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Observation of anisotropic effect of antiferromagnetic ordering on the superconducting gap in ErNi2B2C

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 نشر من قبل Yu. G. Naidyuk
 تاريخ النشر 2010
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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The point-contact (PC) spectra of the Andreev reflection dV/dI curves of the superconducting rare-earth nickel borocarbide ErNi2B2C (Tc=11 K) have been analyzed in the one-gap and two-gap approximations using the generalized Blonder-Tinkham-Klapwijk (GBTK) model and the Beloborodko (BB) model allowing for the pair-breaking effect of magnetic impurities. Experimental and calculated curves have been compared not only in shape, but in magnitude as well, which provide more reliable data for determining the temperature dependence of the energy gap (or superconducting order parameter) Delta(T). The anisotropic effect of antiferromagnetic ordering at T_N =6 K on the superconducting gap/order parameter has been determined: as the temperature is lowered, Delta(T) decreases by 25% in the c-direction and only by 4% in the ab-plane. It is found that the pair-breaking parameter increases in the vicinity of the magnetic transitions, the increase being more pronounced in the c-direction. The efficiency of the models was tested for providing Delta(T) data for ErNi2B2C from Andreev reflection spectra.

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232 - T. Baba , T. Yokoya , S. Tsuda 2008
We have performed temperature (T) - dependent laser-photoemission spectroscopy of antiferromagnetic (AF) superconductor ErNi2B2C to study the electronic-structure evolution reflecting the interplay between antiferromagnetism and superconductivity. Th e spectra at the superconducting (SC) phase show a very broad spectral shape. T-dependent SC gap shows a sudden deviation from the BCS prediction just below TN. This observation can be well explained by the theoretical model and thus represents characteristic bulk electronic structure of the AF SC phase for the first time.
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352 - Defa Liu , Cong Li , Jianwei Huang 2018
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