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Star formation and UV colors of the brightest Cluster Galaxies in the representative XMM-Newton Cluster Structure Survey

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 نشر من قبل Megan Donahue
 تاريخ النشر 2010
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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We present UV broadband photometry and optical emission-line measurements for a sample of 32 Brightest Cluster Galaxies (BCGs) in clusters of the Representative XMM-Newton Cluster Structure Survey (REXCESS) with z = 0.06-0.18. The REXCESS clusters, chosen to study scaling relations in clusters of galaxies, have X-ray measurements of high quality. The trends of star formation and BCG colors with BCG and host properties can be investigated with this sample. The UV photometry comes from the XMM Optical Monitor, supplemented by existing archival GALEX photometry. We detected Halpha and forbidden line emission in 7 (22%) of these BCGs, in optical spectra. All of the emission-line BCGs occupy clusters classified as cool cores, for an emission-line incidence rate of 70% for BCGs in cool core clusters. Significant correlations between the Halpha equivalent widths, excess UV production in the BCG, and the presence of dense, X-ray bright intracluster gas with a short cooling time are seen, including the fact that all of the Halpha emitters inhabit systems with short central cooling times and high central ICM densities. Estimates of the star formation rates based on Halpha and UV excesses are consistent with each other in these 7 systems, ranging from 0.1-8 solar masses per year. The incidence of emission-line BCGs in the REXCESS sample is intermediate, somewhat lower than in other X-ray selected samples (-35%), and somewhat higher than but statistically consistent with optically selected, slightly lower redshift BCG samples (-10-15%). The UV-optical colors (UVW1-R-4.7pm0.3) of REXCESS BCGs without strong optical emission lines are consistent with those predicted from templates and observations of ellipticals dominated by old stellar populations. We see no trend in UV-optical colors with optical luminosity, R-K color, X-ray temperature, redshift, or offset between X-ray centroid and X-ray peak (<w>).

قيم البحث

اقرأ أيضاً

We present a study of the structural and scaling properties of the gas distributions in the intracluster medium (ICM) of 31 nearby (z < 0.2) clusters observed with XMM-Newton, which together comprise the Representative XMM-Newton Cluster Structure Su rvey (REXCESS). In contrast to previous studies, this sample is unbiased with respect to cluster dynamical state, and it fully samples the cluster X-ray luminosity function. The clusters cover a temperature range of 2.0 -- 8.5 keV and possess a variety of morphologies. The sampling strategy allows us to compare clusters with a wide range of central cooling times on an equal footing. We present non-parametric gas-density profiles out to distances ranging between 0.8 R_500 and 1.5 R_500. The central gas densities differ greatly from system to system, with no clear correlation with system temperature. At intermediate radii the scaled density profiles show much less scatter, with a clear dependence on system temperature, consistent with the presence of an entropy excess as suggested in previous literature. However, at large scaled radii this dependence becomes weaker: clusters with kT > 3 keV scale self-similarly, with no temperature dependence of gas-density normalisation. We find some evidence of a correlation between dynamical state and outer gas density slope, and between dynamical state and both central gas normalisation and cooling time. We find no evidence of a significant bimodality in the distributions of central density, density gradient, or cooling time. Finally, we present the gas mass-temperature relation for the REXCESS sample, which is consistent with the expectation of self-similar scaling modified by the presence of an entropy excess in the inner regions of the cluster, and has a logarithmic intrinsic scatter of ~10%.
This paper is part of a series devoted to the investigation of a large sample of brightest cluster galaxies (BCGs), their properties and the relationships between these and the properties of the host clusters. In this paper, we compare the stellar po pulation properties derived from high signal-to-noise, optical long-slit spectra with the GALEX ultraviolet (UV) colour measurements for 36 nearby BCGs to understand the diversity in the most rapidly evolving feature in old stellar systems, the UV-upturn. We investigate: (1) the possible differences between the UV-upturn of BCGs and those of a control sample of ordinary ellipticals in the same mass range, as well as possible correlations between the UV-upturn and other general properties of the galaxies; (2) possible correlations between the UV-upturn and the properties of the host clusters; (3) recently proposed scenarios where helium-sedimentation in the cluster centre can produce an enhanced UV-upturn. We find systematic differences between the UV-colours of BCGs and ordinary ellipticals, but we do not find correlations between these colours and the properties of the host clusters. Furthermore, the observations do not support the predictions made by the helium-sedimentation model as an enhancer of the UV-upturn.
151 - Megan Donahue 2009
I discuss and review recent studies of the signatures of activity in brightest cluster galaxies. Mid-IR spectra appear to show indications of star formation in a sample of 9 BCGs from de Messieres et al. (2009). Other processes like cosmic ray heatin g and conduction may play a role. The incidence of emission-line BCGs in X-ray selected clusters is higher than in optically-selected clusters, and higher still in systems known to be cool cores. We report early results of a UV and H-alpha survey of the BCGs in the REXCESS sample, which reveals that this sample has an interestingly low number of emission-line or UV excess systems. [Note added post facto: fainter emission-line sources discovered this summer increasses the rate to 22%.]
We present deep J and Ks band photometry of 20 high redshift galaxy clusters between z=0.8-1.5, 19 of which are observed with the MOIRCS instrument on the Subaru Telescope. By using near-infrared light as a proxy for stellar mass we find the surprisi ng result that the average stellar mass of Brightest Cluster Galaxies (BCGs) has remained constant at ~9e11MSol since z~1.5. We investigate the effect on this result of differing star formation histories generated by three well known and independent stellar population codes and find it to be robust for reasonable, physically motivated choices of age and metallicity. By performing Monte Carlo simulations we find that the result is unaffected by any correlation between BCG mass and cluster mass in either the observed or model clusters. The large stellar masses imply that the assemblage of these galaxies took place at the same time as the initial burst of star formation. This result leads us to conclude that dry merging has had little effect on the average stellar mass of BCGs over the last 9-10 Gyr in stark contrast to the predictions of semi-analytic models, based on the hierarchical merging of dark matter haloes, which predict a more protracted mass build up over a Hubble time. We discuss however that there is potential for reconciliation between observation and theory if there is a significant growth of material in the intracluster light over the same period.
We used broad-band imaging data for 10 cool-core brightest cluster galaxies (BCGs) and conducted a Bayesian analysis using stellar population synthesis to determine the likely properties of the constituent stellar populations. Determination of ongoin g star formation rates (SFRs), in particular, has a direct impact on our understanding of the cooling of the intracluster medium (ICM), star formation and AGN-regulated feedback. Our model consists of an old stellar population and a series of young stellar components. We calculated marginalized posterior probability distributions for various model parameters and obtained 68% plausible intervals from them. The 68% plausible interval on the SFRs is broad, owing to a wide range of models that are capable of fitting the data, which also explains the wide dispersion in the star formation rates available in the literature. The ranges of possible SFRs are robust and highlight the strength in such a Bayesian analysis. The SFRs are correlated with the X-ray mass deposition rates (the former are factors of 4 to 50 lower than the latter), implying a picture where the cooling of the ICM is a contributing factor to star formation in cool-core BCGs. We find that 9 out of 10 BCGs have been experiencing starbursts since 6 Gyr ago. While four out of 9 BCGs seem to require continuous SFRs, 5 out of 9 seem to require periodic star formation on intervals ranging from 20 Myr to 200 Myr. This time scale is similar to the cooling-time of the ICM in the central (< 5 kpc) regions.
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