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A New Solution for the Dispersive Element in Astronomical Spectrographs

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 نشر من قبل Judith G. Cohen
 تاريخ النشر 2009
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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We present a new solution for the dispersive element in astronomical spectrographs, which in many cases can provide an upgrade path to enhance the spectral resolution of existing moderate-resolution reflection-grating spectrographs. We demonstrate that in the case of LRIS-R at the Keck 1 Telescope a spectral resolution of 18,000 can be achieved with reasonable throughput under good seeing conditions.

قيم البحث

اقرأ أيضاً

Precise wavelength calibration is a critical issue for high-resolution spectroscopic observations. The ideal calibration source should be able to provide a very stable and dense grid of evenly distributed spectral lines of constant intensity. A new m ethod which satisfies all mentioned conditions has been developed by our group. The approach is to actively measure the exact position of a single spectral line of a Fabry-Perot etalon with very high precision with a wavelength-tuneable laser and compare it to an extremely stable wavelength standard. The ideal choice of standard is the D2 absorption line of Rubidium, which has been used as an optical frequency standard for decades. With this technique, the problem of stable wavelength calibration of spectrographs becomes a problem of how reliably we can measure and anchor one etalon line to the Rb transition. In this work we present our self-built module for Rb saturated absorption spectroscopy and discuss its stability.
With the aim of utilizing arrayed waveguide gratings for multi-object spectroscopy in the field of astronomy, we outline several ways in which standard telecommunications grade chips should be modified. In particular, by removing the parabolic-horn t aper or multimode interference coupler, and injecting with an optical fiber directly, the resolving power was increased threefold from 2400 pm 200 (spectral resolution of 0.63 pm 0.2 nm) to 7000 pm 700 (0.22 pm 0.02 nm) while attaining a throughput of 77 pm 5%. More importantly, the removal of the taper enabled simultaneous off-axis injection from multiple fibers, significantly increasing the number of spectra that can be obtained at once (i.e. the observing efficiency). Here we report that ~ 12 fibers can be injected simultaneously within the free spectral range of our device, with a 20% reduction in resolving power for fibers placed at 0.8 mm off centre.
121 - Eran O. Ofek 2019
I present a software tool for solving the astrometry of astronomical images. The code puts emphasis on robustness against failures for correctly matching the sources in the image to a reference catalog, and on the stability of the solutions over the field of view (e.g., using orthogonal polynomials for the fitted transformation). The code was tested on over 50,000 images from various sources, including the Palomar Transient Factory (PTF) and the Zwicky Transient Facility (ZTF). The tested images equally represent low and high Galactic latitude fields and exhibit failure/bad-solution rate of <2x10^-5. Running on PTF 60-s integration images, and using the GAIA-DR2 as a reference catalog, the typical two-axes-combined astrometric root-mean square (RMS) is 14 mas at the bright end, presumably due to astrometric scintillation noise and systematic errors. I discuss the effects of seeing, airmass and the order of the transformation on the astrometric accuracy. The software, available online, is developed in MATLAB as part of an astronomical image processing environment and it can be run also as a stand-alone code.
The study of Earth-mass extrasolar planets via the radial-velocity technique and the measurement of the potential cosmological variability of fundamental constants call for very-high-precision spectroscopy at the level of $updeltalambda/lambda<10^{-9 }$. Wavelength accuracy is obtained by providing two fundamental ingredients: 1) an absolute and information-rich wavelength source and 2) the ability of the spectrograph and its data reduction of transferring the reference scale (wavelengths) to a measurement scale (detector pixels) in a repeatable manner. The goal of this work is to improve the wavelength calibration accuracy of the HARPS spectrograph by combining the absolute spectral reference provided by the emission lines of a thorium-argon hollow-cathode lamp (HCL) with the spectrally rich and precise spectral information of a Fabry-Perot-based calibration source. On the basis of calibration frames acquired each night since the Fabry-Perot etalon was installed on HARPS in 2011, we construct a combined wavelength solution which fits simultaneously the thorium emission lines and the Fabry-Perot lines. The combined fit is anchored to the absolute thorium wavelengths, which provide the `zero-point of the spectrograph, while the Fabry-Perot lines are used to improve the (spectrally) local precision. The obtained wavelength solution is verified for auto-consistency and tested against a solution obtained using the HARPS Laser-Frequency Comb (LFC). The combined thorium+Fabry-Perot wavelength solution shows significantly better performances compared to the thorium-only calibration. The presented techniques will therefore be used in the new HARPS and HARPS-N pipeline, and will be exported to the ESPRESSO spectrograph.
Raman scattering enables unforeseen uses for the laser guide-star system of the Very Large Telescope. Here, we present the observation of one up-link sodium laser beam acquired with the ESPRESSO spectrograph at a resolution $lambda/Deltalambda sim 14 0000$. In 900s on-source, we detect the pure rotational Raman lines of $^{16}$O$_2$, $^{14}$N$_2$, and $^{14}$N$^{15}$N (tentatively) up to rotational quantum numbers $J$ of 27, 24, and 9, respectively. We detect the $^{16}$O$_2$ fine-structure lines induced by the interaction of the electronic spin textbf{S} and end-over-end rotational angular momentum textbf{N} in the electronic ground state of this molecule up to $N=9$. The same spectrum also reveals the $ u_{1leftarrow0}$ rotational-vibrational Q-branch for $^{16}$O$_2$ and $^{14}$N$_2$. These observations demonstrate the potential of using laser guide-star systems as accurate calibration sources for characterizing new astronomical spectrographs.
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