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Selfinteractions in collections of massless tensor fields with the mixed symmetry (3,1) and (2,2)

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 نشر من قبل Solange Odile Saliu
 تاريخ النشر 2009
  مجال البحث
والبحث باللغة English

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Under the hypotheses of analyticity, locality, Lorentz covariance, and Poincare invariance of the deformations, combined with the requirement that the interaction vertices contain at most two spatiotemporal derivatives of the fields, we investigate the consistent selfinteractions that can be added to a collection of massless tensor fields with the mixed symmetry (3,1) and respectively (2,2). The computations are done with the help of the deformation theory based on a cohomological approach, in the context of the antifield-BRST formalism. Our result is that no selfinteractions that deform the original gauge transformations emerge. In the case of the collection of (2,2) tensor fields it is possible to add a sum of cosmological terms to the free Lagrangian.

قيم البحث

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Under the hypotheses of analyticity, locality, Lorentz covariance, and Poincare invariance of the deformations, combined with the requirement that the interaction vertices contain at most two space-time derivatives of the fields, we investigate the c onsistent cross-couplings between two collections of tensor fields with the mixed symmetries of the type (3,1) and (2,2). The computations are done with the help of the deformation theory based on a cohomological approach in the context of the antifield-BRST formalism. Our results can be synthesized in: 1. there appear consistent cross-couplings between the two types of field collections at order one and two in the coupling constant such that some of the gauge generators and of the reducibility functions are deformed, and 2. the existence or not of cross-couplings among different fields with the mixed symmetry of the Riemann tensor depends on the indefinite or respectively positive-definite behaviour of the quadratic form defined by the kinetic terms from the free Lagrangian.
We elaborate on the ambient space approach to boundary values of $AdS_{d+1}$ gauge fields and apply it to massless fields of mixed-symmetry type. In the most interesting case of odd-dimensional bulk the respective leading boundary values are conforma l gauge fields subject to the invariant equations. Our approach gives a manifestly conformal and gauge covariant formulation for these fields. Although such formulation employs numerous auxiliary fields, it comes with a systematic procedure for their elimination that results in a more concise formulation involving only a reasonable set of auxiliaries, which eventually (at least in principle) can be reduced to the minimal formulation in terms of the irreducible Lorentz tensors. The simplest mixed-symmetry field, namely, the rank-3 tensor associated to the two-row Young diagram, is considered in some details.
Massive and massless potentials play an essential role in the perturbative formulation of particle interactions. Many difficulties arise due to the indefinite metric in gauge theoretic approaches, or the increase with the spin of the UV dimension of massive potentials. All these problems can be evaded in one stroke: modify the potentials by suitable terms that leave unchanged the field strengths, but are not polynomial in the momenta. This feature implies a weaker localization property: the potentials are string-localized. In this setting, several old issues can be solved directly in the physical Hilbert space of the respective particles: We can control the separation of helicities in the massless limit of higher spin fields and conversely we recover massive potentials with 2s+1 degrees of freedom by a smooth deformation of the massless potentials (fattening). We construct stress-energy tensors for massless fields of any helicity (thus evading the Weinberg-Witten theorem). We arrive at a simple understanding of the van Dam-Veltman-Zakharov discontinuity concerning, e.g., the distinction between a massless or a very light graviton. Finally, the use of string-localized fields opens new perspectives for interacting quantum field theories with, e.g., vector bosons or gravitons.
We study the minimal unitary representation (minrep) of SO(4,2) over an Hilbert space of functions of three variables, obtained by quantizing its quasiconformal action on a five dimensional space. The minrep of SO(4,2), which coincides with the minre p of SU(2,2) similarly constructed, corresponds to a massless conformal scalar in four spacetime dimensions. There exists a one-parameter family of deformations of the minrep of SU(2,2). For positive (negative) integer values of the deformation parameter zeta one obtains positive energy unitary irreducible representations corresponding to massless conformal fields transforming in (0,zeta/2) ((-zeta/2,0)) representation of the SL(2,C) subgroup. We construct the supersymmetric extensions of the minrep of SU(2,2) and its deformations to those of SU(2,2|N). The minimal unitary supermultiplet of SU(2,2|4), in the undeformed case, simply corresponds to the massless N=4 Yang-Mills supermultiplet in four dimensions. For each given non-zero integer value of zeta, one obtains a unique supermultiplet of massless conformal fields of higher spin. For SU(2,2|4) these supermultiplets are simply the doubleton supermultiplets studied in arXiv:hep-th/9806042.
Under the hypotheses of analyticity, locality, Lorentz covariance, and Poincare invariance of the deformations, combined with the requirement that the interaction vertices contain at most two spatiotemporal derivatives of the fields, we investigate t he consistent interactions between a single massless tensor field with the mixed symmetry (3,1) and one massless tensor field with the mixed symmetry (2,2). The computations are done with the help of the deformation theory based on a cohomological approach, in the context of the antifield-BRST formalism. Our result is that dual linearized gravity in D=6 gets coupled to a purely spin-two field with the mixed symmetry of the Riemann tensor such that both the gauge transformations and first-order reducibility relations in the (3,1) sector are changed, but not the gauge algebra.
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