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Field theory aspects of cosmology and black holes

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 نشر من قبل Shailesh Kulkarni
 تاريخ النشر 2010
  مجال البحث
والبحث باللغة English
 تأليف Shailesh Kulkarni

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In this thesis we study some aspects of cosmology and black holes using field theoretic techniques. In second chapter, we present Lagrangian formulation for the non-relativistic as well as relativistic generalized Chaplygin gas (GCG). In rest of the thesis we discuss alternative approaches to compute the fluxes of Hawking radiation. These methods are based on covariant gauge/gravitational anomalies and chiral effective action. We also discuss a criterion to differentiate various black hole vacua within the framework of covariant anomaly approach.

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اقرأ أيضاً

149 - Sangmin Choi , Finn Larsen 2021
We review and extend recent progress on the quantum description of near-extremal black holes in the language of effective quantum field theory. With black holes in Einstein-Maxwell theory as the main example, we derive the Schwarzian low energy descr iption of the AdS$_2$ region from a spacetime point of view. We also give a concise formula for the symmetry breaking scale, we relate rotation to supersymmetry, and we discuss quantum corrections to black hole entropy.
While no-hair theorems forbid isolated black holes from possessing permanent moments beyond their mass, electric charge, and angular momentum, research over the past two decades has demonstrated that a black hole interacting with a time-dependent bac kground scalar field will gain an induced scalar charge. In this paper, we study this phenomenon from an effective field theory (EFT) perspective. We employ a novel approach to constructing the effective point-particle action for the black hole by integrating out a set of composite operators localized on its worldline. This procedure, carried out using the in-in formalism, enables a systematic accounting of both conservative and dissipative effects associated with the black holes horizon at the level of the action. We show that the induced scalar charge is inextricably linked to accretion of the background environment, as both effects stem from the same parent term in the effective action. The charge, in turn, implies that a black hole can radiate scalar waves and will also experience a fifth force. Our EFT correctly reproduces known results in the literature for massless scalars, but now also generalizes to massive real scalar fields, allowing us to consider a wider range of scenarios of astrophysical interest. As an example, we use our EFT to study the early inspiral of a black hole binary embedded in a fuzzy dark matter halo.
We study different aspects of quantum field theory at finite density using methods from quantum information theory. For simplicity we focus on massive Dirac fermions with nonzero chemical potential, and work in $1+1$ space-time dimensions. Using the entanglement entropy on an interval, we construct an entropic $c$-function that is finite. Unlike what happens in Lorentz-invariant theories, this $c$-function exhibits a strong violation of monotonicity; it also encodes the creation of long-range entanglement from the Fermi surface. Motivated by previous works on lattice models, we next calculate numerically the Renyi entropies and find Friedel-type oscillations; these are understood in terms of a defect operator product expansion. Furthermore, we consider the mutual information as a measure of correlation functions between different regions. Using a long-distance expansion previously developed by Cardy, we argue that the mutual information detects Fermi surface correlations already at leading order in the expansion. We also analyze the relative entropy and its Renyi generalizations in order to distinguish states with different charge and/or mass. In particular, we show that states in different superselection sectors give rise to a super-extensive behavior in the relative entropy. Finally, we discuss possible extensions to interacting theories, and argue for the relevance of some of these measures for probing non-Fermi liquids.
The metric algebroid proposed by Vaisman (the Vaisman algebroid) governs the gauge symmetry algebra generated by the C-bracket in double field theory (DFT). We show that the Vaisman algebroid is obtained by an analogue of the Drinfeld double of Lie a lgebroids. Based on a geometric realization of doubled space-time as a para-Hermitian manifold, we examine exterior algebras and a para-Dolbeault cohomology on DFT and discuss the structure of the Drinfeld double behind the DFT gauge symmetry. Similar to the Courant algebroid in the generalized geometry, Lagrangian subbundles $(L,tilde{L})$ in a para-Hermitian manifold play Dirac-like structures in the Vaisman algebroid. We find that an algebraic origin of the strong constraint in DFT is traced back to the compatibility condition needed for $(L,tilde{L})$ be a Lie bialgebroid. The analysis provides a foundation toward the coquecigrue problem for the gauge symmetry in DFT.
We analyze spherical and odd-parity linear perturbations of hairy black holes with a minimally coupled scalar field.
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