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Nanostructures in p-GaAs with improved tunability

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 نشر من قبل Mikl\\'os Csontos Dr.
 تاريخ النشر 2010
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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A nano-fabrication technique is presented which enables the fabrication of highly tunable devices on p-type, C-doped GaAs/AlGaAs heterostructures containing shallow two-dimensional hole systems. The high tunability of these structures is provided by the complementary electrostatic effects of intrinsic in-plane gates and evaporated metallic top-gates. Quantum point contacts fabricated with this technique were tested by electrical conductance spectroscopy.

قيم البحث

اقرأ أيضاً

A novel spin-spin coupling mechanism that occurs during the transport of spin-polarized minority electrons in semiconductors is described. Unlike the Coulomb spin drag, this coupling arises from the ambipolar electric field which is created by the di fferential movement of the photoelectrons and the photoholes. Like the Coulomb spin drag, it is a pure spin coupling that does not affect charge diffusion. Experimentally, the coupling is studied in $p^+$ GaAs using polarized microluminescence. The coupling manifests itself as an excitation power dependent reduction in the spin polarization at the excitation spot textit{without} any change of the spatially averaged spin polarization.
Difficulties in obtaining high-performance p-type transistors and gate insulator charge-trapping effects present two major challenges for III-V complementary metal-oxide semiconductor (CMOS) electronics. We report a p-GaAs nanowire metal-semiconducto r field-effect transistor (MESFET) that eliminates the need for a gate insulator by exploiting the Schottky barrier at the metal-GaAs interface. Our device beats the best-performing p-GaSb nanowire metal-oxide-semiconductor field effect transistor (MOSFET), giving a typical sub-threshold swing of 62 mV/dec, within 4% of the thermal limit, on-off ratio $sim 10^{5}$, on-resistance ~700 k$Omega$, contact resistance ~30 k$Omega$, peak transconductance 1.2 $mu$S/$mu$m and high-fidelity ac operation at frequencies up to 10 kHz. The device consists of a GaAs nanowire with an undoped core and heavily Be-doped shell. We carefully etch back the nanowire at the gate locations to obtain Schottky-barrier insulated gates whilst leaving the doped shell intact at the contacts to obtain low contact resistance. Our device opens a path to all-GaAs nanowire MESFET complementary circuits with simplified fabrication and improved performance.
Low-temperature electrical conductance spectroscopy measurements of quantum point contacts implemented in p-type GaAs/AlGaAs heterostructures are used to study the Zeeman splitting of 1D subbands for both in-plane and out-of-plane magnetic field orie ntations. The resulting in-plane g-factors agree qualitatively with those of previous experiments on quantum wires while the quantitative differences can be understood in terms of the enhanced quasi-1D confinement anisotropy. The influence of confinement potential on the anisotropy is discussed and an estimate for the out-of-plane g-factor is obtained which, in contrast to previous experiments, is closer to the theoretical prediction.
173 - Y. Komijani , M. Csontos , T. Ihn 2008
A quantum dot fabricated by scanning probe oxidation lithography on a p-type, C-doped GaAs/AlGaAs heterostructure is investigated by low temperature electrical conductance measurements. Clear Coulomb blockade oscillations are observed and analyzed in terms of sequential tunneling through the single-particle levels of the dot at T_hole = 185 mK. The charging energies as large as 2 meV evaluated from Coulomb diamond measurements together with the well resolved single-hole excited state lines in the charge stability diagram indicate that the dot is operated with a small number of confined particles close to the ultimate single-hole regime.
345 - B. Grbic , R. Leturcq , T. Ihn 2007
Strong spin-orbit interaction characteristic for p-type GaAs systems, makes such systems promising for the realization of spintronic devices. Here we report on transport measurements in nanostructures fabricated on p-type, C-doped GaAs heterostructur es by scanning probe oxidation lithography. We observe conductance quantization in a quantum point contact, as well as pronounced Coulomb resonances in two quantum dots with different geometries. Charging energies for both dots, extracted from Coulomb diamond measurements are in agreement with the lithographic dimensions of the dots. The absence of excited states in Coulomb diamond measurements indicates that the dots are in the multi-level transport regime.
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