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Orbital Selective Pressure-Driven Metal-Insulator Transition in FeO from Dynamical Mean-Field Theory

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 نشر من قبل Alexey Shorikov
 تاريخ النشر 2010
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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In this Letter we report the first LDA+DMFT (method combining Local Density Approximation with Dynamical Mean-Field Theory) results of magnetic and spectral properties calculation for paramagnetic phases of FeO at ambient and high pressures (HP). At ambient pressure (AP) calculation gave FeO as a Mott insulator with Fe 3$d$-shell in high-spin state. Calculated spectral functions are in a good agreement with experimental PES and IPES data. Experimentally observed metal-insulator transition at high pressure is successfully reproduced in calculations. In contrast to MnO and Fe$_2$O$_3$ ($d^5$ configuration) where metal-insulator transition is accompanied by high-spin to low-spin transition, in FeO ($d^6$ configuration) average value of magnetic moment $sqrt{<mu_z^2>}$ is nearly the same in the insulating phase at AP and metallic phase at HP in agreement with X-Ray spectroscopy data (Phys. Rev. Lett. {bf83}, 4101 (1999)). The metal-insulator transition is orbital selective with only $t_{2g}$ orbitals demonstrating spectral function typical for strongly correlated metal (well pronounced Hubbard bands and narrow quasiparticle peak) while $e_g$ states remain insulating.

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اقرأ أيضاً

A metal-insulator transition (MIT) in BiFeO$_3$ under pressure was investigated by a method combining Generalized Gradient Corrected Local Density Approximation with Dynamical Mean-Field Theory (GGA+DMFT). Our paramagnetic calculations are found to b e in agreement with experimental phase diagram: Magnetic and spectral properties of BiFeO3 at ambient and high pressures were calculated for three experimental crystal structures $R3c$, $Pbnm$ and $Pmbar{3}m$. At ambient pressure in the $R3c$ phase, an insulating gap of 1.2 eV was obtained in good agreement with its experimental value. Both $R3c$ and $Pbnm$ phases have a metal-insulator transition that occurs simultaneously with a high-spin (HS) to low-spin (LS) transition. The critical pressure for the $Pbnm$ phase is 25-33 GPa that agrees well with the experimental observations. The high pressure and temperature $Pmbar{3}m$ phase exhibits a metallic behavior observed experimentally as well as in our calculations in the whole range of considered pressures and undergoes to the LS state at 33 GPa where a $Pbnm$ to $Pmbar{3}m$ transition is experimentally observed. The antiferromagnetic GGA+DMFT calculations carried out for the $Pbnm$ structure result in simultaneous MIT and HS-LS transitions at a critical pressure of 43 GPa in agreement with the experimental data.
We present the first dynamical implementation of the combined GW and dynamical mean field scheme (GW+DMFT) for first principles calculations of the electronic properties of correlated materials. The application to the ternary transition metal oxide S rVO3 demonstrates that this schemes inherits the virtues of its two parent theories: a good description of the local low energy correlation physics encoded in a renormalized quasi-particle band structure, spectral weight transfer to Hubbard bands, and the physics of screening driven by long-range Coulomb interactions. Our data is in good agreement with available photoemission and inverse photoemission spectra; our analysis leads to a reinterpretation of the commonly accepted three-peak structure as originating from orbital effects rather than from the electron addition peak within the t2g manifold.
A combination of dynamical mean field theory and density functional theory, as implemented in Phys. Rev. B 81, 195107 (2010), is applied to both the early and late transition metal oxides. For fixed value of the local Coulomb repulsion, without fine tuning, we obtain the main features of these series, such as the metallic character of SrVO$_3$ and the the insulating gaps of LaVO$_3$, LaTiO$_3$ and La$_2$CO$_4$ which are in good agreement with experiment. The study highlights the importance of local physics and high energy hybridization in the screening of the Hubbard interaction and how different low energy behaviors can emerge from the a unified treatment of the transition metal series.
We derive a set of equations expressing the parameters of the magnetic interactions characterizing a strongly correlated electronic system in terms of single-electron Greens functions and self-energies. This allows to establish a mapping between the initial electronic system and a spin model including up to quadratic interactions between the effective spins, with a general interaction (exchange) tensor that accounts for anisotropic exchange, Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction and other symmetric terms such as dipole-dipole interaction. We present the formulas in a format that can be used for computations via Dynamical Mean Field Theory algorithms.
We study the effects of electron-electron interactions and hole doping on the electronic structure of Cu-doped NaFeAs using the density functional theory plus dynamical mean-field theory (DFT+DMFT) method. In particular, we employ an effective multi- orbital Hubbard model with a realistic bandstructure of NaFeAs in which Cu-doping was modeled within a rigid band approximation and compute the evolution of the spectral properties, orbital-dependent electronic mass renormalizations, and magnetic properties of NaFeAs upon doping with Cu. In addition, we perform fully charge self-consistent DFT+DMFT calculations for the long-range antiferromagnetically ordered Na(Fe,Cu)As with Cu $x=0.5$ with a real-space ordering of Fe and Cu ions. Our results reveal a crucial importance of strong electron-electron correlations and local potential difference between the Cu and Fe ions for understanding the textbf{k}-resolved spectra of Na(Fe,Cu)As. Upon Cu-doping, we observe a strong orbital-dependent localization of the Fe $3d$ states accompanied by a large renormalization of the Fe $xy$ and $xz$/$yz$ orbitals. Na(Fe,Cu)As exhibits bad metal behavior associated with a coherence-to-incoherence crossover of the Fe $3d$ electronic states and local moments formation near a Mott metal-insulator transition (MIT). For heavily doped NaFeAs with Cu $x sim 0.5$ we obtain a Mott insulator with a band gap of $sim$0.3 eV characterized by divergence of the quasiparticle effective mass of the Fe $xy$ states. In contrast to this, the quasiparticle weights of the Fe $xz$/$yz$ and $e_g$ states remain finite at the MIT. The MIT occurs via an orbital-selective Mott phase to appear at Cu $xsimeq0.375$ with the Fe $xy$ states being Mott localized. We propose the possible importance of Fe/Cu disorder to explain the magnetic properties of Cu-doped NaFeAs.
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