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Compressive auto-indexing in femtosecond nanocrystallography

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 نشر من قبل Stefano Marchesini
 تاريخ النشر 2010
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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Ultrafast nanocrystallography has the potential to revolutionize biology by enabling structural elucidation of proteins for which it is possible to grow crystals with 10 or fewer unit cells on the side. The success of nanocrystallography depends on robust orientation-determination procedures that allow us to average diffraction data from multiple nanocrystals to produce a three dimensional (3D) diffraction data volume with a high signal-to-noise ratio. Such a 3D diffraction volume can then be phased using standard crystallographic techniques. Indexing algorithms used in crystallography enable orientation determination of diffraction data from a single crystal when a relatively large number of reflections are recorded. Here we show that it is possible to obtain the exact lattice geometry from a smaller number of measurements than standard approaches using a basis pursuit solver.

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When x-rays penetrate soft matter, their phase changes more rapidly than their amplitude. In- terference effects visible with high brightness sources creates higher contrast, edge enhanced images. When the object is piecewise smooth (made of big bloc ks of a few components), such higher con- trast datasets have a sparse solution. We apply basis pursuit solvers to improve SNR, remove ring artifacts, reduce the number of views and radiation dose from phase contrast datasets collected at the Hard X-Ray Micro Tomography Beamline at the Advanced Light Source. We report a GPU code for the most computationally intensive task, the gridding and inverse gridding algorithm (non uniform sampled Fourier transform).
170 - S. Marchesini 2008
Any object on earth has two fundamental properties: it is finite, and it is made of atoms. Structural information about an object can be obtained from diffraction amplitude measurements that account for either one of these traits. Nyquist-sampling of the Fourier amplitudes is sufficient to image single particles of finite size at any resolution. Atomic resolution data is routinely used to image molecules replicated in a crystal structure. Here we report an algorithm that requires neither information, but uses the fact that an image of a natural object is compressible. Intended applications include tomographic diffractive imaging, crystallography, powder diffraction, small angle x-ray scattering and random Fourier amplitude measurements.
We demonstrate a novel method to measure the temporal evolution of electric fields with optical frequencies. Our technique is based on the detection of transient currents in air plasma. These directional currents result from sub-cycle ionization of a ir with a short pump pulse, and the steering of the released electrons with the pulse to be sampled. We assess the validity of our approach by comparing it with different state-of-the-art laser-pulse characterization techniques. Notably, our method works in ambient air and facilitates a direct measurement of the field waveform, which can be viewed in real time on an oscilloscope in the exact same way as a radio frequency signal.
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We propose a dictionary-matching-free pipeline for multi-parametric quantitative MRI image computing. Our approach has two stages based on compressed sensing reconstruction and deep learned quantitative inference. The reconstruction phase is convex a nd incorporates efficient spatiotemporal regularisations within an accelerated iterative shrinkage algorithm. This minimises the under-sampling (aliasing) artefacts from aggressively short scan times. The learned quantitative inference phase is purely trained on physical simulations (Bloch equations) that are flexible for producing rich training samples. We propose a deep and compact auto-encoder network with residual blocks in order to embed Bloch manifold projections through multiscale piecewise affine approximations, and to replace the nonscalable dictionary-matching baseline. Tested on a number of datasets we demonstrate effectiveness of the proposed scheme for recovering accurate and consistent quantitative information from novel and aggressively subsampled 2D/3D quantitative MRI acquisition protocols.
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