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A Schwinger-boson approach to the kagome with Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interactions: phase diagram and dynamical structure factors

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 نشر من قبل Olivier Cepas
 تاريخ النشر 2009
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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We have obtained the zero-temperature phase diagram of the kagome antiferromagnet with Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interactions in Schwinger-boson mean-field theory. We find quantum phase transitions (first or second order) between different topological spin liquids and Neel ordered phases (either the $sqrt{3} times sqrt{3}$ state or the so-called Q=0 state). In the regime of small Schwinger-boson density, the results bear some resemblances with exact diagonalization results and we briefly discuss some issues of the mean-field treatment. We calculate the equal-time structure factor (and its angular average to allow for a direct comparison with experiments on powder samples), which extends earlier work on the classical kagome to the quantum regime. We also discuss the dynamical structure factors of the topological spin liquid and the Neel ordered phase.

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A preponderance of evidence suggests that the ground state of the nearest-neighbor $S = 1/2$ antiferromagnetic Heisenberg model on the kagome lattice is a gapless spin liquid. Many candidate materials for the realization of this model possess in addi tion a Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya (DM) interaction. We study this system by tensor-network methods and deduce that a weak but finite DM interaction is required to destabilize the gapless spin-liquid state. The critical magnitude, $D_c/J simeq 0.012(2)$, lies well below the DM strength proposed in the kagome material herbertsmithite, indicating a need to reassess the apparent spin-liquid behavior reported in this system.
We have studied the phase diagram and entanglement of the one dimensional Ising model with Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya (DM) interaction. We have applied the quantum renormalization group (QRG) approach to get the stable fixed points, critical point and the scaling of coupling constants. This model has two phases, antiferromagnetic and saturated chiral ones. We have shown that the staggered magnetization is the order parameter of the system and DM interaction produces the chiral order in both phases. We have also implemented the exact diagonalization (Lanczos) method to calculate the static structure factors. The divergence of structure factor at the ordering momentum as the size of systems goes to infinity defines the critical point of the model. Moreover, we have analyzed the relevance of the entanglement in the model which allows us to shed insight on how the critical point is touched as the size of the system becomes large. Nonanalytic behavior of entanglement and finite size scaling have been analyzed which is tightly connected to the critical properties of the model. It is also suggested that a spin-fluid phase has a chiral order in terms of new spin operators which are defined by a nonlocal transformation.
The kagome lattice sits at the crossroad of present research efforts in quantum spin liquids, chiral phases, emergent skyrmion excitations and anomalous Hall effects to name but a few. In light of this diversity, our goal in this paper is to build a unifying picture of the underlying magnetic degrees-of-freedom on kagome. Motivated by a growing mosaic of materials, we especially consider a broad range of nearest-neighbour interactions consisting of Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya as well as anisotropic ferro$-$ and antiferromagnetic coupling. We present a three-fold mapping on the kagome lattice which transforms the celebrated Heisenberg antiferromagnet and XXZ model onto two lines of time-reversal invariant Hamiltonians. The mapping is exact for classical and quantum spins alike, i.e. it preserves the energy spectrum of the original Heisenberg and XXZ models. As a consequence, at the classical level, all phases have an extensive ground-state degeneracy. These ground states support a variety of phenomena such as ferromagnetically induced pinch points in the structure factor and the possibility for spontaneous scalar chirality. For quantum spin$-1/2$, the XXZ model has been recently shown to be a quantum spin liquid. Applying our three-fold mapping to the XXZ model gives rise to a connected network of quantum spin liquids, centered around a paragon of quantum disorder, namely the Ising antiferromagnet. We show that this quantum disorder spreads over an extended region of the phase diagram at linear order in spin wave theory, which overlaps with the parameter region of Herbertsmithite ZnCu$_3$(OH)$_6$Cl$_2$. We conclude this work by discussing the connection of our results to the chiral spin liquids found on kagome with further nearest-neighbour interactions, and to the recently synthesized ternary intermetallic materials.
98 - F. Azizi , H. Rezania 2021
We have theoretically studied the spin structure factors of Heisenberg model on honeycomb lattice in the presence of longitudinal magnetic field, i.e. magnetic field perpendicular to the honeycomb plane, and Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction. The pos sible effects of next nearest neighbor exchange constant are investigated in terms of anisotropy in the Heisenberg interactions. This spatial anisotropy is due to the difference between nearest neighbor exchange coupling constant and next nearest neighbor exchange coupling constant. The original spin model hamiltonian is mapped to a bosonic model via a hard core bosonic transformation where an infinite hard core repulsion is imposed to constrain one boson occupation per site. Using Greens function approach, the energy spectrum of quasiparticle excitation has been obtained. The spectrum of the bosonic gas has been implemented in order to obtain two particle propagator which corresponds to spin structure factor of original Heisenberg chain model Hamiltonian. The results show the position of peak in the dynamical transverse spin structure factor at fixed value for Dzyaloshinskii Moriya interaction moves to higher frequency with magnetic field. Also the intensity of dynamical transverse spin structure factor is not affected by magnetic field. However the Dzyaloshinskii Moriya interaction strength causes to decrease the intensity of dynamical transverse spin structure factor. The increase of magnetic field does not varied the frequency position of peaks in dynamical longitudinal spin susceptibility however the intensity reduces with magnetic field. Our results show static transverse structure factor is found to be monotonically decreasing with magnetic field and temperature for different vlaues of next nearest neighbor coupling exchange constant.
We compute the zero temperature dynamical structure factor $S({bf q},omega)$ of the triangular lattice Heisenberg model (TLHM) using a Schwinger boson approach that includes the Gaussian fluctuations ($1/N$ corrections) of the saddle point solution. While the ground state of this model exhibits a well-known 120$^{circ}$ magnetic ordering, experimental observations have revealed a strong quantum character of the excitation spectrum. We conjecture that this phenomenon arises from the proximity of the ground state of the TLHM to the quantum melting point separating the magnetically ordered and spin liquid states. Within this scenario, magnons are described as collective modes (two spinon-bound states) of a spinon condensate (Higgs phase) that spontaneously breaks the SU(2) symmetry of the TLHM. Crucial to our results is the proper account of this spontaneous symmetry breaking. The main qualitative difference relative to semi-classical treatments ($1/S$ expansion) is the presence of a high-energy spinon continuum extending up to about three times the single-magnon bandwidth. In addition, the magnitude of the ordered moment ($m=0.224$) agrees very well with numerical results and the low energy part of the single-magnon dispersion is in very good agreement with series expansions. Our results indicate that the Schwinger boson approach is an adequate starting point for describing the excitation spectrum of some magnetically ordered compounds that are near the quantum melting point separating this Higgs phase from the {it deconfined} spin liquid state.
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