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Non-Markovian finite-temperature two-time correlation functions of system operators of a pure-dephasing model

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 نشر من قبل Hsi-Sheng Goan
 تاريخ النشر 2010
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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We evaluate the non-Markovian finite-temperature two-time correlation functions (CFs) of system operators of a pure-dephasing spin-boson model in two different ways, one by the direct exact operator technique and the other by the recently derived evolution equations, valid to second order in the system-environment interaction Hamiltonian. This pure-dephasing spin-boson model that is exactly solvable has been extensively studied as a simple decoherence model. However, its exact non-Markovian finite-temperature two-time system operator CFs, to our knowledge, have not been presented in the literature. This may be mainly due to the fact, illustrated in this article, that in contrast to the Markovian case, the time evolution of the reduced density matrix of the system (or the reduced quantum master equation) alone is not sufficient to calculate the two-time system operator CFs of non-Markovian open systems. The two-time CFs obtained using the recently derived evolution equations in the weak system-environment coupling case for this non-Markovian pure-dephasing model happen to be the same as those obtained from the exact evaluation. However, these results significantly differ from the non-Markovian two-time CFs obtained by wrongly directly applying the quantum regression theorem (QRT), a useful procedure to calculate the two-time CFs for weak-coupling Markovian open systems. This demonstrates clearly that the recently derived evolution equations generalize correctly the QRT to non-Markovian finite-temperature cases. It is believed that these evolution equations will have applications in many different branches of physics.

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اقرأ أيضاً

119 - Hsi-Sheng Goan , Po-Wen Chen , 2011
An extremely useful evolution equation that allows systematically calculating the two-time correlation functions (CFs) of system operators for non-Markovian open (dissipative) quantum systems is derived. The derivation is based on perturbative quantu m master equation approach, so non-Markovian open quantum system models that are not exactly solvable can use our derived evolution equation to easily obtain their two-time CFs of system operators, valid to second order in the system-environment interaction. Since the form and nature of the Hamiltonian are not specified in our derived evolution equation, our evolution equation is applicable for bosonic and/or fermionic environments and can be applied to a wide range of system-environment models with any factorized (separable) system-environment initial states (pure or mixed). When applied to a general model of a system coupled to a finite-temperature bosonic environment with a system coupling operator L in the system-environment interaction Hamiltonian, the resultant evolution equation is valid for both L = L^+ and L eq L^+ cases, in contrast to those evolution equations valid only for L = L^+ case in the literature. The derived equation that generalizes the quantum regression theorem (QRT) to the non-Markovian case will have broad applications in many different branches of physics. We then give conditions on which the QRT holds in the weak system-environment coupling case, and apply the derived evolution equation to a problem of a two-level system (atom) coupled to a finite-temperature bosonic environment (electromagnetic fields) with L eq L^+.
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160 - Benjamin Doyon , Adam Gamsa 2007
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