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Structure and electronic properties of epitaxial graphene grown on SiC

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 نشر من قبل Michael Sprinkle
 تاريخ النشر 2010
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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We review progress in developing epitaxial graphene as a material for carbon electronics. In particular, improvements in epitaxial graphene growth, interface control and the understanding of multilayer epitaxial graphenes electronic properties are discussed. Although graphene grown on both polar faces of SiC is addressed, our discussions will focus on graphene grown on the (000-1) C-face of SiC. The unique properties of C-face multilayer epitaxial graphene have become apparent. These films behave electronically like a stack of nearly independent graphene sheets rather than a thin Bernal-stacked graphite sample. The origin of multilayer graphenes electronic behavior is its unique highly-ordered stacking of non-Bernal rotated graphene planes. While these rotations do not significantly affect the inter-layer interactions, they do break the stacking symmetry of graphite. It is this broken symmetry that causes each sheet to behave like an isolated graphene plane.

قيم البحث

اقرأ أيضاً

We present a structural analysis of the graphene-4HSiC(0001) interface using surface x-ray reflectivity. We find that the interface is composed of an extended reconstruction of two SiC bilayers. The interface directly below the first graphene sheet i s an extended layer that is more than twice the thickness of a bulk SiC bilayer (~1.7A compared to 0.63A). The distance from this interface layer to the first graphene sheet is much smaller than the graphite interlayer spacing but larger than the same distance measured for graphene grown on the (000-1) surface, as predicted previously by ab intio calculations.
An in vacuo thermal desorption process has been accomplished to form epitaxial graphene (EG) on 4H- and 6H-SiC substrates using a commercial chemical vapor deposition reactor. Correlation of growth conditions and the morphology and electrical propert ies of EG are described. Raman spectra of EG on Si-face samples were dominated by monolayer thickness. This approach was used to grow EG on 50 mm SiC wafers that were subsequently fabricated into field effect transistors with fmax of 14 GHz.
The effect of oxygen adsorption on the local structure and electronic properties of monolayer graphene grown on SiC(0001) has been studied by means of Low Energy Electron Microscopy (LEEM), microprobe Low Energy Electron Diffraction (muLEED) and micr oprobe Angle Resolved Photoemission (muARPES). We show that the buffer layer of epitaxial graphene on SiC(0001) is partially decoupled after oxidation. The monitoring of the oxidation process demonstrates that the oxygen saturates the Si dangling bonds, breaks some Si-C bonds at the interface and intercalates the graphene layer. Accurate control over the oxidation parameters enables us to tune the charge density modulation in the layer.
We report that the {pi}-electrons of graphene can be spin-polarized to create a phase with a significant spin-orbit gap at the Dirac point (DP) using a graphene-interfaced topological insulator hybrid material. We have grown epitaxial Bi2Te2Se (BTS) films on a chemical vapor deposition (CVD) graphene. We observe two linear surface bands both from the CVD graphene notably flattened and BTS coexisting with their DPs separated by 0.53 eV in the photoemission data measured with synchrotron photons. We further demonstrate that the separation between the two DPs, {Delta}D-D, can be artificially fine-tuned by adjusting the amount of Cs atoms adsorbed on the graphene to a value as small as {Delta}D-D = 0.12 eV to find any proximity effect induced by the DPs. Our density functional theory calculation shows a spin-orbit gap of ~20 meV in the {pi}-band enhanced by three orders of magnitude from that of a pristine graphene, and a concomitant phase transition from a semi-metallic to a quantum spin Hall phase when {Delta}D-D $leq$ 0.20 eV. We thus present a practical means of spin-polarizing the {pi}-band of graphene, which can be pivotal to advance the graphene-based spintronics.
Recent transport measurements on thin graphite films grown on SiC show large coherence lengths and anomalous integer quantum Hall effects expected for isolated graphene sheets. This is the case eventhough the layer-substrate epitaxy of these films im plies a strong interface bond that should induce perturbations in the graphene electronic structure. Our DFT calculations confirm this strong substrate-graphite bond in the first adsorbed carbon layer that prevents any graphitic electronic properties for this layer. However, the graphitic nature of the film is recovered by the second and third absorbed layers. This effect is seen in both the (0001)and $(000bar{1})$ 4H SiC surfaces. We also present evidence of a charge transfer that depends on the interface geometry. It causes the graphene to be doped and gives rise to a gap opening at the Dirac point after 3 carbon layers are deposited in agreement with recent ARPES experiments (T.Ohta et al, Science {bf 313} (2006) 951).
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