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New System for Secure Cover File of Hidden Data in the Image Page within Executable File Using Statistical Steganography Techniques

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 نشر من قبل Rdv Ijcsis
 تاريخ النشر 2010
  مجال البحث الهندسة المعلوماتية
والبحث باللغة English

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A Previously traditional methods were sufficient to protect the information, since it is simplicity in the past does not need complicated methods but with the progress of information technology, it become easy to attack systems, and detection of encryption methods became necessary to find ways parallel with the differing methods used by hackers, so the embedding methods could be under surveillance from system managers in an organization that requires the high level of security. This fact requires researches on new hiding methods and cover objects which hidden information is embedded in. It is the result from the researches to embed information in executable files, but when will use the executable file for cover they have many challenges must be taken into consideration which is any changes made to the file will be firstly detected by untie viruses, secondly the functionality of the file is not still functioning. In this paper, a new information hiding system is presented. The aim of the proposed system is to hide information (data file) within image page of execution file (EXEfile) to make sure changes made to the file will not be detected by universe and the functionality of the exe.file is still functioning after hiding process. Meanwhile, since the cover file might be used to identify hiding information, the proposed system considers overcoming this dilemma by using the execution file as a cover file.

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Security and memory management are the major demands for electronics devices like ipods, cell phones, pmps, iphones and digital cameras. In this paper, we have suggested a high level of security mechanism by considering the concept of steganography a long with the principle of cryptography. Four different methods that can save a considerable amount of memory space have been discussed. Based on these methods, we have constructed secured stego image creator and secured multi image viewer in Microsoft platform so as to provide high level of security and using less memory space for storage of image files in the above said electronic devices
Register Files (RFs) are the most frequently accessed memories in a microprocessor for fast and efficient computation and control logic. Segment registers and control registers are especially critical for maintaining the CPU mode of execution that de terminesthe access privileges. In this work, we explore the vulnerabilities in RF and propose a class of hardware Trojans which can inject faults during read or retention mode. The Trojan trigger is activated if one pre-selected address of L1 data-cache is hammered for certain number of times. The trigger evades post-silicon test since the required number of hammering to trigger is significantly high even under process and temperature variation. Once activated, the trigger can deliver payloads to cause Bitcell Corruption (BC) and inject read error by Read Port (RP) and Local Bitline (LBL). We model the Trojan in GEM5 architectural simulator performing a privilege escalation. We propose countermeasures such as read verification leveraging multiport feature, securing control and segment registers by hashing and L1 address obfuscation.
Flow cytometry is a technology that rapidly measures antigen-based markers associated to cells in a cell population. Although analysis of flow cytometry data has traditionally considered one or two markers at a time, there has been increasing interes t in multidimensional analysis. However, flow cytometers are limited in the number of markers they can jointly observe, which is typically a fraction of the number of markers of interest. For this reason, practitioners often perform multiple assays based on different, overlapping combinations of markers. In this paper, we address the challenge of imputing the high dimensional jointly distributed values of marker attributes based on overlapping marginal observations. We show that simple nearest neighbor based imputation can lead to spurious subpopulations in the imputed data, and introduce an alternative approach based on nearest neighbor imputation restricted to a cells subpopulation. This requires us to perform clustering with missing data, which we address with a mixture model approach and novel EM algorithm. Since mixture model fitting may be ill-posed, we also develop techniques to initialize the EM algorithm using domain knowledge. We demonstrate our approach on real flow cytometry data.
The threat from ransomware continues to grow both in the number of affected victims as well as the cost incurred by the people and organisations impacted in a successful attack. In the majority of cases, once a victim has been attacked there remain o nly two courses of action open to them; either pay the ransom or lose their data. One common behaviour shared between all crypto ransomware strains is that at some point during their execution they will attempt to encrypt the users files. Previous research Penrose et al. (2013); Zhao et al. (2011) has highlighted the difficulty in differentiating between compressed and encrypted files using Shannon entropy as both file types exhibit similar values. One of the experiments described in this paper shows a unique characteristic for the Shannon entropy of encrypted file header fragments. This characteristic was used to differentiate between encrypted files and other high entropy files such as archives. This discovery was leveraged in the development of a file classification model that used the differential area between the entropy curve of a file under analysis and one generated from random data. When comparing the entropy plot values of a file under analysis against one generated by a file containing purely random numbers, the greater the correlation of the plots is, the higher the confidence that the file under analysis contains encrypted data.
Steganography is a process that hides secrete message or secrete hologram or secrete video or secrete image whose mere presence within the source data should be undetectable and use for transmitting secret information over public media. Visual crypto graphy is a cryptographic technique in which no cryptographic computation is needed at the decryption end and the decryption is performed by the human visual system (HVS). In this paper, both Steganography and visual cryptography have been selected to provide more secure data transmission over the public media with less hazard of computation. This technique generates shares with less space overhead as well as without increasing the computational complexity compared to existing techniques and may provide better security. It is also easy to implement like other techniques of visual cryptography. Finally, experimental results are given to establish the security criteria.

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