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Scintillation Pulse Shape Discrimination in a Two-Phase Xenon Time Projection Chamber

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 نشر من قبل John Kwong
 تاريخ النشر 2009
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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The energy and electric field dependence of pulse shape discrimination in liquid xenon have been measured in a 10 gm two-phase xenon time projection chamber. We have demonstrated the use of the pulse shape and charge-to-light ratio simultaneously to obtain a leakage below that achievable by either discriminant alone. A Monte Carlo is used to show that the dominant fluctuation in the pulse shape quantity is statistical in nature, and project the performance of these techniques in larger detectors. Although the performance is generally weak at low energies relevant to elastic WIMP recoil searches, the pulse shape can be used in probing for higher energy inelastic WIMP recoils.

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166 - K.Ueshima , K.Abe , K.Hiraide 2011
In a dedicated test setup at the Kamioka Observatory we studied pulse shape discrimination (PSD) in liquid xenon (LXe) for dark matter searches. PSD in LXe was based on the observation that scintillation light from electron events was emitted over a longer period of time than that of nuclear recoil events, and our method used a simple ratio of early to total scintillation light emission in a single scintillation event. Requiring an efficiency of 50% for nuclear recoil retention we reduced the electron background to 7.7pm1.1(stat)pm1.2 0.6(sys)times10-2 at energies between 4.8 and 7.2 keVee and to 7.7pm2.8(stat)pm2.5 2.8(sys)times10-3 at energies between 9.6 and 12 keVee for a scintillation light yield of 20.9 p.e./keV. Further study was done by masking some of that light to reduce this yield to 4.6 p.e./keV, the same method results in an electron event reduction of 2.4pm0.2(stat)pm0.3 0.2(sys)times10-1 for the lower of the energy regions above. We also observe that in contrast to nuclear recoils the fluctuations in our early to total ratio for electron events are larger than expected from statistical fluctuations.
We present a comprehensive analysis of electronic recoil vs. nuclear recoil discrimination in liquid/gas xenon time projection chambers, using calibration data from the 2013 and 2014-16 runs of the Large Underground Xenon (LUX) experiment. We observe strong charge-to-light discrimination enhancement with increased event energy. For events with S1 = 120 detected photons, i.e. equivalent to a nuclear recoil energy of $sim$100 keV, we observe an electronic recoil background acceptance of $<10^{-5}$ at a nuclear recoil signal acceptance of 50%. We also observe modest electric field dependence of the discrimination power, which peaks at a field of around 300 V/cm over the range of fields explored in this study (50-500 V/cm). In the WIMP search region of S1 = 1-80 phd, the minimum electronic recoil leakage we observe is ${(7.3pm0.6)times10^{-4}}$, which is obtained for a drift field of 240-290 V/cm. Pulse shape discrimination is utilized to improve our results, and we find that, at low energies and low fields, there is an additional reduction in background leakage by a factor of up to 3. We develop an empirical model for recombination fluctuations which, when used alongside the Noble Element Scintillation Technique (NEST) simulation package, correctly reproduces the skewness of the electronic recoil data. We use this updated simulation to study the width of the electronic recoil band, finding that its dominant contribution comes from electron-ion recombination fluctuations, followed in magnitude of contribution by fluctuations in the S1 signal, fluctuations in the S2 signal, and fluctuations in the total number of quanta produced for a given energy deposition.
153 - Qing Lin , Yuehuan Wei , Jie Bao 2013
Dual phase Xenon Time Projection Chambers (XeTPCs) are being used by several experiments as a promising technique for direct detection of dark matter. We report on the design and performance of a small 3-D sensitive dual phase XeTPC. The position res olution is 2 mm in the center of detector, limited by the hole size of the mesh at the proportional scintillation region. An energy resolution of 1.6%({sigma} /E) for 662 keV gamma rays is achieved by combining the ionization and scintillation signals at a drift field of 0.5 kV/cm. This represents the best energy resolution achieved among liquid xenon detectors. The energy resolution is only slightly dependent on drift field. Better than 2% energy resolution ({sigma} /E) for 662 keV gamma rays can be achieved for drift fields between 100 V/cm and 2 kV/cm. With high position and energy resolutions, a dual phase XeTPC has also potential applications in surveys for neutrinoless double-beta decay and in gamma ray imaging.
The GERDA experiment located at the LNGS searches for neutrinoless double beta (0 ubetabeta) decay of ^{76}Ge using germanium diodes as source and detector. In Phase I of the experiment eight semi-coaxial and five BEGe type detectors have been deploy ed. The latter type is used in this field of research for the first time. All detectors are made from material with enriched ^{76}Ge fraction. The experimental sensitivity can be improved by analyzing the pulse shape of the detector signals with the aim to reject background events. This paper documents the algorithms developed before the data of Phase I were unblinded. The double escape peak (DEP) and Compton edge events of 2.615 MeV gamma rays from ^{208}Tl decays as well as 2 ubetabeta decays of ^{76}Ge are used as proxies for 0 ubetabeta decay. For BEGe detectors the chosen selection is based on a single pulse shape parameter. It accepts 0.92$pm$0.02 of signal-like events while about 80% of the background events at Q_{betabeta}=2039 keV are rejected. For semi-coaxial detectors three analyses are developed. The one based on an artificial neural network is used for the search of 0 ubetabeta decay. It retains 90% of DEP events and rejects about half of the events around Q_{betabeta}. The 2 ubetabeta events have an efficiency of 0.85pm0.02 and the one for 0 ubetabeta decays is estimated to be 0.90^{+0.05}_{-0.09}. A second analysis uses a likelihood approach trained on Compton edge events. The third approach uses two pulse shape parameters. The latter two methods confirm the classification of the neural network since about 90% of the data events rejected by the neural network are also removed by both of them. In general, the selection efficiency extracted from DEP events agrees well with those determined from Compton edge events or from 2 ubetabeta decays.
Weakly Interacting Massive Particles (WIMPs) are a leading candidate for dark matter and are expected to produce nuclear recoil (NR) events within liquid xenon time-projection chambers. We present a measurement of the scintillation timing characteris tics of liquid xenon in the LUX dark matter detector and develop a pulse shape discriminant to be used for particle identification. To accurately measure the timing characteristics, we develop a template-fitting method to reconstruct the detection times of photons. Analyzing calibration data collected during the 2013-16 LUX WIMP search, we provide a new measurement of the singlet-to-triplet scintillation ratio for electron recoils (ER) below 46~keV, and we make a first-ever measurement of the NR singlet-to-triplet ratio at recoil energies below 74~keV. We exploit the difference of the photon time spectra for NR and ER events by using a prompt fraction discrimination parameter, which is optimized using calibration data to have the least number of ER events that occur in a 50% NR acceptance region. We then demonstrate how this discriminant can be used in conjunction with the charge-to-light discrimination to possibly improve the signal-to-noise ratio for nuclear recoils.
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