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Anatomy of New Physics in B-Bbar mixing

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 نشر من قبل S. Descotes-Genon
 تاريخ النشر 2010
  مجال البحث
والبحث باللغة English
 تأليف A. Lenz

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We analyse three different New Physics scenarios for Delta F=2 flavour-changing neutral currents in the quark sector in the light of recent data on neutral-meson mixing. We parametrise generic New Physics contributions to B_q-Bbar_q mixing (q=d,s), in terms of one complex quantity Delta_q, while three parameters Delta_K^tt, Delta_K^ct and Delta_K^cc are needed to describe K-Kbar mixing. In Scenario I, we consider uncorrelated New Physics contributions in the B_d, B_s, and K sectors. In this scenario, it is only possible to constrain the parameters Delta_d and Delta_s whereas there are no non-trivial constraints on the kaon parameters. In Scenario II, we study the case of Minimal Flavour Violation (MFV) and small bottom Yukawa coupling and Scenario III is the generic MFV case with large bottom Yukawa couplings. Our quantitative analyses consist of global CKM fits within the Rfit frequentist statistical approach, determining the Standard Model parameters and the new physics parameters of the studied scenarios simultaneously. We find that the recent measurements indicating discrepancies with the Standard Model are well accomodated in Scenarios I and III with new mixing phases, with a slight preference for Scenario I that permits different new CP phases in the B_d and B_s systems. Within our statistical framework, we find evidence of New Physics in both B_d and B_s systems. The Standard-Model hypothesis Delta_d=Delta_s=1 is disfavoured with p-values of 3.6 sigma and 3.3 sigma in Scenarios I and III, respectively. We also present an exhaustive list of numerical predictions in each scenario. In particular, we predict the CP phase in B_s -> J psi phi and the difference between the B_s and B_d semileptonic asymmetries, which will be both measured by the LHCb experiment.

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اقرأ أيضاً

144 - A. Lenz 2012
We perform model-independent statistical analyses of three scenarios accommodating New Physics (NP) in Delta F=2 flavour-changing neutral current amplitudes. In a scenario in which NP in B_d-B_d-bar and B_s-B_s-bar is uncorrelated, we find the parame ter point representing the Standard-Model disfavoured by 2.4 standard deviations. However, recent LHCb data on B_s neutral-meson mixing forbid a good accommodation of the D0 data on the semileptonic CP asymmetry A_SL. We introduce a fourth scenario with NP in both M_12^d,s and Gamma_12^d,s, which can accommodate all data. We discuss the viability of this possibility and emphasise the importance of separate measurements of the CP asymmetries in semileptonic B_d and B_s decays. All results have been obtained with the CKMfitter analysis package, featuring the frequentist statistical approach and using Rfit to handle theoretical uncertainties.
66 - Andreas Crivellin 2015
While the LHC did not observe direct evidence for physics beyond the standard model, indirect hints for new physics were uncovered in the flavour sector in the decays $Bto K^*mu^+mu^-$, $Bto Kmu^+mu^-/Bto Ke^+e^-$, $B_stophimu^+mu^-$, $Bto D^{(*)}tau u$ and $htotau^pmmu^mp$. Each observable deviates from the SM predictions at the $2-3,sigma$ level only, but combining all $bto smu^+mu^-$ data via a global fit, one finds $4-5,sigma$ difference for NP compared to the SM and combining $Bto D^{*}tau u$ with $Bto Dtau u$ one obtains $3.9,sigma$. While $Bto D^{(*)}tau u$ and $htotaumu$ can be naturally explained by an extended Higgs sector, the $bto smu^+mu^-$ anomalies point at a $Z$ gauge boson. However, it is also possible to explain $Bto D^{(*)}tau u$ and $bto smu^+mu^-$ simultaneously with leptoquarks while their effect in $htotau^pmmu^mp$ is far too small to account for current data. Combining a 2HDM with a gauged $L_mu-L_tau$ symmetry allows for explaining the $bto smu^+mu^-$ anomalies in combination with $htotau^pmmu^mp$, predicting interesting correlations with $tauto3mu$. In the light of these deviations from the SM we also discuss the possibilities of observing lepton flavour violating $B$ decays (e.g. $Bto K^{(*)}tau^pmmu^mp$ and $B_stotau^pmmu^mp$).
We study the impact of contact interactions involving two leptons (electrons or muons) and two $b$-quarks ($b bar{b} ell^+ ell^-$) on the high-mass di-lepton region at the LHC. We consider different selections of $b$-tagged jet multiplicities in the di-lepton final states: inclusive (no selection), 0, 1 and 2 $b$-tagged jets, and show that the single $b$-jet selection significantly improves the sensitivity to New Physics (NP) in the form of the $b bar{b} ell^+ ell^-$ contact term. We obtain a better sensitivity compared to the currently existing searches of NP in the di-lepton inclusive channel. In particular, the expected limits go beyond competitive bounds set by LEP (for electrons) on the scale of NP, $Lambda$, by a factor of $1.2-3.1$, depending on the chirality structure of the operator. In addition, the expected limits on $Lambda$, set by using a non-resonant LHC di-lepton inclusive search, are expected to be improved by a factor of $1.3-1.4$ for both electrons and muons.
The $tthh$ production at colliders contain rich information on the nature of Higgs boson. In this article, we systematically studied its physics at High-Luminosity Large Hadron Collider (HL-LHC), using exclusive channels with multiple ($geq 5$) $b$-j ets and one lepton ($5b1ell$), multiple ($geq 5$) $b$-jets and opposite-sign di-lepton ($5b2ell$), same-sign di-lepton (SS2$ell$), multiple leptons (multi-$ell$), and di-tau resonance ($tautau$). The scenarios analyzed include: (1) the $tthh$ production in Standard Model; (2) the $tthh$ production mediated by anomalous cubic Higgs self-coupling and $tthh$ contact interaction; (3) heavy Higgs ($H$) production with $tt H to tthh$; and (4) pair production of fermionic top partners ($T$) with $T T to tthh$. To address the complication of event topologies and the mess of combinatorial backgrounds, a tool of Boosted-Decision-Tree was applied in the analyses. The $5b1ell$ and SS2$ell$ analyses define the two most promising channels, resulting in slightly different sensitivities. For non-resonant $tthh$ production, a combination of these exclusive analyses allows for its measurment in the SM with a statistical significance $sim 0.9sigma$ (with $S/B > 1 %$), and may assist partially breaking the sensitivity degeneracy w.r.t. the cubic Higgs self-coupling, a difficulty usually thought to exist in gluon fusion di-Higgs analysis at HL-LHC. These sensitivities were also projected to future hadron colliders at 27 TeV and 100 TeV. For resonant $tthh$ productions, the heavy Higgs boson in type II Two-Higgs-Doublet-Model could be efficiently searched for between the mass thresholds $2 m_h < m_H < 2 m_t$ and even beyond that, for relatively small $tanbeta$, while the fermionic top partners in composite Higgs models could be probed for up to $sim 1.5$ TeV and $sim 1.7$ TeV, for Br$(Tto th)=25%$ and $50%$, respectively.
We provide a comprehensive, up-to-date analysis of possible New Physics contributions to the mass difference $Delta M_D$ in $D^0$-${bar D}^0$ mixing. We consider the most general low energy effective Hamiltonian and include leading order QCD running of effective operators. We then explore an extensive list of possible New Physics models that can generate these operators, which we organize as including Extra Fermions, Extra Gauge Bosons, Extra Scalars, Extra Space Dimensions and Extra Symmetries. For each model we place restrictions on the allowed parameter space using the recent evidence for observation of $D$ meson mixing. In many scenarios, we find strong constraints that surpass those from other search techniques and provide an important test of flavor changing neutral currents in the up-quark sector. We also review the recent BaBar and Belle findings, and describe the current status of the Standard Model predictions of $D^0$-${bar D}^0$ mixing.
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