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Probing onset of strong localization and electron-electron interactions with the presence of direct insulator-quantum Hall transition

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 نشر من قبل Chi-Te Liang
 تاريخ النشر 2010
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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We have performed low-temperature transport measurements on a disordered two-dimensional electron system (2DES). Features of the strong localization leading to the quantum Hall effect are observed after the 2DES undergoes a direct insulator-quantum Hall transition with increasing the perpendicular magnetic field. However, such a transition does not correspond to the onset of strong localization. The temperature dependences of the Hall resistivity and Hall conductivity reveal the importance of the electron-electron interaction effects to the observed transition in our study.

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اقرأ أيضاً

Magneto-transport measurements are performed on the two-dimensional electron system (2DES) in an AlGaAs/GaAs heterostructure. By increasing the magnetic field perpendicular to the 2DES, magnetoresistivity oscillations due to Landau quantisation can b e identified just near the direct insulator-quantum Hall (I-QH) transition. However, different mobilities are obtained from the oscillations and transition point. Our study shows that the direct I-QH transition does not always correspond to the onset of strong localisation.
We have performed magnetotransport measurements on a multi-layer graphene flake. At the crossing magnetic field Bc, an approximately temperature-independent point in the measured longitudinal resistivity, which is ascribed to the direct insulator-qua ntum Hall (I-QH) transition, is observed. By analyzing the amplitudes of the magnetoresistivity oscillations, we are able to measure the quantum mobility of our device. It is found that at the direct I-QH transition, the product of the quantum mobility and is about 0.37 which is considerably smaller than 1. In contrast, at Bc, the longitudinal resistivity is close to the Hall resistivity, i.e., the product of the classical mobility and the crossing field is about 1. Therefore our results suggest that different mobilities need to be introduced for the direct I-QH transition observed in multi-layered graphene. Combined with existing experimental results obtained in various material systems, our data obtained on graphene suggest that the direct I-QH transition is a universal effect in 2D.
93 - Lee C. Bassett 2019
In the integer quantum Hall (IQH) regime, an antidot provides a finite, controllable `edge of quantum Hall fluid that is an ideal laboratory for investigating the collective dynamics of large numbers of interacting electrons. Transport measurements o f single antidots probe the excitation spectra of the antidot edge, and gate-defined antidot devices offer the flexibility to vary both the antidots dimensions and its couplings to extended IQH edge modes which serve as leads. We also use the spin-selectivity of the IQH edge modes to perform spin-resolved transport measurements, from which we can infer the antidot spin-structure. This thesis describes a combination of such transport experiments and related computational models designed to investigate the effects of electron-electron interactions in quantum antidots, with general implications for the physics of spin and charge in IQH systems.
Electron-electron interactions (EEIs) in 2D van der Waals structures is one of the topics with high current interest in physics. We report the observation of a negative parabolic magnetoresistance (MR) in multilayer 2D semiconductor InSe beyond the l ow-field weak localization/antilocalization regime, and provide evidence for the EEI origin of this MR behavior. Further, we analyze this negative parabolic MR and other observed quantum transport signatures of EEIs (temperature dependent conductance and Hall coefficient) within the framework of Fermi liquid theory and extract the gate voltage tunable Fermi liquid parameter $F_0^sigma$ which quantifies the electron spin-exchange interaction strength.
103 - J. Eom , H. Cho , W. Kang 2000
Experiments on a nearly spin degenerate two-dimensional electron system reveals unusual hysteretic and relaxational transport in the fractional quantum Hall effect regime. The transition between the spin-polarized (with fill fraction $ u = 1/3$) and spin-unpolarized ($ u = 2/5$) states is accompanied by a complicated series of hysteresis loops reminiscent of a classical ferromagnet. In correlation with the hysteresis, magnetoresistance can either grow or decay logarithmically in time with remarkable persistence and does not saturate. In contrast to the established models of relaxation, the relaxation rate exhibits an anomalous divergence as temperature is reduced. These results indicate the presence of novel two-dimensional ferromagnetism with a complicated magnetic domain dynamic.
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