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Structure of the Solar Dust Corona and its Interaction with the other Coronal Components

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 نشر من قبل Yavor Y. Shopov
 تاريخ النشر 2009
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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We developed a new technique for registration of the far solar corona from ground-based observations at distances comparable to those obtained from space coronagraphs. It makes possible visualization of fine details of studied objects invisible by naked eye. Here we demonstrate that streamers of the electron corona sometimes punch the dust corona and that the shape of the dust corona may vary with time. We obtained several experimental evidences that the far coronal streamers (observed directly only from the space or stratosphere) emit only in discrete regions of the visible spectrum like resonance fluorescence of molecules and ions in comets. We found that interaction of the coronal streamers with the dust corona can produce molecules and radicals, which are known to cause the resonance fluorescence in comets.

قيم البحث

اقرأ أيضاً

64 - Takuya Takahashi 2017
Flare associated coronal shock waves sometimes interact with solar prominences leading to large amplitude prominence oscillations. Such prominence activation gives us unique opportunity to track time evolution of shock-cloud interaction in cosmic pla smas. Although the dynamics of interstellar shock-cloud interaction is extensively studied, coronal shock-solar prominence interaction is rarely studied in the context of shock-cloud interaction. Associated with X5.4 class solar flare occurred on 7 March, 2012, a globally propagated coronal shock wave interacted with a polar prominence leading to large amplitude prominence oscillation. In this paper, we studied bulk acceleration and excitation of internal flow of the shocked prominence using three-dimensional MHD simulations. We studied eight magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) simulation runs with different mass density structure of the prominence, and one hydrodynamic simulation run, and compared the result. In order to compare observed motion of activated prominence with corresponding simulation, we also studied prominence activation by injection of triangular shaped coronal shock. We found that magnetic tension force mainly accelerate (and then decelerate) the prominence. The internal flow, on the other hand, is excited during the shock front sweeps through the the prominence and damps almost exponentially. We construct phenomenological model of bulk momentum transfer from shock to the prominence, which agreed quantitatively with all the simulation results. Based on the phenomenological prominence-activation model, we diagnosed physical parameters of coronal shock wave. The estimated energy of the coronal shock is several percent of total energy released during the X5.4 flare.
The solar corona is a template to understand stellar activity. The Sun is a moderately active star, and its corona differs from active stars: active stellar coronae have a double-peaked EM(T) with the hot peak at 8-20 MK, while the non flaring solar corona has one peak at 1-2 MK. We study the average contribution of flares to the solar EM(T) to investigate indirectly the hypothesis that the hot peak of the EM(T) of active stellar coronae is due to a large number of unresolved solar-like flares, and to infer properties on the flare distribution from nano- to macro-flares. We measure the disk-integrated time-averaged emission measure, EM_F(T), of an unbiased sample of solar flares analyzing uninterrupted GOES/XRS light curves over time intervals of one month. We obtain the EM_Q(T) of quiescent corona for the same time intervals from the Yohkoh/SXT data. To investigate how EM_F(T) and EM_Q(T) vary with the solar cycle, we evaluate them at different phases of the cycle (from Dec. 1991 to Apr. 1998). Irrespective of the solar cycle phase, EM_F(T) appears like a peak of the distribution significantly larger than the values of EM_Q(T) for T~5-10 MK. As a result the time-averaged EM(T) of the whole solar corona is double-peaked, with the hot peak, due to time-averaged flares, located at temperature similar of that of active stars, but less enhanced. The EM_F(T) shape supports the hypothesis that the hot EM(T) peak of active coronae is due to unresolved solar-like flares. If this is the case, quiescent and flare components should follow different scaling laws for increasing stellar activity. In the assumption that the heating of the corona is entirely due to flares, from nano- to macro-flares, then either the flare distribution or the confined plasma response to flares, or both, are bimodal.
Measuring the temperature structure of the solar atmosphere is critical to understanding how it is heated to high temperatures. Unfortunately, the temperature of the upper atmosphere cannot be observed directly, but must be inferred from spectrally r esolved observations of individual emission lines that span a wide range of temperatures. Such observations are inverted to determine the distribution of plasma temperatures along the line of sight. This inversion is ill-posed and, in the absence of regularization, tends to produce wildly oscillatory solutions. We introduce the application of sparse Bayesian inference to the problem of inferring the temperature structure of the solar corona. Within a Bayesian framework a preference for solutions that utilize a minimum number of basis functions can be encoded into the prior and many ad hoc assumptions can be avoided. We demonstrate the efficacy of the Bayesian approach by considering a test library of 40 assumed temperature distributions.
We carry out a study of the global three-dimensional (3D) structure of the electron density and temperature of the quiescent inner solar corona ($r<1.25 R_odot$) by means of tomographic reconstructions and magnetohydrodynamic simulations. We use diff erential emission measure tomography (DEMT) and the Alfven Wave Solar Model (AWSoM), in their late
Visible coronal structure, in particular the spatial evolution of coronal streamers, provides indirect information about solar magnetic activity and the underlying solar dynamo. Their apparent absence of structure observed during the total eclipses o f throughout the Maunder Minimum has been interpreted as evidence of a significant change in the solar magnetic field from that during modern cycles. Eclipse observations available from the more recent Dalton Minimum may be able to provide further information, sunspot activity being between the levels seen during recent cycles and in the Maunder Minimum. Here, we show and examine two graphical records of the total solar eclipse on 1806 June 16, during the Dalton Minimum. These records show significant rays and streamers around an inner ring. The ring is estimated to be ~ 0.44 R_S in width and the streamers in excess of 11.88 R_S in length. In combination with records of spicules or prominences, these eclipse records visually contrast the Dalton Minimum with the Maunder Minimum in terms of their coronal structure and support the existing discussions based on the sunspot observations. These eclipse records are broadly consistent with the solar cycle phase in the modelled open solar flux and the reconstructed slow solar wind at most latitudes.
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