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Competing magnetic ground states in non-superconducting Ba(Fe1-xCrx)2As2

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 نشر من قبل Mark D. Lumsden
 تاريخ النشر 2010
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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We present neutron diffraction measurements on single crystal samples of non-superconducting Ba(Fe1-xCrx)2As2 as a function of Cr-doping for 0<=x<=0.47. The average SDW moment is independent of concentration for x<=0.2 and decreases rapidly for x>=0.3. For concentrations in excess of 30% chromium, we find a new G-type antiferromagnetic phase which rapidly becomes the dominant magnetic ground state. Strong magnetism is observed for all concentrations measured and competition between these ordered states and superconductivity naturally explains the absence of superconductivity in the Cr-doped materials.

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اقرأ أيضاً

The magnetic excitations in the paramagnetic-tetragonal phase of underdoped Ba(Fe0.953Co0.047)2As2, as measured by inelastic neutron scattering, can be well described by a phenomenological model with purely diffusive spin dynamics. At low energies, t he spectrum around the magnetic ordering vector Q_AFM consists of a single peak with elliptical shape in momentum space. At high energies, this inelastic peak is split into two peaks across the direction perpendicular to Q_AFM. We use our fittings to argue that such a splitting is not due to incommensurability or propagating spin-wave excitations, but is rather a consequence of the anisotropies in the Landau damping and in the magnetic correlation length, both of which are allowed by the tetragonal symmetry of the system. We also measure the magnetic spectrum deep inside the magnetically-ordered phase, and find that it is remarkably similar to the spectrum of the paramagnetic phase, revealing the strongly overdamped character of the magnetic excitations.
196 - F. Hardy , P. Burger , T. Wolf 2010
An extensive calorimetric study of the normal- and superconducting-state properties of Ba(Fe1-xCox)2As2 is presented for 0 < x < 0.2. The normal-state Sommerfeld coefficient increases (decreases) with Co doping for x < 0.06 (x > 0.06), which illustra tes the strong competition between magnetism and superconductivity to monopolize the Fermi surface in the underdoped region and the filling of the hole bands for overdoped Ba(Fe1-xCox)2As2. All superconducting samples exhibit a residual electronic density of states of unknown origin in the zero-temperature limit, which is minimal at optimal doping but increases to the normal-state value in the strongly under- and over-doped regions. The remaining specific heat in the superconducting state is well described using a two-band model with isotropic s-wave superconducting gaps.
173 - S. Lee , J. Jiang , J. D. Weiss 2009
We show that despite the low anisotropy, strong vortex pinning and high irreversibility field Hirr close to the upper critical field Hc2 of Ba(Fe1-xCox)2As2, the critical current density Jgb across [001] tilt grain boundaries (GBs) of thin film Ba(Fe 1-xCox)2As2 bicrystals is strongly depressed, similar to high-Tc cuprates. Our results suggest that weak-linked GBs are characteristic of both cuprates and pnictides because of competing orders, low carrier density, and unconventional pairing symmetry.
Inelastic neutron scattering measurements have been performed on underdoped Ba(Fe1-xCox)2As2 (x = 4.7%) where superconductivity and long-range antiferromagnetic (AFM) order coexist. The broad magnetic spectrum found in the normal state develops into a magnetic resonance feature below TC that has appreciable dispersion along c-axis with a bandwidth of 3-4 meV. This is in contrast to the optimally doped x = 8.0% composition, with no long-range AFM order, where the resonance exhibits a much weaker dispersion [see Lumsden et al. Phys. Rev. Lett. 102, 107005 (2009)]. The results suggest that the resonance dispersion arises from interlayer spin correlations present in the AFM ordered state.
We present small-angle neutron scattering (SANS) and Bitter decoration studies of the superconducting vortices in Ba(Fe$_{0.93}$Co$_{0.07}$)$_2$As$_2$}. A highly disordered vortex configuration is observed at all measured fields, and is attributed to strong pinning. This conclusion is supported by the absence of a Meissner rim in decoration images obtained close to the sample edge. The field dependence of the magnitude of the SANS scattering vector indicates vortex lattice domains of (distorted) hexagonal symmetry, consistent with the decoration images which show primarily 6-fold coordinated vortex domains. An analysis of the scattered intensity shows that this decreases much more rapidly than expected from estimates of the upper critical field, consistent with the large degree of disorder.
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