than approximately 1 (excluding particles from jet fragmentation) is a signature of a QGP formation.
We discuss opportunities that may arise from subjecting high-multiplicity events in relativistic heavy ion collisions to an analysis similar to the one used in cosmology for the study of fluctuations of the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB). To this end, we discuss examples of how pertinent features of heavy ion collisions including global characteristics, signatures of collective flow and event-wise fluctuations are visually represented in a Mollweide projection commonly used in CMB analysis, and how they are statistically analyzed in an expansion over spherical harmonic functions. If applied to the characterization of purely azimuthal dependent phenomena such as collective flow, the expansion coefficients of spherical harmonics are seen to contain redundancies compared to the set of harmonic flow coefficients commonly used in heavy ion collisions. Our exploratory study indicates, however, that these redundancies may offer novel opportunities for a detailed characterization of those event-wise fluctuations that remain after subtraction of the dominant collective flow signatures. By construction, the proposed approach allows also for the characterization of more complex collective phenomena like higher-order flow and other sources of fluctuations, and it may be extended to the characterization of phenomena of non-collective origin such as jets.
362 - Y. D. Song , R. Wang , Y. G. Ma 2021
By relating the charge multiplicity distribution and the temperature of a de-exciting nucleus through a deep neural network, we propose that the charge multiplicity distribution can be used as a thermometer of heavy-ion collisions. Based on an isospi n-dependent quantum molecular dynamics model, we study the caloric curve of reaction $^{103}$Pd + $^9$Be with the apparent temperature determined through the charge multiplicity distribution. The caloric curve shows a characteristic signature of nuclear liquid-gas phase transition around the apparent temperature $T_{rm ap}$ $=$ $6.4~rm MeV$, which is consistent with that through a traditional heavy-ion collision thermometer, and indicates the viability of determining the temperature in heavy-ion collisions with multiplicity distribution.
Results of a systematic study of fully integrated particle multiplicities in central Au-Au and Pb-Pb collisions at beam momenta 1.7 A GeV, 11.6 A GeV (Au-Au) and 158 A GeV (Pb-Pb) using a statistical-thermal model are presented. The close similarity of the colliding systems makes it possible to study heavy ion collisions under definite initial conditions over a range of centre-of-mass energies covering more than one order of magnitude. We conclude that a thermal model description of particle multiplicities, with additional strangeness suppression, is possible for each energy. The degree of chemical equilibrium of strange particles and the relative production of strange quarks with respect to u and d quarks are higher than in e+e-, pp and pp(bar) collisions at comparable and even at lower energies. The average energy per hadron in the comoving frame is always close to 1 GeV per hadron despite the fact that the energy varies more than 10-fold.
We compute net-proton probability distributions in heavy ion collisions within the hadron resonance gas model. The model results are compared with data taken by the STAR Collaboration in Au-Au collisions at sqrt(s_{NN})= 200 GeV for different central ities. We show that in peripheral Au-Au collisions the measured distributions, and the resulting first four moments of net-proton fluctuations, are consistent with results obtained from the hadron resonance gas model. However, data taken in central Au-Au collisions differ from the predictions of the model. The observed deviations can not be attributed to uncertainties in model parameters. We discuss possible interpretations of the observed deviations.
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