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Photometric search of orbital periods in symbiotic stars

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 نشر من قبل Magdalena Maria
 تاريخ النشر 2010
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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We present UBVRI photometry of three symbiotic stars ZZ CMi, TX CVn and AG Peg carried out from 1997 to 2008 in Piwnice Observatory near Torun. To search orbital periods of these stars Fourier analysis was used. For two of them, TX CVn and AG Peg, we have confirmed the earlier known periods. For ZZ CMi we found a relatively short period 218.59 days. Assuming, that the orbital period is twice longer (P=437.18 days), the double sine wave in the light curve can be interpreted by ellipsoidal effect.

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اقرأ أيضاً

82 - J. Merc , R. Galis , M. Wolf 2021
Symbiotic stars belong to a group of interacting binaries that display a wide variety of phenomena, including prominent outbursts connected with mass transfer, as well as stellar winds, jets, eclipses, or intrinsic variability of the components. Doze ns of new symbiotic stars and candidates have been discovered in recent years. However, there are many objects which are still poorly studied. Some symbiotic candidates suspected in the literature have never been studied spectroscopically. In this contribution, we present the first results of the ongoing campaign focused on symbiotic candidates. In the first paper in the series, we study the nature of ten candidate classical symbiotic stars suspected based on their photometric behaviour, colours or abundance pattern. To confirm or reject the symbiotic nature of the studied candidates, we obtained new spectra and analysed them in detail together with available multi-frequency photometric and spectroscopic observations of the objects. Hen 3-860 and V2204 Oph are genuine symbiotic systems showing typical spectral features of burning symbiotic stars and outbursts in the last 100 years. The first object belongs to the uncommon group of eclipsing symbiotic stars. V1988 Sgr cannot be classified as a genuine burning symbiotic star, but the scenario of an accreting-only symbiotic system cannot be ruled out. Hen 4-204 might be a bona-fide symbiotic star due to its similarity with the known symbiotic binary BD Cam. Six other symbiotic candidates (V562 Lyr, IRAS 19050+0001, EC 19249-7343, V1017 Cyg, PN K1-6, V379 Peg) are either single dwarf or giant stars or non-symbiotic binaries.
Many characteristics of dwarf carbon stars are broadly consistent with a binary origin, including mass transfer from an evolved companion. While the population overall appears to have old-disc or halo kinematics, roughly 2$,$per cent of these stars e xhibit H$alpha$ emission, which in low-mass main-sequence stars is generally associated with rotation and relative youth. Its presence in an older population therefore suggests either irradiation or spin-up. This study presents time-series analyses of photometric and radial-velocity data for seven dwarf carbon stars with H$alpha$ emission. All are shown to have photometric periods in the range 0.2--5.2$,$d, and orbital periods of similar length, consistent with tidal synchronisation. It is hypothesised that dwarf carbon stars with emission lines are the result of close-binary evolution, indicating that low-mass, metal-weak or metal-poor stars can accrete substantial material prior to entering a common-envelope phase.
122 - Yael Naze 2015
Galactic stars belonging to the Of?p category are all strongly magnetic objects exhibiting rotationally modulated spectral and photometric changes on timescales of weeks to years. Five candidate Of?p stars in the Magellanic Clouds have been discovere d, notably in the context of ongoing surveys of their massive star populations. Here we describe an investigation of their photometric behaviour, revealing significant variability in all studied objects on timescales of one week to more than four years, including clearly periodic variations for three of them. Their spectral characteristics along with these photometric changes provide further support for the hypothesis that these are strongly magnetized O stars, analogous to the Of?p stars in the Galaxy.
72 - Ulisse Munari 2019
Any white dwarf or neutron star that accretes enough material from a red giant companion, such that this interaction can be detected at some wavelength, is currently termed Symbiotic Star (typical P(orb)=2-3 years). In the majority of ~400 known syst ems, the WD burns nuclearly at its surface the accreted material, and the resulting high temperature (T(eff)=10(^5)~K) and luminosity (L(hot)=10(^3)-10(^4) Lsun) allow ionization of a large fraction of the cool giants wind, making such symbiotic stars easily recognizable through the whole Galaxy and across the Local Group. X-ray observations are now revealing the existence of a parallel (and larger ?) population of optically-quiet, accreting-only symbiotic stars. Accretion flows and disks, ionization fronts and shock, complex 3D geometries and new evolution channels are gaining relevance and are reshaping our understanding of symbiotic stars. We review the different types of symbiotic stars currently in the family and their variegated outburst behaviors through an unified evolution scheme connecting them all.
Until recently, symbiotic binary systems in which a white dwarf accretes from a red giant were thought to be mainly a soft X-ray population. Here we describe the detection with the X-ray Telescope (XRT) on the Swift satellite of nine white dwarf symb iotics that were not previously known to be X-ray sources and one that had previously been detected as a supersoft X-ray source. The nine new X-ray detections were the result of a survey of 41 symbiotic stars, and they increase the number of symbiotic stars known to be X-ray sources by approximately 30%. The Swift/XRT telescope detected all of the new X-ray sources at energies greater than 2 keV. Their X-ray spectra are consistent with thermal emission and fall naturally into three distinct groups. The first group contains those sources with a single, highly absorbed hard component that we identify as probably coming from an accretion-disk boundary layer. The second group is composed of those sources with a single, soft X-ray spectral component that probably originates in a region where low-velocity shocks produce X-ray emission, i.e., a colliding-wind region. The third group consists of those sources with both hard and soft X-ray spectral components. We also find that unlike in the optical, where rapid, stochastic brightness variations from the accretion disk typically are not seen, detectable UV flickering is a common property of symbiotic stars. Supporting our physical interpretation of the two X-ray spectral components, simultaneous Swift UV photometry shows that symbiotic stars with harder X-ray emission tend to have stronger UV flickering, which is usually associated with accretion through a disk. To place these new observations in the context of previous work on X-ray emission from symbiotic star.............
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