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Images of a fourth planet orbiting HR 8799

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 نشر من قبل Christian Marois
 تاريخ النشر 2010
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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High-contrast near-infrared imaging of the nearby star HR 8799 has shown three giant planets. Such images were possible due to the wide orbits (> 25 AU) and youth (< 100 Myr) of the imaged planets, which are still hot and bright as they radiate away gravitational energy acquired during their formation. A major area of contention in the extrasolar planet community is whether outer planets (> 10 AU) more massive than Jupiter form via one-step gravitational instabilities or, rather, via a two-step process involving accretion of a core followed by accumulation of a massive outer envelope composed primarily of hydrogen and helium. Here we report the presence of a fourth planet, interior to and about the same mass as the other three. The system, with this additional planet, represents a challenge for current planet formation models as none of them can explain the in situ formation of all four planets. With its four young giant planets and known cold/warm debris belts, the HR 8799 planetary system is a unique laboratory to study the formation and evolution of giant planets at wide > 10 AU separations.

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122 - Ji Wang , Bo Ma 2020
Comparing chemical abundances of a planet and the host star reveals the origin and formation path. Stellar abundance is measured with high-resolution spectroscopy. Planet abundance, on the other hand, is usually inferred from low-resolution data. For directly imaged exoplanets, the data are available from a slew of high-contrast imaging/spectroscopy instruments. Here, we study the chemical abundance of HR 8799 and its planet c. We measure stellar abundance using LBT/PEPSI (R=120,000) and archival HARPS data: stellar [C/H], [O/H], and C/O are 0.11$pm$0.12, 0.12$pm$0.14, and 0.54$^{+0.12}_{-0.09}$, all consistent with solar values. We conduct atmospheric retrieval using newly obtained Subaru/CHARIS data together with archival Gemini/GPI and Keck/OSIRIS data. We model the planet spectrum with petitRADTRANS and conduct retrieval using PyMultiNest. Retrieved planetary abundance can vary by $sim$0.5 dex, from sub-stellar to stellar C and O abundances. The variation depends on whether strong priors are chosen to ensure a reasonable planet mass. Moreover, comparison with previous works also reveals inconsistency in abundance measurements. We discuss potential issues that can cause the inconsistency, e.g., systematics in individual data sets and different assumptions in the physics and chemistry in retrieval. We conclude that no robust retrieval can be obtained unless the issues are fully resolved.
During the first-light run of the Gemini Planet Imager (GPI) we obtained K-band spectra of exoplanets HR 8799 c and d. Analysis of the spectra indicates that planet d may be warmer than planet c. Comparisons to recent patchy cloud models and previous ly obtained observations over multiple wavelengths confirm that thick clouds combined with horizontal variation in the cloud cover generally reproduce the planets spectral energy distributions. When combined with the 3 to 4 um photometric data points, the observations provide strong constraints on the atmospheric methane content for both planets. The data also provide further evidence that future modeling efforts must include cloud opacity, possibly including cloud holes, disequilibrium chemistry, and super-solar metallicity.
We have obtained a full suite of Spitzer observations to characterize the debris disk around HR 8799 and to explore how its properties are related to the recently discovered set of three massive planets orbiting the star. We distinguish three compone nts to the debris system: (1) warm dust (T ~150 K) orbiting within the innermost planet; (2) a broad zone of cold dust (T ~45 K) with a sharp inner edge, orbiting just outside the outermost planet and presumably sculpted by it; and (3) a dramatic halo of small grains originating in the cold dust component. The high level of dynamical activity implied by this halo may arise due to enhanced gravitational stirring by the massive planets. The relatively young age of HR 8799 places it in an important early stage of development and may provide some help in understanding the interaction of planets and planetary debris, an important process in the evolution of our own solar system.
166 - Z. Wahhaj , J. Milli , C. Romero 2021
The direct imaging of extrasolar giant planets demands the highest possible contrasts (dH ~10 magnitudes) at the smallest angular separations (~0.1) from the star. We present an adaptive optics observing method, called star-hopping, recently offered as standard queue observing for the SPHERE instrument at the VLT. The method uses reference difference imaging (RDI) but unlike earlier works, obtains images of a reference star for PSF subtraction, within minutes of observing the target star. We aim to significantly gain in contrast over the conventional angular differencing imaging (ADI) method, to search for a fifth planet at separations less than 10 au, interior to the four giant planets of the HR 8799 system. We obtained a total of 4.5 hours of simultaneous integral field spectroscopy (R~30, Y-H band with IFS) and dual-band imaging (K1 and K2-band with IRDIS) of the HR 8799 system and a reference star. The reference star was observed for ~1/3 of the total time, and should have dR~1 mag and separated on sky by ~1-2 deg. The star hops were made every 6-10 minutes, with only 1 minute gaps in on-sky integration per hop. We did not detect the hypothetical fifth planet at the most plausible separations, 7.5 and 9.7 au, down to mass limits of 3.6 MJup high signal-to-noise ratios. As noted in previous works, the planet spectra are matched very closely by some red field dwarfs. We also demonstrated that with star-hopping RDI, the contrast improvement at 0.1 separation can be up to 2 magnitudes. Since ADI, meridian transit and the concomitant sky rotation are not needed, the time of observation can be chosen from within a 2-3 times larger window. In general, star-hopping can be used for stars fainter than R=4 magnitudes, since for these a reference star of suitable brightness and separation is usually available. The reduction software used in this paper has been made available online.
Context. Astrometric monitoring of directly-imaged exoplanets allows the study of their orbital parameters and system architectures. Because most directly-imaged planets have long orbital periods (>20 AU), accurate astrometry is challenging when base d on data acquired on timescales of a few years and usually with different instruments. The LMIRCam camera on the LBT is being used for the LEECH survey to search for and characterize young and adolescent exoplanets in L band, including their system architectures. Aims. We first aim to provide a good astrometric calibration of LMIRCam. Then, we derive new astrometry, test the predictions of the orbital model of 8:4:2:1 mean motion resonance proposed by Gozdziewski & Migaszewski, and perform new orbital fitting of the HR 8799 bcde planets. We also present deep limits on a putative fifth planet interior to the known planets. Methods. We use observations of HR 8799 and the Theta1 Ori C field obtained during the same run in October 2013. Results. We first characterize the distortion of LMIRCam. We determine a platescale and a true north orientation for the images of 10.707 +/- 0.012 mas/pix and -0.430 +/- 0.076 deg, respectively. The errors on the platescale and true north orientation translate into astrometric accuracies at a separation of 1 of 1.1 mas and 1.3 mas, respectively. The measurements for all planets are usually in agreement within 3 sigma with the ephemeris predicted by Gozdziewski & Migaszewski. The orbital fitting based on the new astrometric measurements favors an architecture for the planetary system based on 8:4:2:1 mean motion resonance. The detection limits allow us to exclude a fifth planet slightly brighter/more massive than HR 8799 b at the location of the 2:1 resonance with HR 8799 e (~9.5 AU) and about twice as bright as HR 8799 cde at the location of the 3:1 resonance with HR 8799 e (~7.5 AU).
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