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Thermodynamic transition associated with irregularly ordered ground states in a lattice gas model

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 نشر من قبل Shin-Ichi Sasa
 تاريخ النشر 2010
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English
 تأليف Shin-ichi Sasa

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A two-dimensional lattice gas model is proposed. The ground state of this model with a fixed density is neither periodic nor quasi-periodic. It also depends on system size in an irregular manner. On the other hand, it is ordered in the sense that the entropy density is zero in the thermodynamic limit. The existence of a thermodynamic transition associated with such irregularly ordered ground states is conjectured from a duality relation for a thermodynamic function. This conjecture is supported by a phenomenological argument and numerical experiments.

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132 - F. W. S. Lima , U. L. Fulco , 2004
The stationary critical properties of the isotropic majority vote model on random lattices with quenched connectivity disorder are calculated by using Monte Carlo simulations and finite size analysis. The critical exponents $gamma$ and $beta$ are fou nd to be different from those of the Ising and majority vote on the square lattice model and the critical noise parameter is found to be $q_{c}=0.117pm0.005$.
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333 - H Chamati , S Romano 2007
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